Re: [Samskrita] Fwd: Steps to Rectify Sanskrit Degradation

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Irene Galstian

3:43 AM (2 hours ago) 3:43 AM
Sorry, but this is going too far.
Dr Hegde and the Sanskrit experts who founded SB and keep it going for many years now have spent their lives teaching and promoting Sanskrit, and thanks to them that river is flowing. Please ask yourself, how long have you been involved? How long will you last? Polemics is one thing, staying power is another. To do what they did at SB they needed A LOT of staying power when there was nothing else that kept them going. While in your case a worthwhile contribution is AT BEST a promise, in the case of SB founders is THE DELIVERY, which means days, weeks, months and years devoted to Sanskrit textbooks, translations, promotions, etc. For what? To make money? Surely not: look how affordable the excellent SB translations are of various novels that only someone who knows Sanskrit extremely well can take on and bring to a conclusion. Look how concerned Dr Hegde is that the readers of his grammar books are aware of the subtleties of Sanskrit usages. We must bow to the founders of SB and know clearly that we owe them a debt we can't possibly repay. 
You are not wrong when you say that it's not possible to teach spoken Sanskrit in 10 days. In fact, unless you know someone who speaks Sanskrit well and who is willing to speak with you and teach you, 10 years won't be enough either. But nothing at all can take away the immense achievement of SB and nothing can ever diminish our endless gratitude to its founders. 

On Wed, Jul 3, 2024 at 10:24 AM संस्कृत संवादः <> wrote:
Read this to understand the Blunder first:

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भेजने वाले: संस्कृत संवादः <>
Date: मंगल, 2 जुल॰ 2024, 14:36
Subject: Steps to Rectify Sanskrit Degradation
To: Janardana Hegde <>

Respected Shri Hegde,

I write to propose a crucial initiative aimed at rectifying the unintentional degradation of Sanskrit to ensure the use of correct Sanskrit forms.

 Below are the proposed steps:

1. Official Acknowledgement and Apology: Begin with an official acknowledgement of the unintentional degradation of Sanskrit and extend a sincere apology for every impact this have had on our cultural heritage.

2. Review and Correct Existing Textbooks: Conduct a thorough review of existing Sanskrit textbooks to identify errors and inconsistencies in grammar, syntax, and usage.

3. Era of Shuddhi Andolan: Initiate an "Era of Shuddhi Andolan" to promote correct usage and celebrate the efforts of those who diligently work to restore Sanskrit's purity.

4. Redesign Curriculum with Emphasis on Correct Forms: Redesign the curriculum to prioritize the use of correct Sanskrit grammar, including Sandhi rules, verb forms (lakāras), and appropriate use of Madhyama Purusha.

    4.1. Zero Tolerance for Errors: Mistakes should be corrected immediately upon identification with zero tolerance. Encourage a culture where errors are seen as learning opportunities, not as points of embarrassment.
    4.2. Embrace Sandhi Rules: Promote thorough learning and practice of Sandhi rules.
    4.3. Correct Usage of Madhyama Purusha: Ensure accurate usage of the middle voice in verbs, emphasizing its importance.
    4.4. Differentiation from Hindi: Clarify the unique grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure of Sanskrit distinct from Hindi.
    4.5. Appropriate Use of Compounds or Vibhakti: Utilize appropriate compounds or case endings (vibhakti) for clarity and precision.
    4.6. Avoid Using 'वा' for Questions: Use suitable question indicators instead of 'वा' for questioning.

5. Incorporate Classical Sanskrit Texts: Integrate excerpts from classical Sanskrit texts, such as Pancharatram and other literary works, to exemplify correct usage and enhance comprehension of Sanskrit's traditional conversational styles.

6. Development of New Texts and Materials: Develop new textbooks and supplementary materials that adhere strictly to the principles of classical Sanskrit, ensuring clarity, accuracy, and preservation of language integrity.

7. Training for Educators: Provide comprehensive training programs for Sanskrit educators to familiarize them with the revised curriculum and empower them to teach correct Sanskrit effectively. Only appoint individuals proficient in both theoretical and practical aspects of Sanskrit through rigorous testing and certification.

8. Continuous Review and Improvement: Establish a mechanism for continuous review and improvement of textbooks, incorporating feedback from educators and scholars to maintain high standards of linguistic accuracy.

9. Promotion of Wholesome Learning: Focus on comprehensive Sanskrit education that includes all key elements without neglecting any aspect crucial for a thorough understanding.

10. Translation of Technical Terms: Prepare Sanskrit equivalents for technical terminology across various fields and compile them in dictionaries.

Implementing these measures will help maintain the purity and richness of Sanskrit, ensuring its continued teaching and learning with the highest standards.

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BVK Sastry (G-S-Pop)

4:29 AM (1 hour ago) 4:29 AM



1. I agree with Irene Galstian. Great work done by SB and team in Keeping ‘Social Awareness of Samskrutham : Bhashaa’.

    Kudos to the team.  Dr. Janardan Hegde deserves all appreciation for the forte he is holding and the publication works at SB.


