typei grading

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Jay McCarthy

Nov 29, 2012, 5:45:08 AM11/29/12
to BYU CS 330 Fall 2012
I graded for 7:39 today and got typei graded. I'll start wtype tomorrow.

Min: -2.29%
Mean: 68.84%
Median: 80.82%
Max: 99.26%

This assignment had slightly more turnins than typec and slightly
lower overall scores.

I was amazed by the number of people who...

a) didn't have thorough tests this far in the semester

b) didn't have tests at all!!!! (the person who got -2.29% literally
had 1 test case, yet answered yes to every question.)

c) didn't have automatic test cases when they were possible (like for

Also, 7 people have lost their chance to get As [because they didn't
turn in wtype]. (But everyone can pass.)



Jay McCarthy <j...@cs.byu.edu>
Assistant Professor / Brigham Young University

"The glory of God is Intelligence" - D&C 93
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