List of mantras common to all Vedas

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venkat veeraraghavan

Jan 20, 2023, 5:46:43 AM1/20/23
to भारतीयविद्वत्परिषत्
Dear Vidvans,

Is there a list of mantras that are 
1. common across all 4 vedas 
2. common across 3?



Mahamaho. Subrahmanyam Korada

Jan 29, 2023, 4:28:12 PM1/29/23
नमो विद्वद्भ्यः

Is there a list of mantras that are 
1. common across all 4 vedas 
2. common across 3?                                     ------- विद्वान्  वेङ्कटवीरराघवन्

Neither is there . Also it is impossible for ordinary human beings like us to compile either .

The following information may be useful ---

वेद has got 1,130 शाखाः (branches) -- पाणिनि could perceive all branches through योगिप्रत्यक्षम्  |  Only 12 /13 are available now ---

महाभाष्यम् (पस्पशाह्निकम्) --
महान् शब्दस्य प्रयोगविषयः .... चत्वारो वेदाः साङ्गाः सरहस्याः बहुधा भिन्नाः -- एकशतमध्वर्युशाखाः (यजुर्वेदः 100 branches) , सहस्रवर्त्मा सामवेदः (सामवेदः 1000) , एकविंशतिधा बाह्वृच्यम् (ऋग्वेदः
21), नवधा आथर्वणो वेदः (अथर्ववेदः 9) ....।
(बाह्वृच्यम् -- बह्वृचानां धर्मः आम्नायो वा बाह्वृच्यम् = ऋग्वेदः -- ’ छन्दोगौक्थिकयाज्ञिकबह्वृचनटाञ् ञ्यः ’ पा 4-3-129 इति ञ्यप्रत्ययः । एवं नटानां धर्मः  आम्नायो वा नाट्यम् ) ।

मुक्तिकोपनिषत्  (This is not an ’ उपनिषत् ’ ) --
ऋग्वेदस्य तु शाखाः स्युः एकेविंशतिसंख्यकाः । (ऋग्वेदः 21)
नवाधिकशतं शाखा यजुषो मारुतात्मज ॥ (यजुर्वेदः 109)
सहस्रसंख्यया जाताश्शाखास्साम्नः परंतप । (सामवेदः 1000)
आथर्वणस्य शाखाः स्युः पञ्चाशत्भेदतो हरे ॥ (अथर्ववेदः 50)

How to distinguish each वेद ----

पूर्वमीमांसा ---

तेषामृग् यत्रार्थवशेन पादव्यवस्था 2-1-10-35 अर्थवशेन वृत्तवशेन च यत्र पादव्यवस्था सा ऋक् ।

गीतिषु सामाख्या 2-1-11-36  गानविशिष्टेषु मन्त्रेषु सामव्यवहारः -- The मन्त्राः with गानम् are called सामानि ।

शेषे यजुश्शब्दः 2-1-12-37 यत् न पादबद्धः न गानसहितः स मन्त्रः यजुः ( यजुः means a वाक्यम् ) ।

वेदानां सामवेदो’स्मि -- 10-22 भगवद्गीता

परमार्थप्रपा - a commentary on भगवद्गीता (10-22) quotes वेदवाक्यानि and says -- ऋक् , if associated with गीतम् becomes साम --

सा च अमश्च साम । सा = सा ऋक् , अमः = गीतरूपस्वरः  साम ।
"सैव साम ऋगासीत् अमो नाम साम सा  वा ऋक्सामो सामोपावदन् मिथुनं संभवाव प्रजात्या यिति नेत्यब्रवीत् साम ज्यायान्वा अतो मम महिमा " ।

काण्वशाखा --
तस्य हैतस्य साम्नो यः स्वं भवति हास्य स्वं तस्य वै स्वर एव स्वमिति । एतं सा ऋक् सामोपसमीपं गत्वा  इत्यवदत् । इति किम् आवां प्रजात्यै प्रजायै मिथुनं दांपत्यं संभवावेति । अतः साम नेत्यब्रवीत् निषेधं चकार ।
यतः साम ज्यायन् आदिभूतम् अतो मम महिमा मत्सामर्थ्यम् अधिकं विद्यते किमेकया ऋचा । अतस्ते द्वे ऋचौ भूवा उपावदतामित्यादि ।
This is just an अर्थवाद (not to be  taken literally - just स्तुति of सामवेद ) -- ऋक् approached साम and requested for marriage and to have children - साम said - no , my capacity is 
exceptional .
पाणिनि says - during यज्ञकर्म , all वेदs , except सामवेद , have to be recited in एकश्रुति ( without the difference of  उदात्त , अनुदात्त and स्वरित ) -- 

