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There's enough to arrest Hillary now

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Jack Fake

Apr 1, 2018, 1:16:03 PM4/1/18
WASHINGTON – There is enough evidence now to arrest former
Democratic Party presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and send
her to jail, says the president of a well-known government-
watchdog organization.

But Americans shouldn’t hold their breath, because federal
authorities are too consumed with politics, Judicial Watch
President Tom Fitton said in an exclusive interview with WND.

“As far as I am concerned, there is enough to arrest Hillary
Clinton now,” Fitton said bluntly. “And I just want the Justice
Department to finally start enforcing the rule of law.”

Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself from the Russia
investigation, and he also promised to recuse himself from the
Clinton email investigation during his Senate confirmation

“The next person up is [Deputy Attorney General] Rod
Rosenstein,” Fitton said. “What is he doing?”

Many officials at the Justice Department want to prosecute
Clinton, he said, but they haven’t acted because of politics.

“It’s something they want to do now. Maybe they are waiting for
the IG report to come out. The Department of Justice’s Inspector
General is … looking into how the Clinton email investigation
was handled,” Fitton said. “Maybe they will expose the
misconduct there and use that to reopen the investigation in a
serious way.

“Maybe we can give them a month or two for the IG investigation
to come out, but people want justice.”

Still, neither Clinton nor former FBI Director James Comey – who
exonerated Clinton during the investigation of her private email
server before even interviewing her – are likely to face
indictment, despite their brazen disregard for the law, Fitton

Indictment is “unlikely given the way that Washington is being
run these days, certainly out of the Justice Department and FBI
– they are more interested in protecting Hillary and Comey
rather than enforcing the rule of law,” he said.

In the meantime – while it appears Clinton, for now, will not be
prosecuted – President Trump is being targeted by U.S.
intelligence agencies “as if he doesn’t deserve protections of
the law,” Fitton said.

“The concern is that no one is above the law – right now, it’s
like the Obama-Clinton gang are above the law. On the other
hand, no one should be below the law or below any protection of
the law,” he said. “President Trump is being treated as if he
doesn’t deserve the protections of the law. You can do whatever
you want against him if you are the FBI and the Justice
Department, it doesn’t matter.

“That’s got to stop,” he said.

As for the whole Russia investigation, Fitton explained “it’s
only a problem for Donald Trump because of the abuses of power
by the FBI and the Justice Department, [which are] targeting him

“It’s not a problem, because he didn’t do anything wrong. It is
a problem because he is a victim of misconduct by government

As WND has reported, the Clinton campaign and the Democratic
National Committee paid nearly $12 million for the salacious
anti-Trump “dossier,” commissioning former British spy
Christopher Steele to author the political opposition research.

To keep the Clinton campaign’s funding of the dossier secret,
the campaign gave the cash to the law firm Perkins Coie and
classified the payment as compensation for “legal services” in
FEC disclosures.

Two crimes may have committed in this instance. Making a payment
or donation, or trading anything of value with a foreign
national in connection with any election in America is a crime,
according to 52 USC 30121. It’s also a violation to file a false
or misleading campaign report (52 USC 30101).

In October 2017, the Campaign Legal Center filed a complaint
with the Federal Election Commission accusing the Clinton
campaign and the DNC of violating campaign finance laws and
failing to disclose payments made for the anti-Trump dossier.

A Republican memo released this month claimed the FBI based its
FISA court request for a warrant to spy on Trump adviser Carter
Page on the unverified dossier.

Fitton told WND he believes special counsel Robert Mueller
should end his investigation into Trump’s alleged collusion with
Russia, because the probe was spawned by political opposition
research funded by the opposing political party and its

“The Russian collusion investigation – at least with its
targeting of President Trump – its reason for being is being
eliminated because the dossier we now know isn’t worth the paper
it was written on. It’s a Clinton, DNC document,” he said.
“There is no evidence of Russian collusion with Trump – but
[there’s] plenty of evidence that has been pointed out with
Hillary Clinton and the DNC in all of that.”

