couple of questions regarding "bramha satyam jagan-mithya"

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Krishna Kashyap

2020年12月2日 22:10:122020/12/2
In my bhagavad-gita class, these 2 questions have popped up.

1) The verse brahma-satyam-jagan mithya jivO it seems occurs in only this work of Sri Shankaracharya: 

The 20th verse of Brahmajnanavalimala:

ब्रह्म सत्यं जगन्मिथ्या जीवो ब्रह्मैव नापरः ।
अनेन वेद्यं सच्छास्त्रमिति वेदान्तडिण्डिमः ॥ २०॥

Is this the work of Sri Adi-Shankaracharya?

Or a later Shankaracharya?

Does this verse repeat again in any other major work of Sri Shankaracharya.

I felt ashamed that after decades of study, I had not heard of 
Bhramhajnanavalimala !!!

I looked into the list of works of Sri Shankaracharya on google.
Out of so many results, I got, I could find this grantha listed only in this site:

2.13   bhramA nanjana vali mAlA                                                                             [21] 

Is this work generally acceptable as written by Sri Adishankaracharya? It should be, since is a standard advaita website. am I right?

2) I googled further and found out the explanation given by Sri Mani Dravid Shastrigal on that subject. Is this explanation pretty much the standard view of Advaita?

Where can I find sanskrit descriptions of "bramha satyam jaganmitthya" written by later Shankaracharya lineage acharyas, which can be quoted universally like prakasatma, or bhamati-kara, or anandagiri or madusudhana sarasvathi etc?

Best Regards,

Krishna Kashyap

Krishna Kashyap

2020年12月2日 23:09:172020/12/2
Few follow up questions:

3) Please locate me where Sri Shankaracharya defines the term mithya
4) does "bramha satyam jaganmithya jivo bramhaiva naparaha"' statement comes in prasthana traya bhashya of Sri shankaracharya?
5) is prasthana traya bhashya searchable ? which site? is it shringeri one?
I tried but I am making some mistake in searching.
I was not successful.

Best Regards,

Krishna Kashyap

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V Subrahmanian

2020年12月2日 23:31:512020/12/2
On Thu, Dec 3, 2020 at 9:39 AM Krishna Kashyap <> wrote:
Few follow up questions:

3) Please locate me where Sri Shankaracharya defines the term mithya

This is one that is crisp:   (One may not get an intended result that does have the word 'mithya'.) 

In His commentary to the Taittiriya Upanishad, Acharya Shankara gives a comprehensive definition of ‘Satyam’ while commenting on this term occurring in the Upanishad in the definition of Brahman: ‘Satyam JnAnam Anantam Brahma.’

यद्रूपेण यन्निश्चितं तद्रूपं न व्यभिचरति, तत् सत्यम् ।  यद्रूपेण यन्निश्चितं तत् तद्रूपं व्यभिचरति, तदनृतमित्युच्यते । अतो विकारोऽनृतम्, ’वाचारंभणं विकारो नामधेयं मृत्तिकेत्येव सत्यम्’, एवं सदेव सत्यम् इत्यवधारणात् ।

//As for satyam, a thing is said to be satyam, true, when it does not change the nature that is ascertained to be its own; and a thing is said to be unreal when it changes the nature that is ascertained to be its own.  Hence a mutable thing is unreal, for in the text, ‘All transformation has speech as its basis, and it is name only.  Clay as such is the reality.’ (Chandogya Up. 6.1.4), it has been emphasized that, that alone is true that Exists (Ch.Up. 6.2.1)

Also in the commentary to the Gita verse 2.16, the Acharya says:

यद्विषया बुद्धिर्न व्यभिचरति तत्सत्, यद्विषया व्यभिचरति तदसत् …।

[That is said to be Real, of which our consciousness never fails; and that Unreal, of which our consciousness fails.]

4) does "bramha satyam jaganmithya jivo bramhaiva naparaha"' statement comes in prasthana traya bhashya of Sri shankaracharya?

No. