Need a hand witht he crtmp server

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Aug 21, 2013, 4:30:49 AM8/21/13
Hello there !

I could need some hand with the installation of the CRTMP Server.

I am a flash developer with low skills in server architecture.

For my project i need a crtmp server at low costs. I followed the resources in the wiki, but having some problems with the installation itself.

/crtmpserver/src/crtmpserver.cpp:210 C++ RTMP Media Server ( versi                                    on 1.1_beta build 795 - Gladiator - (built on 2013-08-21T08:23:17.000)
/crtmpserver/src/crtmpserver.cpp:212 Initialize I/O handlers manager: epoll with                                    out timerfd_XXXX support
/crtmpserver/src/crtmpserver.cpp:215 Configure modules
/crtmpserver/src/crtmpserver.cpp:221 Plug in the default protocol factory
/crtmpserver/src/crtmpserver.cpp:228 Configure factories
/thelib/src/configuration/module.cpp:97 Loaded factory from application samplefa                                    ctory
/crtmpserver/src/crtmpserver.cpp:234 Configure acceptors
/thelib/src/netio/epoll/iohandlermanager.cpp:120 Handlers count changed: 0->1 IO                                    HT_ACCEPTOR
/thelib/src/netio/epoll/iohandlermanager.cpp:120 Handlers count changed: 1->2 IO                                    HT_ACCEPTOR
/thelib/src/netio/epoll/iohandlermanager.cpp:120 Handlers count changed: 2->3 IO                                    HT_ACCEPTOR
/thelib/src/netio/epoll/iohandlermanager.cpp:120 Handlers count changed: 3->4 IO                                    HT_ACCEPTOR
/thelib/src/netio/epoll/iohandlermanager.cpp:120 Handlers count changed: 4->5 IO                                    HT_ACCEPTOR
/thelib/src/netio/epoll/iohandlermanager.cpp:120 Handlers count changed: 5->6 IO                                    HT_ACCEPTOR
/thelib/src/netio/epoll/iohandlermanager.cpp:120 Handlers count changed: 6->7 IO                                    HT_ACCEPTOR
/thelib/src/netio/epoll/iohandlermanager.cpp:120 Handlers count changed: 7->8 IO                                    HT_ACCEPTOR
/thelib/src/netio/epoll/iohandlermanager.cpp:120 Handlers count changed: 8->9 IO                                    HT_ACCEPTOR
/thelib/src/netio/epoll/iohandlermanager.cpp:120 Handlers count changed: 9->10 I                                    OHT_ACCEPTOR
/crtmpserver/src/crtmpserver.cpp:240 Configure instances
/crtmpserver/src/crtmpserver.cpp:246 Start I/O handlers manager: epoll without t                                    imerfd_XXXX support
/crtmpserver/src/crtmpserver.cpp:249 Configure applications
/thelib/src/configuration/module.cpp:177 Application admin instantiated
/thelib/src/configuration/module.cpp:177 Application appselector instantiated
/thelib/src/configuration/module.cpp:177 Application flvplayback instantiated
/thelib/src/mediaformats/readers/streammetadataresolver.cpp:75 mediaFolder not f                                    ound: /Volumes/Storage/media/mp3
/thelib/src/mediaformats/readers/streammetadataresolver.cpp:58 Storage failed to                                     initialize storage 0x00000001
/thelib/src/mediaformats/readers/streammetadataresolver.cpp:75 mediaFolder not f                                    ound: /Volumes/Storage/media/
/thelib/src/mediaformats/readers/streammetadataresolver.cpp:58 Storage failed to                                     initialize storage namedStorage1
/thelib/src/mediaformats/readers/streammetadataresolver.cpp:75 mediaFolder not f                                    ound: /Volumes/Storage/media/mp4
/thelib/src/mediaformats/readers/streammetadataresolver.cpp:58 Storage failed to                                     initialize storage namedStorage2
/thelib/src/mediaformats/readers/streammetadataresolver.cpp:75 mediaFolder not f                                    ound: /Volumes/Storage/media/flv
/thelib/src/mediaformats/readers/streammetadataresolver.cpp:58 Storage failed to                                     initialize storage namedStorage3
