[C320-list] Installing a Linear AP / Backissue of Mainsheet Magazine

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Tim Van de Water via C320-list

Sep 27, 2024, 2:28:59 PM9/27/24
to c320...@lists.catalina320.com, Tim Van de Water
I am looking at installing a linear AP on my 320. I understand there was a
technical article in the June 2013 issue (from my internet search). Does
anyone have a copy of that to share? I contacted Mainsheet Magazine and
they said they don't have it and suggested I contact the association.

Also looking for any advice / experience from this forum on this job! Any
lessons learned on placement of the rudder sensor, the computer, the
compass, etc...

Thanks in advance.

*Tim Van de Water*

*SV Coda 1998 #537*404.790.2208

Troy Dunn via C320-list

Sep 27, 2024, 5:29:20 PM9/27/24
to C320...@catalina320.com, Troy Dunn
Here's the link the email Jeff Hare sent out regarding his photo album.
There are others with similar photo albums. I’m pretty sure Jeff wrote
that article too so maybe he has that. I don’t see it on the associations

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