एकश्रुति दूरात् संबुद्धौ 1-2-33
यज्ञकर्मण्यजपन्यूङ्खसामसु 1-2-34  एकश्रुति for all वेदs  in यज्ञकर्म  except in जप , न्यूङ्ख ( 16 ओकारान्तमन्त्राः ) and सामवेद

सायणाचार्य in his अथर्ववेदभाष्यभूमिका  quotes the above जैमिनिसूत्राणि  and says that - there are मन्त्राः in  अथर्ववेद , which conform to all the above definitions --

यमृषयः ..... इति । त्रैविध्यं तु वेदगतमन्त्राभिप्रायम् । तदुक्तं जैमिनिना ..... इति । तदस्मिन्नपि वेदे विद्यते इति न चतुष्ट्वव्याकोपः । 

ननु अस्मिन् वेदे मन्त्राणाम् ऋगाद्युक्तलक्षणयोगात् तदन्यतमव्यपदेशभावत्वं युक्तम्

So मन्त्राः from all other three वेदाः are there in अथर्ववेद ।

I am यजुश्शाखाध्यायी । The following is my recitation of  the ब्रह्मणस्पतिमन्त्र ( this is not गणपतिमन्त्र as is often mistaken )   --

गणानां त्वा गणपतिग्ं  हवामहे  कविं कवीनामुपमश्रवस्तमम् । ज्येष्ठराजं ब्रह्मणां ब्रह्मणस्पत आनश्शृण्वन्नूतिभिस्सीदसादनम् ।

My relative is ऋक्श्शाखाध्यायी । He recites the same मन्त्र  as follows -- 

गणानां त्वा गणपतिं हवामहे कविं कवीनाम् .....।

You may read between the lines .


Dr.Korada Subrahmanyam
Adju.Professor , Dept of Heritage Science and Technology, IIT, Hyderabad
299 Doyen , Serilingampally, Hyderabad 500 019
Skype Id: Subrahmanyam Korada

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venkat veeraraghavan

Jan 29, 2023, 8:23:14 PM1/29/23
to भारतीयविद्वत्परिषत्
Namaskaram Shri Korada Mahodaya,

Thank you for an elaborate explanation with great references!!!

I accept Veda is endless and we have only limited shakhas available at the moment.
Also mantras across vedas differ based on localised rules of pratishakhya.

Can I rephrase my question to:  "Within the existing shakhas of the 4 vedas has anyone compiled a list of mantras that exist in all 4 or all 3 in a similar form (not same form)"?

Thanks and I have been meaning to ask this for a long time but your quote of " during यज्ञकर्म , all वेदs , except सामवेद , have to be recited in एकश्रुति ( without the difference of  उदात्त , अनुदात्त and स्वरित )" brought this question back to the fore.

How does one reconcile the above with the statement
 “मन्त्रोहीनः स्वरतो वर्णतो वा मिथ्या प्रयुक्तो न तमर्थमाह। स वाग्वज्रं यजमानं हिनस्ति यथेन्द्रशत्रुः स्वरतोऽपराधात्। “

Since Tvashta was performing a yajna (putrakameshti???) for the purpose of getting a son who will kill Indra how is one to reconcile the statement that he used wrong svaras when Panini says ekashruti is to be used in Yajnas?


Kind Regards,


Mahamaho. Subrahmanyam Korada

Jan 30, 2023, 7:51:42 PM1/30/23
नमो विद्वद्भ्यः

 1."Within the existing shakhas of the 4 vedas has anyone compiled a list of mantras that exist in all 4 or all 3 in a similar form (not same form)"?

 I have not seen , any single book , wherein all the मन्त्राः , that are common to 3 or 4 वेदs  only , are listed in an order . Rather there are books wherein the मन्त्राः are 
 given in the popular order  and in the index , at the end,  reference of each मन्त्र  in other शाखाs , if any , is provided . One has to search for each मन्त्र ।
Even the ऋग्वेदसंहिता (Telugu) published by वेदपरिमळप्रचुरणलु  recently has this arrangement .

2. " during यज्ञकर्म , all वेदs , except सामवेद , have to be recited in एकश्रुति ( without the difference of  उदात्त , अनुदात्त and स्वरित )" brought this question back to the fore.