/thelib/src/netio/epoll/iohandlermanager.cpp:120 Handlers count changed: 10->11                                     IOHT_TCP_CONNECTOR
/thelib/src/netio/epoll/iohandlermanager.cpp:120 Handlers count changed: 11->12                                     IOHT_TCP_CONNECTOR
/thelib/src/netio/epoll/iohandlermanager.cpp:120 Handlers count changed: 12->13                                     IOHT_TCP_CONNECTOR
/thelib/src/configuration/module.cpp:177 Application proxypublish instantiated
/thelib/src/netio/epoll/iohandlermanager.cpp:120 Handlers count changed: 13->14                                     IOHT_TIMER
/thelib/src/configuration/module.cpp:177 Application samplefactory instantiated
/thelib/src/configuration/module.cpp:177 Application stresstest instantiated
/thelib/src/configuration/module.cpp:177 Application vptests instantiated
/crtmpserver/src/crtmpserver.cpp:255 Install the quit signal
|                                                                     Services|
| c |      ip       | port|   protocol stack name   |     application name    |
|tcp|| 1112|           inboundJsonCli|                    admin|
|tcp|| 1935|              inboundRtmp|              appselector|
|tcp|| 8081|             inboundRtmps|              appselector|
|tcp|| 8080|             inboundRtmpt|              appselector|
|tcp|| 6666|           inboundLiveFlv|              flvplayback|
|tcp|| 9999|             inboundTcpTs|              flvplayback|
|tcp|| 6665|           inboundLiveFlv|             proxypublish|
|tcp|| 8989|         httpEchoProtocol|            samplefactory|
|tcp|| 8988|             echoProtocol|            samplefactory|
|tcp|| 1111|    inboundHttpXmlVariant|                  vptests|
/crtmpserver/src/crtmpserver.cpp:267 GO! GO! GO! (22421)
/thelib/src/netio/epoll/iohandlermanager.cpp:120 Handlers count changed: 14->15 IOHT_TCP_CARRIER
/thelib/src/netio/epoll/iohandlermanager.cpp:130 Handlers count changed: 15->14IOHT_TCP_CONNECTOR
/thelib/src/netio/epoll/iohandlermanager.cpp:120 Handlers count changed: 14->15 IOHT_TCP_CARRIER
/thelib/src/netio/epoll/iohandlermanager.cpp:130 Handlers count changed: 15->14IOHT_TCP_CONNECTOR
/thelib/src/netio/epoll/iohandlermanager.cpp:120 Handlers count changed: 14->15 IOHT_TCP_CARRIER
/thelib/src/netio/epoll/iohandlermanager.cpp:130 Handlers count changed: 15->14IOHT_TCP_CONNECTOR
/common/src/utils/buffering/iobuffer.cpp:110 Unable to read data. Size advertised by network layer was 262144. Permanent error: 2
/thelib/src/netio/epoll/tcpcarrier.cpp:78 Unable to read data. 7 -> CTCP(15) <-> [TCP(2)] <-> RTSP(3)
/thelib/src/netio/epoll/iohandlermanager.cpp:130 Handlers count changed: 14->13 IOHT_TCP_CARRIER
/thelib/src/protocols/protocolmanager.cpp:45 Enqueue for delete for protocol [RTSP(3)]
/thelib/src/application/baseclientapplication.cpp:246 Protocol [RTSP(3)] unregistered from application: flvplayback
/common/src/utils/buffering/iobuffer.cpp:110 Unable to read data. Size advertised by network layer was 262144. Permanent error: 2
/thelib/src/netio/epoll/tcpcarrier.cpp:78 Unable to read data. 6 -> CTCP(16) <-> [TCP(4)] <-> RTSP(5)
/thelib/src/netio/epoll/iohandlermanager.cpp:130 Handlers count changed: 13->12 IOHT_TCP_CARRIER
/thelib/src/protocols/protocolmanager.cpp:45 Enqueue for delete for protocol [RTSP(5)]
/thelib/src/application/baseclientapplication.cpp:246 Protocol [RTSP(5)] unregistered from application: flvplayback
/common/src/utils/buffering/iobuffer.cpp:110 Unable to read data. Size advertised by network layer was 262144. Permanent error: 2
/thelib/src/netio/epoll/tcpcarrier.cpp:78 Unable to read data. -> CTCP(17) <-> [TCP(6)] <-> RTSP(7)
/thelib/src/netio/epoll/iohandlermanager.cpp:130 Handlers count changed: 12->11  IOHT_TCP_CARRIER
/thelib/src/protocols/protocolmanager.cpp:45 Enqueue for delete for protocol [RTSP(7)]
/thelib/src/application/baseclientapplication.cpp:246 Protocol [RTSP(7)] unregistered from application: flvplayback

