** Health Security Decoded - July 24, 2023 - White House launches Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy, appoints retired Maj. Gen. Paul Friedrichs to head permanent installment.......

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Jul 25, 2023, 11:17:40 PM7/25/23
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White House launches Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy, appoints retired Maj. Gen. Paul Friedrichs to head permanent installment


The White House on July 21 announced the appointment of retired US Air Force Major General Paul Freidrichs, a military combat surgeon and adviser to the Department of Defense's COVID-19 task force, to head its new Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy, which is charged with leading, coordinating, and implementing actions to prepare for and respond to known and unknown biological threats that could lead to pandemics or significant public health-related disruptions.


Dr. Friedrichs—who recently joined the National Security Council as the senior director for global health security and biodefense—will begin as the office's inaugural director on August 7. In the position, he will be responsible for overseeing and coordinating domestic biosecurity preparedness, next-generation vaccine development, Strategic National Stockpile supplies, and surveillance efforts to detect new biological threats. He will also work with the US Congress to secure pandemic preparedness funding. The office's focus will go beyond taking over the duties of the COVID-19 Response Team and Mpox Team at the White House, to include developing policies and priorities related to threats such as polio, avian and human influenza, and RSV. Public health experts say Dr. Friedrichs is well positioned to successfully serve in the role.


A provision creating the office—the bipartisan PREVENT Pandemics Act—was passed by Congress as part of last year's spending package, and it has been half a year since US President Joe Biden signed it into law. The COVID-19 pandemic made clear that biological agents can pose significant threats to national and global health, security, and economies, and the establishment of the new office signals a more permanent, coordinated, and centralized effort to prepare for and respond to future disease outbreaks.

the related White House fact sheet is at link below:
JULY 21, 2023
FACT SHEET: White House Launches Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy

which includes:
"....the Administration is standing up the Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy (OPPR).
 This will be a permanent office in the Executive Office of the President (EOP)"

a list of and links to all the 17 other organizations in the Executive Office of the President 
is at link below:

Roundup and analysis of the top headlines on health security, pandemic preparedness, COVID-19, and other news from the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security

July 24, 2023


White House launches Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy, appoints retired Maj. Gen. Paul Friedrichs to head permanent installment


The White House on July 21 announced the appointment of retired US Air Force Major General Paul Freidrichs, a military combat surgeon and adviser to the Department of Defense's COVID-19 task force, to head its new Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy, which is charged with leading, coordinating, and implementing actions to prepare for and respond to known and unknown biological threats that could lead to pandemics or significant public health-related disruptions.


Dr. Friedrichs—who recently joined the National Security Council as the senior director for global health security and biodefense—will begin as the office's inaugural director on August 7. In the position, he will be responsible for overseeing and coordinating domestic biosecurity preparedness, next-generation vaccine development, Strategic National Stockpile supplies, and surveillance efforts to detect new biological threats. He will also work with the US Congress to secure pandemic preparedness funding. The office's focus will go beyond taking over the duties of the COVID-19 Response Team and Mpox Team at the White House, to include developing policies and priorities related to threats such as polio, avian and human influenza, and RSV. Public health experts say Dr. Friedrichs is well positioned to successfully serve in the role.


A provision creating the office—the bipartisan PREVENT Pandemics Act—was passed by Congress as part of last year's spending package, and it has been half a year since US President Joe Biden signed it into law. The COVID-19 pandemic made clear that biological agents can pose significant threats to national and global health, security, and economies, and the establishment of the new office signals a more permanent, coordinated, and centralized effort to prepare for and respond to future disease outbreaks.


US Senate HELP Committee advances bipartisan legislation to reauthorize PAHPA


The US Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee voted 17-3 on July 20 to advance a bipartisan bill to reauthorize the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act (PAHPA). Many programs under PAHPA will expire on September 30 unless the US Congress acts. Six Republicans joined the committee's Democrats in voting to approve the 107-page bill, 3 Republicans voted against it, and 1 Republican voted present.


Many consider PAHPA reauthorization critical legislation that must pass this year. Key provisions of the Senate version would bolster the nation’s biosecurity and biosafety, strengthen the Strategic National Stockpile, support innovative technologies like wastewater surveillance, streamline data-sharing between government agencies and private entities, establish an emerging pathogen preparedness program at the US FDA, and reauthorize the medical countermeasure priority review voucher program, among other initiatives.


There was significant debate over an unsuccessful attempt by Sen. Rand Paul to insert an amendment to prohibit funding for gain-of-function research. Several other proposed amendments, such as breaking up the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and making the US CDC director a Senate-confirmed position immediately, did not gain committee approval.


