Mantra Artha Initiative | Connecting with the Fountain-head of IKS

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Jayaraman M

Sep 16, 2023, 11:04:33 AM9/16/23
to भारतीयविद्वत्परिषत्

Mantra Artha – Initiative  

Authentic Traditional Explanations of Vedic Mantras, Stotras, Shastra Texts  


Mantra Artha is is an initiative to share Pre-recorded Video Lectures of authentic traditional meanings  of important Vedic Mantras, Stotras & Shastra texts . Mantras and Stotras are unique contributions of the  Vedic Hindu Dharma for the welfare and well being of the whole humanity. While the Mantras and  shlokas are chanted with great reverence and Shraddha, we seldom find authentic expositions of the  meanings of the Mantras. It is very important to know the explanations of the Mantras and Stotras  that we chant to connect with the Vedic tradition and heritage better. In this era of renewed interest in INDIAN KNOWLEDGE SYSTEMS - it becomes essential to connect with the meanings of the Vedic Mantras which are the fountain-head of IKS.  

It has also been stated in the Nirukta text that -  

योऽर्थज्ञ इत् स सकलं भद्रमश्नुते ... ज्ञानविधूतपाप्मा ॥ 

( Nirukta 1.16)  

The one who knows the meaning of the Mantras attains all well being ... and the knowledge removes  all impurities.  

All the lectures are given in lucid English language.  

The Lectures of Mantra Artha are given by Dr M Jayaraman, trained in the Traditional Vedic Gurukula  education. He has been teaching the Vedas, Yoga Shastra and Samskrita for the past 20 years. The  lectures have been systematically recorded since 2020 (corona period) and are now being organized  and shared. 

A short video about this initiative can be seen here -  

150 + Hours of lectures are available for self-study.  

How to Access the Lectures?  

Those interested can write to - and request the playlist of the topics. Upon  the transfer of a nominal Svadhyaya (self-study) fee - the playlists will be shared via email.  


The playlists are only for the individual requesting the access of the content. Hence further sharing  and public display of the content should not be done. All copyright rests with Dr M Jayaraman.  

Sample Lecture  

on Vedic Shanti Mantra Sahana vavatu - 

What are Mantras and stotras that are discussed?  

The List (Note: 10 hours meaning 10 lectures of one hour duration each)  Vedic Mantras|71 Hours  

  1. Vedic Shanti Mantras - 14 Hours  
  2. Narayana suktam - सहस्रशीर्षं..- 3 Hours 
  3. Purusha Suktam - 4 Hours  
  4. Bhu Suktam - 4 Hours  
  5. Surya Namaskara Mantras - 7 Hours  
  6. Ano Bhadrah Suktam (Rg Veda) - 5 Hours  
  7. Sri Suktam - 5 Hours  
  8. Nila Suktam - 1 Hour  
  9. Medha Suktam - 4 Hours  
  10. Durga Suktam - 3 Hours  
  11. Gayatri Mantra - 3 Hours  
  12. Sri Rudra - Laghu Nyasa - 3 Hours  
  13. Sri Rudram - 17 Hours  

Stotras |10 Hours  

  1. Guru Ashtakam - 4 Hours  
  2. Achyuta Ashtakam - 5 Hours  
  3. Mahalakshmi Ashtakam -3 hours   

Yoga Texts |16 Hours  

  1. Adhi-vyadhi - Yoga Vasistha - 10 Hours  
  2. Six Kriyas of Hatha yoga - 6 Hours  

Bhagavad Gita | 53 Hours  

  1. Sthita-prajna-lakshanam (Chapter 2 Verse 54 - 72) - 4 Hours 
  2. Trigunas in the Bhagavad Gita - 15 Hours  
  3. Daivasura Sampad Vibhaga Yoga - Chapter 16 - 11 Hours 
  4. Bhakti Yoga - Chapter 12 - 8 Hours  
  5. Vibhuti Yoga - chapter 10 - 15 Hours  



Dr. M.Jayaraman

Govind Kashyap

Sep 18, 2023, 11:53:54 PM9/18/23
to भारतीयविद्वत्परिषत्

This is a laudable initiative. Please accept my congratulations.

There's nonetheless an additional point that assumes great prominence when it comes to mantras: that of adhikara or eligibility. Reading the post, one gets the impression that this point does not seem to have been addressed in this mantrartha initiative, it being outside the strict scope or ambit of the offering - and rightly so. 

However, for anyone who approaches these mantras and suktas or stotras  - whether vaidika or otherwise - the issue of mantra adhikara will loom large in their consciousness. 

The exception is those who are solely interested in them from an academic perspective, or those who are curious, or those who are already initiated into these mantras etc and are looking to fine-tune/deepen their understanding of their artha (for it is a given that when they have been initiated into these mantras, they must have been also given the meanings of those mantras, or they must at least have been given pointers/directions for them to decipher/understand the meaning of the mantras themselves, with the teacher directing them as appropriate.)

Traditionally there's no distinction between theory and practice when it comes to mantras, suktas etc; in this area of IKS any distinction between academic interest and practice is artificial. Such being the case, in my admittedly limited view, it seems probable that this initiative would largely remain a limited offering till the issue of mantra adhikara is also addressed in some acceptable fashion - at which stage this initiative will assume much bigger proportions, for it will then, true to the spirit of IKS, bridge both theory and practice. Such integration would have the potential to make this initiative immensely popular and self-sustaining (revenue-wise).

with thanks


Sep 21, 2023, 12:20:12 AM9/21/23
to भारतीयविद्वत्परिषत्
Namaste Kashyap ji 

Thank you for your wishes and observations. 

Dr M Jayaraman 

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