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Scott Parker K7LU

Sep 27, 2019, 5:53:44 PM9/27/19
Anyone who has spent any amount of time spinning the dial of a general coverage receiver is probably familiar with radio station WWV, operated by the National Institute of Standards and Technology.  WWV is a wonderful resource for accurately setting your clocks, checking the accuracy of your rig's frequency calibration and in some circumstances serves as an indicator of propagation (or lack thereof.)

WWV is about to celebrate 100 years of operation and as part of the celebration, special event station WW0WWV will be active from the WWV transmitter site.  Dana, AF7Z and I will be over in Fort Collins tomorrow evening helping to put WW0WWV on the air and it would be great if someone from the club would get on and work us.  That may be something of a challenge as our assigned bands are 30 and 160 meters.  160 is probably out of the question, but since you can't run QRO on 30m anyway, I'm thinking that maybe the rig's internal tuner can dial the dipole in on 30m.  And yes, we'll be operating CW exclusively, but don't be afraid.  I will slow down for you.  I will match your speed.  Our assigned slots for 30m will be Saturday evening 9:00 to 11:00 PM local time.  After that, we'll be going over to 160 for another couple of hours.

If no one wants to give us a shot on 30 CW, at least get on and work WW0WWV somewhere.  There will be four stations operating simultaneously, using all HF bands (except 60m) with a mix of SSB, CW, and FT8.  Most operating slots are staffed, meaning that for the majority of any 24 hour period, all four stations will be on the air.  Should be an easy shot on 40 meters from Provo.

73 DE K7LU

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From: ARRL Web site <>
Date: Thu, Sep 26, 2019 at 6:24 PM
Subject: ARLX010 WWV Centennial Celebration and Special Event Kick Off this Weekend
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ARLX010 WWV Centennial Celebration and Special Event Kick Off this

QST de W1AW 
Special Bulletin 10  ARLX010
From ARRL Headquarters 
Newington CT  September 26, 2019
To all radio amateurs

ARLX010 WWV Centennial Celebration and Special Event Kick Off this

The culmination of months of planning will come to a head this
weekend as the WWV Centennial Celebration and the related WW0WWV
Amateur Radio special event get under way. WW0WWV will begin
operation on Saturday at 0000 UTC and continue through October 2 at
0000 UTC. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST),
the Northern Colorado Amateur Radio Club (NCARC), and the WWV
Amateur Radio Club have teamed up to organize 100th anniversary
events. WW0WWV will be active around the clock on 160 to 6 meters on
CW, SSB, and digital modes (FT8 operation will be Fox and Hound,
except on 160 meters). WW0WWV will operate from the challenging RF
environment at the WWV site near Fort Collins, Colorado. Logs will
be streamed live to Club Log, and all logs will be uploaded to
Logbook of The World (LoTW) after the event ends.

Further details can be found online at, .

WW0WWV committee member Dave Swartz, W0DAS, said he's been
addressing last-minute details and putting out "many little fires."
Swartz is camping out at the WWV site ahead of the special event.

WWV is reputed to be among the oldest - if not the oldest -
continuously operating radio stations in the world. It started out
as an experimental station that eventually became a time and
frequency standard, and WWV often broadcast music in its early
years. WWV served as a beacon for Amateur Radio pioneers, who may
only have had a rough idea of where they were transmitting.  When
they began, early time announcements were in CW. Voice announcements
did not start until 1950. Time announcements used to be every 5
minutes, but WWV switched to announcing the time every 60 seconds in

* W3V East Coast Special Event Will Also Mark WWV Centennial

An unrelated east coast special event, W3V in Maryland, will also
celebrate the 100th anniversary of WWV. Originally an
experimental/demonstration radio station, WWV was licensed to what
then was called the National Bureau of Standards - today NIST - on
October 1, 1919. The transmitter site, initially in the Washington,
DC, suburbs, moved to the grounds of the Agricultural Research
Center (BARC) in Beltsville, Maryland, in the 1930s, before
relocating to Colorado in 1966.

The NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) also was located on the
BARC campus, and the Goddard Amateur Radio Club (GARC) will host the
W3V special event September 28 to  October 2 at the GARC club
station, just north of the old WWV site. It will use the former
WA3NAN space shuttle HF retransmission frequencies of 3.860, 7.185,
14.295, 21.395, and 28.650 MHz, as well as amateur satellites. For
many years, the GARC retransmissions used 100-foot wooden antenna
poles that it inherited from WWV.

As part of the WWV centennial, HamSCI and the Case Amateur Radio
Club of Case Western Reserve University (W8EDU) invites all radio
amateurs and others capable of making highly accurate HF
measurements to participate in the WWV Centennial Festival of
Frequency Measurement. The event will take place on WWV's
centennial, October 1, from 0000 to 2359 UTC (starting on Monday
evening, September 30, in the Americas). Participants are requested
to share their data with the HamSCI community on the Zenodo
data-sharing site.

Information may be found online at, .

Alex Wilson

Sep 27, 2019, 6:31:41 PM9/27/19
Hi Scott,

Not in the club anymore, but I live within viewing distance of WWV in
Wellington, CO. I'll let my local HAM friends know about it. My next
door neighbor has quite the HF setup. Maybe he'll let me 3rd party off
his stuff...

Good luck!

Alex Wilson
(703) 300-2894
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