The Clinton- and DNC-funded dossier claims Trump worked with
Russia. The document states that an “ethnic Russian close
associate of … Trump” said there was a “conspiracy” between the
Trump campaign and Russia. The source claimed Russia hacked the
DNC server and provided the files to WikiLeaks to maintain
“plausible deniability.”

The FBI never actually accessed the DNC server during its
investigation of the alleged hack.

Federal investigators asked the DNC to surrender its allegedly
breached servers to the bureau in July 2016, but the DNC didn’t
comply. As WND reported, the DNC instead hired the cybersecurity
firm CrowdStrike to make a “replica” of all the information on
its server for the bureau.

Former DNC chairwoman Donna Brazile has indicated that the DNC
destroyed the server, the key piece of forensic evidence in
Russia’s suspected interference in the election.

A January 2017 intelligence community assessment, titled
“Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent U.S.
Elections,” contends that Russia meddled in the 2016 election.
The report, which was ordered by former President Obama,
concluded that Russian President Vladimir Putin personally
“ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the U.S.
presidential election” and sought to “denigrate” Clinton while
showing “a clear preference for President-elect Trump,” the New
York Times reported.

The intelligence report – reflecting assessments by the CIA, FBI
and NSA – never indicated how the agencies collected their data
or settled on their conclusions.

The agencies said they believe “with high confidence” that
Russia’s military operations generated a “persona” known as
Guccifer 2.0 and a site,, to dump emails from the
DNC and Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta. Then, according
to the report, Russian operatives relayed the emails to

WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange has insisted Russia wasn’t the
source of the emails leaked by his organization.

If the DNC had allowed the FBI to directly examine its server,
intelligence agencies could determine whether the DNC was
actually hacked and, if so, establish the source of the breach.

While the dossier alleges Trump and the Kremlin conspired and
that Russia is behind the DNC server hacking, hacker Kim Dotcom
claimed murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich helped provide the emails
to WikiLeaks and was developing technologies to expose
corruption and influence of corporate money in politics.

As the Russia probe continues, determining whether the
Democrats’ server was hacked or if it was an inside job should
be a priority for the Justice Department, Fitton told WND.

“There needs to be pressure brought to bear about just how that
DNC server was hacked, if it was hacked at all, whether it was
an inside job or not,” Fitton said. “And, frankly, we can’t
trust the current establishment to get to the bottom of it.

“Mueller isn’t going to get to the bottom of it. This is why the
Justice Department appointees need to step up and take a more
aggressive approach to get to the bottom of all of these issues.”

Fitton has also insisted that Mueller should investigate the
Awan brothers IT scandal as part of the Russian investigation to
see if there is an intersection between the purported DNC hack
and the alleged crime ring on Capitol Hill involving Pakistani-
born Democratic congressional IT aides.

As WND reported, IT staffer Imran Awan, his brothers Abid and
Jamal, and their wives Natalia Sova and Hina Alvi, were highly
paid IT administrators working for dozens of House Democrats
until Capitol Police began probing them in early 2017.

The IT staffers allegedly ran a ghost employee scheme with a
take of nearly $6 million over the years. After wiring
approximately $300,000 to his native Pakistan in July, Imran
Awan was arrested by the FBI at Dulles International Airport. He
was then indicted on four counts of bank fraud in connection
with his wire transfer. He was carrying $12,000 in cash on him
at the time of his arrest.

Awan remained on the payroll of Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz –
who served as chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee
when its IT network was allegedly hacked in 2016 – until he was
arrested in July. The Florida congresswoman insists Awan didn’t
have access to any classified information.

“[Judicial Watch] has asked questions about the Awan brothers,”
Fitton said. “We’ve asked questions about Seth Rich killing. We
haven’t gotten answers because they are ongoing investigations,
so the agencies don’t want to tell us what’s going on.”

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