I simple need a folder where i can upload my .f4v files and stream this over the flash-plugin in the browser.

What should i do, what is needed ?


P.S. i first want to try it as !deamon - later as deamon.

Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted


Aug 21, 2013, 6:02:55 AM8/21/13
12:59 (acum 1 minut)

Are you sure that you are connecting to your crtmpserver on port 1935 ? is this port (1935) open ?
Could you post here, for log stuff please use it is more readable :

1. OS
2. how did you compile crtmpserver
3. crtmpserver.conf (via
4. how you connect to crtmpserver from browser/flash plugin (rtmp://.....)
5. log file when try to connect (use

I simple setup for latest version of crtmpserver you could find here:

best regards

Siam Modi

Aug 23, 2013, 4:21:36 AM8/23/13
1. Debian Squeeze

3. only found crtmpserver.lua

4. not able to connect because server is not running

5. no error file (sorry i am not used to work with c++)

Regarding to 2:

Von: Rani <>
Gesendet: 12:02 Mittwoch, 21.August 2013
Betreff: [rtmpd:6390] Re: Need a hand witht he crtmp server

12:59 (acum 1 minut)

Are you sure that you are connecting to your crtmpserver on port 1935 ? is this port (1935) open ?
Could you post here, for log stuff please use it is more readable :

1. OS
2. how did you compile crtmpserver
3. crtmpserver.conf (via
4. how you connect to crtmpserver from browser/flash plugin (rtmp://.....)
5. log file when try to connect (use

I simple setup for latest version of crtmpserver you could find here: tutorial_basic

best regards

miercuri, 21 august 2013, 11:30:49 UTC+3, ContainerRecords a scris:
Hello there !

I could need some hand with the installation of the CRTMP Server.

I am a flash developer with low skills in server architecture.

For my project i need a crtmp server at low costs. I followed the resources in the wiki, but having some problems with the installation itself.

/crtmpserver/src/crtmpserver. cpp:210 C++ RTMP Media Server ( versi                                     on 1.1_beta build 795 - Gladiator - (built on 2013-08-21T08:23:17.000)
/crtmpserver/src/crtmpserver. cpp:212 Initialize I/O handlers manager: epoll with                                     out timerfd_XXXX support

/crtmpserver/src/crtmpserver. cpp:215 Configure modules
/crtmpserver/src/crtmpserver. cpp:221 Plug in the default protocol factory

/crtmpserver/src/crtmpserver. cpp:228 Configure factories
/thelib/src/configuration/ module.cpp:97 Loaded factory from application samplefa                                     ctory

/crtmpserver/src/crtmpserver. cpp:234 Configure acceptors
/thelib/src/netio/epoll/ iohandlermanager.cpp:120 Handlers count changed: 0->1 IO                                     HT_ACCEPTOR
/thelib/src/netio/epoll/ iohandlermanager.cpp:120 Handlers count changed: 1->2 IO                                     HT_ACCEPTOR
/thelib/src/netio/epoll/ iohandlermanager.cpp:120 Handlers count changed: 2->3 IO                                     HT_ACCEPTOR
/thelib/src/netio/epoll/ iohandlermanager.cpp:120 Handlers count changed: 3->4 IO                                     HT_ACCEPTOR
/thelib/src/netio/epoll/ iohandlermanager.cpp:120 Handlers count changed: 4->5 IO                                     HT_ACCEPTOR
/thelib/src/netio/epoll/ iohandlermanager.cpp:120 Handlers count changed: 5->6 IO                                     HT_ACCEPTOR
/thelib/src/netio/epoll/ iohandlermanager.cpp:120 Handlers count changed: 6->7 IO                                     HT_ACCEPTOR
/thelib/src/netio/epoll/ iohandlermanager.cpp:120 Handlers count changed: 7->8 IO                                     HT_ACCEPTOR
/thelib/src/netio/epoll/ iohandlermanager.cpp:120 Handlers count changed: 8->9 IO                                     HT_ACCEPTOR
/thelib/src/netio/epoll/ iohandlermanager.cpp:120 Handlers count changed: 9->10 I                                     OHT_ACCEPTOR

/crtmpserver/src/crtmpserver. cpp:240 Configure instances
/crtmpserver/src/crtmpserver. cpp:246 Start I/O handlers manager: epoll without t                                     imerfd_XXXX support

/crtmpserver/src/crtmpserver. cpp:249 Configure applications
/thelib/src/configuration/ module.cpp:177 Application admin instantiated
/thelib/src/configuration/ module.cpp:177 Application appselector instantiated
/thelib/src/configuration/ module.cpp:177 Application flvplayback instantiated
/thelib/src/mediaformats/ readers/ streammetadataresolver.cpp:75 mediaFolder not f                                     ound: /Volumes/Storage/media/mp3
/thelib/src/mediaformats/ readers/ streammetadataresolver.cpp:58 Storage failed to                                      initialize storage 0x00000001
/thelib/src/mediaformats/ readers/ streammetadataresolver.cpp:75 mediaFolder not f                                     ound: /Volumes/Storage/media/
/thelib/src/mediaformats/ readers/ streammetadataresolver.cpp:58 Storage failed to                                      initialize storage namedStorage1
/thelib/src/mediaformats/ readers/ streammetadataresolver.cpp:75 mediaFolder not f                                     ound: /Volumes/Storage/media/mp4
/thelib/src/mediaformats/ readers/ streammetadataresolver.cpp:58 Storage failed to                                      initialize storage namedStorage2
/thelib/src/mediaformats/ readers/ streammetadataresolver.cpp:75 mediaFolder not f                                     ound: /Volumes/Storage/media/flv
/thelib/src/mediaformats/ readers/ streammetadataresolver.cpp:58 Storage failed to                                      initialize storage namedStorage3
/thelib/src/netio/epoll/ iohandlermanager.cpp:120 Handlers count changed: 10->11                                      IOHT_TCP_CONNECTOR
/thelib/src/netio/epoll/ iohandlermanager.cpp:120 Handlers count changed: 11->12                                      IOHT_TCP_CONNECTOR
/thelib/src/netio/epoll/ iohandlermanager.cpp:120 Handlers count changed: 12->13                                      IOHT_TCP_CONNECTOR

/thelib/src/configuration/ module.cpp:177 Application proxypublish instantiated
/thelib/src/netio/epoll/ iohandlermanager.cpp:120 Handlers count changed: 13->14                                      IOHT_TIMER

