38PH Galley Counter removal for Re-insulating Refrigerator

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Geoffrey Ferrell

Jul 18, 2023, 2:45:39 PM7/18/23
to caborico
Does anyone have experience / knowledge of the structure under the countertop and what it takes to remove it? (or an easier way to re-insulate the stdb side?)

Callae Jane
Hartges West River MD.

Mickey Panayiotakis

Jul 18, 2023, 2:47:52 PM7/18/23
to cabo...@googlegroups.com
Geoff--so that's your PH at Hartges I motored past a few weeks ago!  
What year? I have some knowledge of teh 38 non-PH version ca 1980, but I think yours is newer and a different design.


Mickey Panayiotakis 
202-451-0318 or schedule a call if you prefer

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Geoffrey Ferrell

Jul 18, 2023, 3:52:07 PM7/18/23
to caborico
yep, I'm at the end of D dock. 
Are you Dragon? (a 38 that is deep in Hartges, by the lift slip, I think just got her brightwork done (gorgeous) ). 

I'm thinking (assuming) that the Galley is the same. Come to think of it, that's not too likely. (but the countertop installation shouldn't be too different - for a 1991 ish boat anyway.)  I've been using the stfb side as a cooler/storage. The port side is working fine but small and the insulation can't be great either. 


mickey panayiotakis

Jul 19, 2023, 10:59:58 AM7/19/23
to cabo...@googlegroups.com
Hi Geoff
No, not Dragon. I'm on Bahia--was there for a few days mid-June. I'm in Galesville Wednesdays so if you're around I can take a look and see if similar--or if you're in Annapolis you can drop by Bahia.


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