Just note - I did not go into the lengthy discussion of कल्पसूत्र - प्रातिशाख्य - पाणिनिसूत्र in this regard . नागेशभट्ट (बृ श शेखर) takes up the issue and concludes --

परन्तु प्रागुक्तकल्पसूत्र-पाणिनिसूत्र-तद्भाष्यादिपर्यालोचनया एकश्रुतौ धर्माधिक्यं बोध्यम्  । ’वैकल्पिकेष्वादितो’वधारणम् ’ इति न्यायात् सङ्कल्पकाले एतदन्यतरोल्लेखश्च आवश्यकः ।

(कात्यायनप्रातिशाख्या -- तानः = एकश्रुतिः) । ’ एकश्रुतिः स्वरसर्वनाम ’ -- महाभाष्यम् - ’ दाण्डिनायनहास्तिनायन...’ 6-4-174 . एकश्रुति is enumerated as the seventh स्वर by Patanjali
- एकश्रुति दूरात्संबुद्धौ 1-2-33 .

3.How does one reconcile the above with the statement

 “मन्त्रोहीनः स्वरतो वर्णतो वा मिथ्या प्रयुक्तो न तमर्थमाह। स वाग्वज्रं यजमानं हिनस्ति यथेन्द्रशत्रुः स्वरतोऽपराधात्। “

Since Tvashta was performing a yajna (putrakameshti???) for the purpose of getting a son who will kill Indra how is one to reconcile the statement that he used wrong svaras when Panini says ekashruti is to be used in Yajnas?

मन्त्रो हीनः स्वरतः -- इति शिक्षापाठः । दुष्टः शब्दः स्वरतः - इति महाभाष्यपाठः । ’ तत्रत्यमन्त्रशब्दस्य शब्दपरत्वं सूचयितुम् ’ इति नागेशः ऊद्योते (पस्पशाह्निकम्) । मन्त्रः = शब्दः ।

It was an अभिचारहोम --

 ’ अभिचारः मारणम्  हिंसा इति पर्यायाः ’ -- सिद्धान्तचन्द्रिका (व्याख्या) -- शास्त्रदीपिका (पूर्वमीमांसा) ।

विश्वरूप , son of  त्वष्टा  was killed by इन्द्र - त्वष्टा  wanted a son who can kill इन्द्र and started अभिचारहोम -- 

शतपथब्राह्मणम् 1-5-2 -- तैत्तिरीयसंहिता 2-5 ---

अथ यदब्रवीत् - इन्द्रशत्रुर्वर्धस्वेति  तस्मादु हैनमिन्द्र एव जघान । अथ यद्ध शश्वदवक्ष्यत् - इन्द्रस्य शत्रुर्वर्धस्वेति शश्वदु ह स इन्द्रमेव अहनिष्यत् ।

सायणभाष्यम् --
स त्वष्टा ग्रहप्रवारसमये इन्द्रशत्रुरिति पूर्वपदाद्युदात्ततया इन्द्रः शत्रुर्यस्येति बहुव्रीहिसमासं कृत्वा मन्त्रं प्रयुक्तवान्  अतः तमिन्द्रो जघान । यद्यसौ अन्तोदात्ततया तत्पुरुषसमासेन वा इन्द्रस्य शत्रुरिति 
व्यस्तनिर्देशेन वा ब्रूयात्तदा निश्चितमेव स इन्द्रं हन्यात् ।
बहुव्रीहिः - पूर्वपदाद्युदात्तता  -- ’ बहुव्रीहौ प्रकृत्या पूर्वपदम् ’ पा 6-2-1 . तत्पुरुषः - अन्तोदात्तः - ' समासस्य ’ पा 6-1-217.

when Panini says ekashruti is to be used in Yajnas?

कैयटः --
ऊह्यमानस्य च अमन्त्रत्वात् ’ यज्ञकर्मणि - ’ इति जपादिपर्युदासेन मन्त्राणामेकश्रुतिर्विधीयमाना नेह भवति ।

कैयट is referring to the पूर्वमीमांसासूत्रम् -- ’ अनाम्नातेष्वमन्त्रत्वम् ’ ( पू मी सू 2-1-34 ) -- आम्नायः = वेदः । If the मन्त्र is not there as it is in वेद but ऊहित , that cannot be a मन्त्र ।

In वेद there is प्रकृतियाग -- and one has to make ऊह for विकृतियाग  --  ’ प्रकृतिवद्विकृतिः कर्तव्या ’  ( In which याग all the अङ्गानि  are said it is प्रकृतियाग ) ।
अग्निमन्त्रः वेदे -- अग्नये त्वा जुष्टं निर्वपामि ।
सौर्यं चरुं निर्वपेत् ब्रह्मवर्चसकमः -- इति सौर्यचरुः । तत्र मन्त्रः ऊहितः --सूर्याय त्वा जुष्टं निर्वपामि ( अग्नये -- सूर्याय ) ।

In the present case the मन्त्र is ऊहित - so यज्ञकर्मणि... does not apply .

In a षोडशोपचारपूजा you go on just changing the name of the देवता  - गणेशाय नमः -- विष्णवे नमः etc . This is ऊह (प्रकृत्यूहः - there are eight or so ऊहs explained by भर्तृहरि ) ।

venkat veeraraghavan

Jan 30, 2023, 10:21:08 PM1/30/23
Dear Shri Vishvas: Thank you for your links to Bloomfield (Are you referring to the book a vedic concordance?) Thank you also for the reference to Apastamba.

Dear Shri Korada gaaru:-- You have given extensive references as usual and much food for thought. Thank you for your elaborate explication.

Both answers give further room for thought and reflection.

Much regards,


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BVK Sastry (G-S-Pop)

Jan 31, 2023, 3:52:54 AM1/31/23



I seek a respectful clarification, may be a secondary issue connected to Veeraraghavan’s question and Clarification provided by Acharya Korada:


Requested Clarification : :  What Do we have for a ‘Primary Clean –Clear – Validated Veda- Resource Repository’ – a  pre-requisite resource to identify -compile  ‘common –mantras’ ? 


Comparable to what Bhagavan Veda-Vyasa Maharshi  might have used  before ‘Veda- vibhaaga’: Organization – Consolidation and Compilation of Heritage Vaidika Shabda – Rashi’?   A Clean  clear data-base before Analytics – Reflow?


Veeraraghavan question/s: Is there a list of mantras that are 1. common across all 4 vedas 2. common across 3?  Rephrased:  Also mantras across veda’s differ based on localised rules of pratishakhya. Can I rephrase my question to:  "Within the existing shakhas of the 4 vedas has anyone compiled a list of mantras that exist in all 4 or all 3 in a similar form (not same form)"?


Acharya Koradas clarification.    I am यजुश्शाखाध्यायी The following is my recitation of  the ब्रह्मणस्पतिमन्त्र ( this is not गणपतिमन्त्र as is often mistaken )   -- गणानां त्वा गणपतिग्ं  हवामहे  कविं कवीनामुपमश्रवस्तमम् । ज्येष्ठराजं ब्रह्मणां ब्रह्मणस्पत आनश्शृण्वन्नूतिभिस्सीदसादनम् ।   My relative is ऋक्श्शाखाध्यायी He recites the same मन्त्र  as follows --  गणानां त्वा गणपतिं हवामहे कविं कवीनाम् .....।

You may read between the lines .



          Note:  What and Why am I seeking this clarification ?

                     In my limitations of exploration and understanding I see the following ground reality:


‘Shuddha – Shaastra –sammata – Pathya –grantha  means  Clean Clear Primary Validated Text before Analytics, Translation, interpretation and education-practice adaptation? 


What we do seem still to be strong at is the ‘Rule –Base needed for Samskruth Document Usage for Applications’, and ‘ preservation of regional variant usage practice patterns :: which west calls as ‘localized Vedic recitation- ritual practice and reading – education’. 


The ‘Darshana – Apaurusheya – Shaastra –siddha shuddha –veda –paatha’ seems to be a goal even to be acknowledged, appreciated  and academically  researched and placed in to the funnel-tunnel of ‘gurukul Vedic education system’.


I am aware of the texts and related frameworks used by Vaidika Samshodhana Mandala, Sampoornanda university, Nag and other Delhi publishers, Digital publications at least till 2020.

It is still needing many clean ups.

Data –Error is extremely dangerous contributor in vitiating research, application, translation and ‘ Community Faith anchor grooming in Tradition’. Data –error triggers when Primary resource is not clean –clear – transparent ( Patanjali : Shuddhaah Pathyante is the standard for recitation, digital and print documents).  


             a) ‘Vedic Primary Manuscript / and /  Voice traditions’ are at statistically  significant

                  variations across nation and tradition  - across ‘Guru-kuls and Veda Patha shaalas’.


             b)  At least One major documented reference for ‘Mantra / Rik -variations by manuscripts /

                 vulgates integrally – inseparably  carries ‘ conscious- intellectually meddled’ amends

                 introduced by Max Muller  using ‘Latin –Scripture Critical Edition -Preparation model’  

                for ‘Sayana Bhashya’. 

