TA Lab Hours for T, W

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Jun 13, 2011, 2:00:22 PM6/13/11
to BYU CS 142 (Spring 2011) [McCarthy]
Dear needed TA's,

We love having your help, and would like to know your hours for the
next two days. You may have finals as well, but it would be MUCH
APPRECIATED to have your help on both Tuesday and Wednesday to finish
these assignments.

Please reply to this message with your hours, and then we can all have
access to them here.

- The Students

Alicia the TA

Jun 13, 2011, 4:04:38 PM6/13/11
to BYU CS 142 (Spring 2011) [McCarthy]
I will be in the lab from 8-9 on Tuesday, and 8-10 on Wednesday.

Blake Johnson

Jun 13, 2011, 5:01:07 PM6/13/11
to byu-cs-jm-14...@googlegroups.com
I will be in the lab Tuesday and Wednesday from whenever I get in to whenever I leave (usually 11am-6pm ish). 


Diego (TA)

Jun 13, 2011, 5:06:22 PM6/13/11
to byu-cs-jm-14...@googlegroups.com
Today I'm working four hours for Stephen who isn't able to come in. I guess if I want to get in my fourteen hours, I can work from ten to two, and from three to seven both on Tuesday and on Wednesday.

Sarah (TA)

Jun 13, 2011, 9:50:57 PM6/13/11
to byu-cs-jm-14...@googlegroups.com
I unfortunately have been traveling a lot lately and will be leaving again tomorrow morning, so I won't be here physically for any hours. Though, I might get on the Google Groups and/or chat to help when I can.


Lane - CS 142 TA

Jun 14, 2011, 1:35:11 AM6/14/11
to byu-cs-jm-14...@googlegroups.com
I have multiple review sessions for my own two classes both tomorrow and Wednesday, so I will not be in the labs at all. Sorry!
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