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Ted via PVRC <pv...@mailman.qth.net>Date: Wed, Apr 11, 2018 at 7:50 AM
Subject: [PVRC] Urban universities with ham radio towers in tall buildings?
ctd...@kkn.netDear all:
> NYU Brooklyn has a tall building (17 stories, the MTA building) for our new engineering building, and I am trying to get an amateur radio tower and antenna on top of the building for resurrection of the NYU amateur radio club. The university administration has given us some good shack space a couple of stories below the roof, and has asked me to benchmark what other urban-based universities do for their amateur radio station tower set-ups, and I am hoping to find other urban schools that have ham towers on top of tall buildings.
> Do you have any ideas of urban college ham clubs with towers on top of tall buildings, and points of contacts?
> This is a bit urgent, as the administration is hesitant to implement my proposed tower location (on top of the building) due to lack of precedent and safety reasons, and there are no alternative sites, and I need to make a case for other urban university installations that the contractor can check with.
> Very grateful if you can send me any known urban-center university ham stations, their tower set up, and a contact person, and please feel free to ask others who might know.
> Thanks,
> Ted Rappaport,
> N9NB
> Sent from smartphone, please excuse typos
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