                This ‘meddled – resource’ is sacrosanct – continuing to serve as the ‘Mother-womb’

                of several later Indian-editions (Scholarly, academic, research and popular vedic

                education ’ – claiming authenticity.

                Many such editions seem to be oblivious of needs to go by (i) Traditional standards of

                 Practicing and voice validation (ii) Shaastra –Samgraha - shuddhataa as Acharya Korada

                has pointed out (iii) address challenges and limitations noticed way back since 1830 and

                highlighted in scholarly circles ( for publicly well-known reasons !)


                Following links could help to get  a glean of the  challenges involved.    


Rigveda - Wikipedia                      

Sacred Books of the East - Wikipedia


One relevant snippet for quick reference placed below:


The topping up talk of ‘ Digital Editions by Romanization /  Varying conventions of  short representing ‘Vedic Varna- Aksharas by preferred transliteration conventions and techno-linguistic constraints, as in OCR -  is a different set of  ‘pain’ ! being used in ‘On line Vedic Teaching’ – as social outreach of Traditional Education for the ‘communities’.


Thanks in advance for the clarification. The clarification would help to build a ‘ Benefit- Utility –appropriate Vedic application as ‘ (vak- yoga) Yajna- viniyoga’.



BVK Sastry

ऊह्यमानस्य च अमन्त्रत्वात् ’ यज्ञकर्मणि - ’ इति जपादिपर्युदासेन मन्त्राणामेक श्रुतिर्विधीयमाना नेह भवति ।


कैयट is referring to the पूर्वमीमांसासूत्रम् -- ’ अनाम्नातेष्वमन्त्रत्वम् ’ ( पू मी सू 2-1-34 ) -- आम्नायः = वेदः । If the मन्त्र is not there as it is in वेद but ऊहित , that cannot be a मन्त्र ।


In वेद there is प्रकृतियाग -- and one has to make ऊह for विकृतियाग  --  ’ प्रकृतिवद्विकृतिः कर्तव्या ’  ( In which याग all the अङ्गानि  are said it is प्रकृतियाग ) ।

अग्निमन्त्रः वेदे -- अग्नये त्वा जुष्टं निर्वपामि ।

सौर्यं चरुं निर्वपेत् ब्रह्मवर्चसकमः -- इति सौर्यचरुः । तत्र मन्त्रः ऊहितः --सूर्याय त्वा जुष्टं निर्वपामि ( अग्नये -- सूर्याय ) ।

In the present case the मन्त्र is ऊहित - so यज्ञकर्मणि... does not apply .

In a षोडशोपचारपूजा you go on just changing the name of the देवता  - गणेशाय नमः -- विष्णवे नमः etc . This is ऊह (प्रकृत्यूहः - there are eight or so ऊहs explained by भर्तृहरि )


Dr.Korada Subrahmanyam
Adju.Professor , Dept of Heritage Science and Technology, IIT, Hyderabad

299 Doyen , Serilingampally, Hyderabad 500 019

Skype Id: Subrahmanyam Korada

On Mon, Jan 30, 2023 at 6:53 AM venkat veeraraghavan <> wrote:

Namaskaram Shri Korada Mahodaya,

Thank you for an elaborate explanation with great references!!!

I accept Veda is endless and we have only limited shakhas available at the moment.
Also mantras across vedas differ based on localised rules of pratishakhya.

Can I rephrase my question to:  "Within the existing shakhas of the 4 vedas has anyone compiled a list of mantras that exist in all 4 or all 3 in a similar form (not same form)"?

Thanks and I have been meaning to ask this for a long time but your quote of " during यज्ञकर्म, all वेदs , except सामवेद , have to be recited in एकश्रुति (without the difference of  उदात्त , अनुदात्त and स्वरित )" brought this question back to the fore.

rajeev Lochan

Jan 31, 2023, 5:40:02 AM1/31/23
From R.L Kashyap's Essentials of Yajur Veda:



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The trouble with the world is that the stupid are sure and the intelligent are full of doubt.

--Bertrand Russell

Harry Spier

Jan 31, 2023, 9:27:31 PM1/31/23
to भारतीयविद्वत्परिषत्
What about Bloomfield's Vedic concordance downloadable from

Updated sometime in the last 10 years  and the updated version searchable here:

Harry Spier
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