/thelib/src/configuration/ module.cpp:177 Application samplefactory instantiated
/thelib/src/configuration/ module.cpp:177 Application stresstest instantiated
/thelib/src/configuration/ module.cpp:177 Application vptests instantiated
/crtmpserver/src/crtmpserver. cpp:255 Install the quit signal
/crtmpserver/src/crtmpserver. cpp:267 GO! GO! GO! (22421)
/thelib/src/netio/epoll/ iohandlermanager.cpp:120 Handlers count changed: 14->15 IOHT_TCP_CARRIER
/thelib/src/netio/epoll/ iohandlermanager.cpp:130 Handlers count changed: 15->14IOHT_TCP_CONNECTOR
/thelib/src/netio/epoll/ iohandlermanager.cpp:120 Handlers count changed: 14->15 IOHT_TCP_CARRIER
/thelib/src/netio/epoll/ iohandlermanager.cpp:130 Handlers count changed: 15->14IOHT_TCP_CONNECTOR
/thelib/src/netio/epoll/ iohandlermanager.cpp:120 Handlers count changed: 14->15 IOHT_TCP_CARRIER
/thelib/src/netio/epoll/ iohandlermanager.cpp:130 Handlers count changed: 15->14IOHT_TCP_CONNECTOR
/common/src/utils/buffering/ iobuffer.cpp:110 Unable to read data. Size advertised by network layer was 262144. Permanent error: 2
/thelib/src/netio/epoll/ tcpcarrier.cpp:78 Unable to read data. 7 -> CTCP(15) <-> [TCP(2)] <-> RTSP(3)
/thelib/src/netio/epoll/ iohandlermanager.cpp:130 Handlers count changed: 14->13 IOHT_TCP_CARRIER
/thelib/src/protocols/ protocolmanager.cpp:45 Enqueue for delete for protocol [RTSP(3)]
/thelib/src/application/ baseclientapplication.cpp:246 Protocol [RTSP(3)] unregistered from application: flvplayback
/common/src/utils/buffering/ iobuffer.cpp:110 Unable to read data. Size advertised by network layer was 262144. Permanent error: 2
/thelib/src/netio/epoll/ tcpcarrier.cpp:78 Unable to read data. 6 -> CTCP(16) <-> [TCP(4)] <-> RTSP(5)
/thelib/src/netio/epoll/ iohandlermanager.cpp:130 Handlers count changed: 13->12 IOHT_TCP_CARRIER
/thelib/src/protocols/ protocolmanager.cpp:45 Enqueue for delete for protocol [RTSP(5)]
/thelib/src/application/ baseclientapplication.cpp:246 Protocol [RTSP(5)] unregistered from application: flvplayback
/common/src/utils/buffering/ iobuffer.cpp:110 Unable to read data. Size advertised by network layer was 262144. Permanent error: 2
/thelib/src/netio/epoll/ tcpcarrier.cpp:78 Unable to read data. -> CTCP(17) <-> [TCP(6)] <-> RTSP(7)
/thelib/src/netio/epoll/ iohandlermanager.cpp:130 Handlers count changed: 12->11  IOHT_TCP_CARRIER
/thelib/src/protocols/ protocolmanager.cpp:45 Enqueue for delete for protocol [RTSP(7)]
/thelib/src/application/ baseclientapplication.cpp:246 Protocol [RTSP(7)] unregistered from application: flvplayback

I simple need a folder where i can upload my .f4v files and stream this over the flash-plugin in the browser.

What should i do, what is needed ?


P.S. i first want to try it as !deamon - later as deamon.

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Siam Modi

Aug 23, 2013, 4:43:36 AM8/23/13
ahh forgot point 5.

Von: Siam Modi <>
An: "" <>
Gesendet: 10:21 Freitag, 23.August 2013
Betreff: Re: [rtmpd:6390] Re: Need a hand witht he crtmp server

Siam Modi

Aug 23, 2013, 4:50:46 AM8/23/13
Sorry once again me.

I really need only a folder where i can upload my f4v files - and connect this to a Flash player resource.

i do not need any logs, only the possibility to "stream" the video file.

Thx for help !

Gesendet: 10:43 Freitag, 23.August 2013
Betreff: Re: [rtmpd:6391] Re: Need a hand witht he crtmp server
Message has been deleted


Aug 23, 2013, 6:31:01 AM8/23/13
to, Siam Modi

It is crtmpserver.lua... sorry was late in the night :)

Ok, i suggest you to make it very simple and below i will show you the basics for your needs:

1. make a folder /var/rtmpd795 where crtmpserver will run
root # mkdir /var/rtmpd795
2. your media folder could be anywhere into your drive, for example sake will put it under /var/rtmpd795
root # mkdir /var/rtmpd795/media
3. now, we define a basic crtmpserver.lua file: one app (rest of it you do not need), one media folder
root # cd /var/rtmpd795/ && touch crtmpserver.lua
then copy into crtmpserver.lua content from:

now, according to conf file will have to make users.lua file and logs dir
root:var/rtmpd795 # mkdir /var/log/crtmpserver
root:var/rtmpd795 # touch users.lua && 
and put into users.lua:
users= {
        --john="john's password",

your app is called: maya, connecting schema would be:  rtmp://<your_server>/maya/<file_name>.f4v
your logs would be into: /var/log/crtmpserver

4. COMPILE crtmpserver with WHAT WE NEED:
Let's compile it from scratch:
a. get latest trunk files into /usr/rtmpd-795; will  use that dir only for compiling & making rtmpd
root # svn co --username anonymous --password "" /usr/rtmpd-795 && cd /usr/rtmpd-795
root :usr/rtmpd-795 # cd /builders/cmake/
root: usr/rtmpd-795/builders/cmake #

EDIT applications/CMakeLists.txt as FOLLOWS:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6)

ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(flvplayback flvplayback)
ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(appselector appselector)
#ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(samplefactory samplefactory)
#ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(vptests vptests)
#ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(admin admin)
#ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(proxypublish proxypublish)
#ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(stresstest stresstest)
#ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(applestreamingclient applestreamingclient)
#ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(vmapp vmapp)

As you can see you need only basic flvplayback app rest of it are going to be disabled since you do not need them
EDIT RUN and comment last 2 line:
#killall -9 crtmpserver
#./crtmpserver/crtmpserver ./crtmpserver/crtmpserver.lua

NOW we should compile:
root: usr/rtmpd-795/builders/cmake #./run
Now if everything is fine, now compile errors, you MUST to copy onle executable crtmpserver file into our ready-made using directory (/var/rtmpd795):
root: usr/rtmpd-795/builders/cmake # cp crtmpserver/crtmpserver /var/rtmpd795/crtmpserver
THEN MOVE TO READY-MADE clean crtmpserver directory and start it:
root: usr/rtmpd-795/builders/cmake # cd /var/rtmpd795
root: var/rtmpd795 # ./crtmpserver --daemon ./crtmpserver.lua
After started, if nothing is wrong, igone warnings about mediaFolder..

a. to connect to your rtmp server from any flash instances or whatever you following schema:
b. your media folder, streamed and playable one, is located to: /var/rtmpd795/media; put any media files there
For example if you put a wild.f4v file into /var/rtmpd795/media you may access it via following connection schema:

I hope you should understand if not please let me know

best regards

Siam Modi

Aug 23, 2013, 12:56:48 PM8/23/13
ahh me again, wow i first have to decode the CMakeLists.txt (i do not know what happens there) ...

If i understood right i have to edit in the existing file - updating with your data - right ?

CC: Siam Modi <>
Gesendet: 12:31 Freitag, 23.August 2013
Betreff: Re: [rtmpd:6394] Re: Need a hand witht he crtmp server


It is crtmpserver.lua... sorry was late in the night :)

Ok, i suggest you to make it very simple and below i will show you the basics for your needs:

1. make a folder /var/rtmpd795 where crtmpserver will run
root # mkdir /var/rtmpd795
2. your media folder could be anywhere into your drive, for example sake will put it under /var/rtmpd795
root # mkdir /var/rtmpd795/media
3. now, we define a basic crtmpserver.lua file: one app (rest of it you do not need), one media folder
root # cd /var/rtmpd795/ && touch crtmpserver.lua
then copy into crtmpserver.lua content from:

now, according to conf file will have to make users.lua file and logs dir
root:var/rtmpd795 # mkdir /var/log/crtmpserver
root:var/rtmpd795 # touch users.lua && 
and put into users.lua:
users= {
        --john="john's password",

your app is called: maya, connecting schema would be:  rtmp://<your_server>/maya/<file_name>.f4v
your logs would be into: /var/log/crtmpserver

4. COMPILE crtmpserver with WHAT WE NEED:
Let's compile it from scratch:
a. get latest trunk files into /usr/rtmpd-795; will  use that dir only for compiling & making rtmpd
root # svn co --username anonymous --password "" ver/trunk /usr/rtmpd-795 && cd /usr/rtmpd-795

root :usr/rtmpd-795 # cd /builders/cmake/
root: usr/rtmpd-795/builders/cmake #

EDIT applications/CMakeLists.txt as FOLLOWS:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6)


ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(flvplayback flvplayback)
ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(appselector appselector)
#ADD_SUBDIRECTORY( samplefactory samplefactory)

#ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(vptests vptests)
#ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(admin admin)
#ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(proxypublish proxypublish)
#ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(stresstest stresstest)
#ADD_SUBDIRECTORY( applestreamingclient applestreamingclient)

#ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(vmapp vmapp)

As you can see you need only basic flvplayback app rest of it are going to be disabled since you do not need them
EDIT RUN and comment last 2 line:
#killall -9 crtmpserver
#./crtmpserver/crtmpserver ./crtmpserver/crtmpserver.lua

NOW we should compile:
root: usr/rtmpd-795/builders/cmake #./run
Now if everything is fine, now compile errors, you MUST to copy onle executable crtmpserver file into our ready-made using directory (/var/rtmpd795):
root: usr/rtmpd-795/builders/cmake # cp crtmpserver/crtmpserver /var/rtmpd795/crtmpserver
THEN MOVE TO READY-MADE clean crtmpserver directory and start it:
root: usr/rtmpd-795/builders/cmake # cd /var/rtmpd795
root: var/rtmpd795 # ./crtmpserver --daemon ./crtmpserver.lua
After started, if nothing is wrong, igone warnings about mediaFolder..

a. to connect to your rtmp server from any flash instances or whatever you following schema:
rtmp://<your_servr_ip_or_ server_name>/maya/<file_name>. ext
b. your media folder, streamed and playable one, is located to: /var/rtmpd795/media; put any media files there
For example if you put a wild.f4v file into /var/rtmpd795/media you may access it via following connection schema:
rtmp://<your_server_ip_or_ server_name>/maya/wild.f4v


Aug 23, 2013, 4:17:56 PM8/23/13
to, Siam Modi

Yes, that's correct. You could edit existing CMakeLists.txt because only thing you do it that to comment application that you do not want to have compiled.

So your <rtmpd_source_trunk>/builders/cmake/applications/CMakeLists.txt should looks like:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6)

ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(flvplayback flvplayback)
ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(appselector appselector)
#ADD_SUBDIRECTORY( samplefactory samplefactory)
#ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(vptests vptests)
#ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(admin admin)
#ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(proxypublish proxypublish)
#ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(stresstest stresstest)
#ADD_SUBDIRECTORY( applestreamingclient applestreamingclient)
#ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(vmapp vmapp)

best regards

Siam Modi

Aug 23, 2013, 4:24:28 PM8/23/13
Ok, once again me...

i edited the CMakeList.txt. Sorry, had false thought about this.
I compiled the Server with no errors.

After i want to run the server i got following errors.

Any Idea what to do ?
here the full CMakeLists.txt

is the CMakeLists.txt - so correct ?
I have no glue, what is really needed here .

Sorry, that i am being so nooby - but i am willed to learn.

CC: Siam Modi <>
Gesendet: 12:31 Freitag, 23.August 2013
Betreff: Re: [rtmpd:6394] Re: Need a hand witht he crtmp server


It is crtmpserver.lua... sorry was late in the night :)

Ok, i suggest you to make it very simple and below i will show you the basics for your needs:

1. make a folder /var/rtmpd795 where crtmpserver will run
root # mkdir /var/rtmpd795
2. your media folder could be anywhere into your drive, for example sake will put it under /var/rtmpd795
root # mkdir /var/rtmpd795/media
3. now, we define a basic crtmpserver.lua file: one app (rest of it you do not need), one media folder
root # cd /var/rtmpd795/ && touch crtmpserver.lua
then copy into crtmpserver.lua content from:

now, according to conf file will have to make users.lua file and logs dir
root:var/rtmpd795 # mkdir /var/log/crtmpserver
root:var/rtmpd795 # touch users.lua && 
and put into users.lua:
users= {
        --john="john's password",

your app is called: maya, connecting schema would be:  rtmp://<your_server>/maya/<file_name>.f4v
your logs would be into: /var/log/crtmpserver

4. COMPILE crtmpserver with WHAT WE NEED:
Let's compile it from scratch:
a. get latest trunk files into /usr/rtmpd-795; will  use that dir only for compiling & making rtmpd
root # svn co --username anonymous --password "" ver/trunk /usr/rtmpd-795 && cd /usr/rtmpd-795

root :usr/rtmpd-795 # cd /builders/cmake/
root: usr/rtmpd-795/builders/cmake #

EDIT applications/CMakeLists.txt as FOLLOWS:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6)


ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(flvplayback flvplayback)
ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(appselector appselector)
#ADD_SUBDIRECTORY( samplefactory samplefactory)

#ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(vptests vptests)
#ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(admin admin)
#ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(proxypublish proxypublish)
#ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(stresstest stresstest)
#ADD_SUBDIRECTORY( applestreamingclient applestreamingclient)

#ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(vmapp vmapp)

As you can see you need only basic flvplayback app rest of it are going to be disabled since you do not need them
EDIT RUN and comment last 2 line:
#killall -9 crtmpserver
#./crtmpserver/crtmpserver ./crtmpserver/crtmpserver.lua

NOW we should compile:
root: usr/rtmpd-795/builders/cmake #./run
Now if everything is fine, now compile errors, you MUST to copy onle executable crtmpserver file into our ready-made using directory (/var/rtmpd795):
root: usr/rtmpd-795/builders/cmake # cp crtmpserver/crtmpserver /var/rtmpd795/crtmpserver
THEN MOVE TO READY-MADE clean crtmpserver directory and start it:
root: usr/rtmpd-795/builders/cmake # cd /var/rtmpd795
root: var/rtmpd795 # ./crtmpserver --daemon ./crtmpserver.lua
After started, if nothing is wrong, igone warnings about mediaFolder..

a. to connect to your rtmp server from any flash instances or whatever you following schema:
rtmp://<your_servr_ip_or_ server_name>/maya/<file_name>. ext
b. your media folder, streamed and playable one, is located to: /var/rtmpd795/media; put any media files there
For example if you put a wild.f4v file into /var/rtmpd795/media you may access it via following connection schema:
rtmp://<your_server_ip_or_ server_name>/maya/wild.f4v


Aug 23, 2013, 4:49:47 PM8/23/13
to, Siam Modi

1. ... just because:
Unable to bind on address: tcp://; Error was: (98) Address already in use
Seems to me that it is another application running on port 1935 or you have just left out an instance of crtmpserver running.

2. No, we are not talking about same CMakeLists.txt file! Pay attention:
if you have done all the way as in my steps above i am talking about:

best regards

Siam Modi

Feb 19, 2014, 3:05:49 PM2/19/14
Hi there, new server, new problems

Tried this as it was - but got some errors...

here they are

/thelib/src/application/baseclientapplication.cpp:239 Protocol [IH4R(596)] unregistered from application: appselector
/thelib/src/netio/epoll/iohandlermanager.cpp:120 Handlers count changed: 14->15  IOHT_TCP_CARRIER
/thelib/src/netio/epoll/tcpacceptor.cpp:187 Inbound connection accepted: (Far:; Near: CTCP(17) <-> TCP(597) <-> IHTT(59                                           8) <-> [IH4R(599)]
/thelib/src/protocols/http/inboundhttpprotocol.cpp:139 Http version not supported: HTTP/1.0
/thelib/src/protocols/http/basehttpprotocol.cpp:307 Unable to parse the first line
/thelib/src/protocols/http/basehttpprotocol.cpp:153 Unable to read response headers: (Far:; Near: CTCP(17) <-> TCP(597)                                            <-> [IHTT(598)] <-> IH4R(599)
/thelib/src/netio/epoll/tcpcarrier.cpp:91 Unable to read data from connection: ( Far:; Near: CTCP(17) <-> [TCP(597)] <->                                            IHTT(598) <-> IH4R(599). Signaling upper protocols failed
/thelib/src/netio/epoll/iohandlermanager.cpp:130 Handlers count changed: 15->14  IOHT_TCP_CARRIER
/thelib/src/application/baseclientapplication.cpp:239 Protocol [IH4R(599)] unregistered from application: appselector

what should i do ?

Gesendet: 22:24 Freitag, 23.August 2013
Betreff: Re: [rtmpd:6401] Re: Need a hand witht he crtmp server

Siam Modi

Oct 10, 2016, 6:44:28 AM10/10/16
hey guys,

i am running a crtmp server and all is fine.

Since i am using a bitmapdata on the screen, i got the security sandbox violation.

I googled it and found solutions for the Flash media Server and the Red 5 Server.

I do not find anything to the CRTMP Server.

Can someone help me with this ?

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