If pandemic accord negotiations fail, world needs backup plans, including regional vaccine manufacturing capabilities, experts say

Health Policy Watch: Lining Up Realistic Solutions if the ‘Holy Grail’ of the Pandemic Accord Fails

The Lancet: Building Africa's first mRNA vaccine facility (paywall)

Gavi: Three things that need to be included in the new Pandemic Accord

Dedicated emerging pathogens team needed at US FDA, senior official says; article examines agency's efforts to battle misinformation

STAT+: FDA official pushes for a dedicated emerging pathogens team to prepare for the next pandemic (paywall)

KFF Health News: FDA Head Robert Califf Battles Misinformation — Sometimes With Fuzzy Facts

US CDC gears up for winter with COVID-19, flu, RSV, as indicators show slight increase in COVID-19 activity

NBC: The CDC is preparing for a winter with '3 bugs out there': Covid, flu and RSV

CIDRAP: Early US indicators show ongoing slight rise in COVID-19 activity

See also: NBC: The new CDC director has a plan to fix the agency’s trust problem

Long COVID 'brain fog' similar to 10 years of aging; 16% of children, adolescents experience long COVID, studies show

The Guardian: ‘Brain fog’ of long Covid comparable to ageing 10 years, study finds

CIDRAP: Study: 1 in 6 kids have persistent COVID symptoms for 3 months after infection

MedPage Today: Long COVID Persists as a Mass Disabling Event (opinion)

Pediatric diabetes incidence increased significantly during COVID-19 pandemic, studies show; researchers working to understand why

Nature: As COVID-19 cases rose, so did diabetes — no one knows why

HCPLive: Rise in Pediatric Diabetes Cases Continued Through Year 2 of COVID-19 Pandemic

Avian influenza deaths among birds estimated to be in millions globally since October 2021

The Guardian: Avian flu may have killed millions of birds globally as outbreak ravages South America

US CDC: H5N1 Bird Flu Found in Polish Domestic Cats

US animal industries need comprehensive regulatory scheme to avoid zoonosis, better protect public health, report says

Harvard Gazette: COVID-19 came from animals. Why aren’t we working to prevent new scourge?

USA Today: The next pandemic could spring from the US meat supply, new report finds

See also: SciTechDaily: Avoid the Next Pandemic – Stay Away From the Bats

Africa CDC reports outline depth of the antimicrobial resistance crisis across continent, make policy recommendations

Africa CDC: Mapping Antimicrobial Resistance and Antimicrobial Use Partnership (MAAP) Country Reports

CIDRAP: Resistance data from 14 African countries show limited testing, antibiotic access

Warmest recorded months on Earth could be sign of nearing climate 'tipping point,' experts warn

The Atlantic: Climate Collapse Could Happen Fast (paywall)

New York Times: For Europe’s Older Population, Heat Is the New Covid (paywall)

Tick habitat is expanding, increasing risks of tickborne diseases among humans

New York Times: What It’s Like to Live With a Tick-Borne Disease (paywall)

CNN: There are ‘more ticks in more places’ — here’s how to avoid these bloodsuckers

Recombinant influenza vaccine provides better overall protection than standard-dose flu vaccine, study suggests

CIDRAP: Study indicates recombinant flu vaccine provides better protection

Precision Vaccinations: Recombinant Flu Shots Provide People Better Protection

US FDA approves Emergent Biosolutions' anthrax vaccine Cyfendus

Reuters: US FDA approves Emergent BioSolutions' anthrax vaccine

Fierce Pharma: Emergent secures FDA nod for anthrax vaccine Cyfendus after supplying the shot for 4 years

New syphilis diagnoses increasing in US; global supply of antibiotic treatment used to treat it, other conditions dwindling

Yahoo! Life: Syphilis cases are skyrocketing across the U.S. Here’s what you need to know.

Devex: Supply of one of the world's oldest antibiotics under threat

See also: Washington Post: A morning-after pill to stop STIs could also make the problem worse


Upcoming hearings and events on Capitol Hill. Click the title for more information:

Business Meeting: Full Committee Markup of Fiscal Year 2024 Defense, Interior and Environment, Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Homeland Security Appropriations Acts. US Senate Appropriations Committee. Thursday, July 27, 2023, 10:30 AM. 106 Dirksen Senate Office Building.

S__, The Primary Care and Health Workforce Expansion Act. US Senate HELP Committee. Wednesday, July 26, 2023, 10:30 AM. 430 Dirksen Senate Office Building.


White House takes important steps to address AI-associated risks, including those related to biosecurity, Center for Health Security Director says

Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security Director Dr. Tom Inglesby applauded the White House and artificial intelligence (AI) industry leaders for taking steps "to help move toward safe, secure, and transparent development of AI technology." See Dr. Inglesby's 2-part tweet here and the White House fact sheet here.

Editors: Alyson Browett, MPH and Rachel A. Vahey, MHS

Contributors: Erin Fink, MS; Vanessa Gregoire, MSc; Amanda Kobokovich, MPH; Aishwarya Nagar, MPH; Christina Potter, MSPH; Matthew Shearer, MPH; Prarthana Vasudevan, MS, MSPH, DrPH (c); and Alex Zhu, MSPH

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