2.  On < Implementing these measures will help maintain the purity and richness of Sanskrit, ensuring its continued

           teaching and learning with the highest standards.  > 


      The standards of Samskrutham are set by ‘VEDANGA’ Cognitive Linguistics frame and Gita (17-5) Yoga-Samskrutham / aka Vak-

       Yoga design. 


      I request the < samskrit.samvadah >  to please provide the Language Model for ‘Samskrutham’- aka : A language for which

      Panini –Katyayana- Patanjali provide the Grammar framework ; and Yaska- Amarasimha provide the lexicon- semantic –

      semiotic framework.  


       The < "Era of Shuddhi Andolan" to promote correct usage and celebrate the efforts of those who

      diligently work to restore Sanskrit's purity. > needs to begin with  ‘Techno-linguists, who have downgraded ‘Panini

        – Samskrutham: As Vedanga and Pada –Shastra’ to the level –layer of ‘ Historic, Greco-Roman Model for referencing; a

          cultural syncretism model  between the Greek and Roman cultures, using IE linguistics . The Greco-Roman grammatical

           tradition is the basis of much of the linguistic meta-language used today. It evolved from being a practical to a scientific

           discipline, with its own set of rules. Romano-Greek is a nearly extinct mixed language spoken by the Romani people in

            Greece that arose from language contact  between Romani speaking people and the Greek language.


          The < Shuddhi Andolan > needs  to elevate ‘Sanskrit’ from   IE linguistics- Migrants language as misconstrued

          understanding of Valmiki’s  technical term ‘Maanushee Bhashaa’ frame to   < Daivee> as provided in Upanishads  before

          talking of  < Veda- Bhashaa>.


         The Greco-Roman tradition - Oxford Academic


        **Sanskrit** and **Ancient Greek** share fascinating linguistic connections. Let's explore some similarities between these ancient languages:


1. **Common Ancestry**: Both Sanskrit and Greek belong to the **Indo-European family of languages**. They evolved from a reconstructed language called **Proto-Indo-European** that existed before the development of writing⁴.


2. **Vocabulary**: Despite using different alphabets, Sanskrit and Ancient Greek have several similar vocabulary words. Here are some examples:

   - **Mind**: Sanskrit *मनस् (manas)* vs. Greek *μένος (menos)*

   - **Great/Big**: Sanskrit *मह (maha)* vs. Greek *μέγας (megas)*

   - **Knee**: Sanskrit *जानु (janu)* vs. Greek *γόνυ (gonu)*

   - **Water**: Sanskrit *उदन् (udan)* vs. Greek *ὕδωρ (hudor)*

   - And many more! ⁴


3. **Language Variants**:

   - **Vedic Sanskrit** (from the Vedas) differs from **Classical Sanskrit**, much like the difference between **Homeric Greek** and **Classical Greek**. These variants show changes over time in phonology, vocabulary, and grammar⁷.

   - Similarly, **Mycenaean Greek** (dating back to the 15th century BCE) represents the most ancient documented form of Greek⁴.


These linguistic connections provide a fascinating glimpse into our shared cultural heritage!  


Source: Conversation with Copilot, 3/7/2024

(1) Sanskrit and Greek: The Similarities and Differences between them. .

(2) Sanskrit - New World Encyclopedia. .

(3) Cultural Links between India & the Greco-Roman World. .

(4) An Introduction to Sanskrit: The Language of Yoga - Yogic Studies. .

(5) Sanskrit - Wikipedia. .

(6) Vedic Sanskrit - Wikipedia. .

(7) Indo-European languages - Establishment, Spread, Diversity. .




BVK Sastry

From: [] On Behalf Of Irene Galstian
Sent: 03 July 2024 13:13
Subject: {
भारतीयविद्वत्परिषत्} Re: [Samskrita] Fwd: Steps to Rectify Sanskrit Degradation


Sorry, but this is going too far.

Dr Hegde and the Sanskrit experts who founded SB and keep it going for many years now have spent their lives teaching and promoting Sanskrit, and thanks to them that river is flowing. Please ask yourself, how long have you been involved? How long will you last? Polemics is one thing, staying power is another. To do what they did at SB they needed A LOT of staying power when there was nothing else that kept them going. While in your case a worthwhile contribution is AT BEST a promise, in the case of SB founders is THE DELIVERY, which means days, weeks, months and years devoted to Sanskrit textbooks, translations, promotions, etc. For what? To make money? Surely not: look how affordable the excellent SB translations are of various novels that only someone who knows Sanskrit extremely well can take on and bring to a conclusion. Look how concerned Dr Hegde is that the readers of his grammar books are aware of the subtleties of Sanskrit usages. We must bow to the founders of SB and know clearly that we owe them a debt we can't possibly repay. 

You are not wrong when you say that it's not possible to teach spoken Sanskrit in 10 days. In fact, unless you know someone who speaks Sanskrit well and who is willing to speak with you and teach you, 10 years won't be enough either. But nothing at all can take away the immense achievement of SB and nothing can ever diminish our endless gratitude to its founders. 


On Wed, Jul 3, 2024 at 10:24 AM संस्कृत संवादः <> wrote:

Read this to understand the Blunder first:


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भेजने वाले: संस्कृत संवादः <>

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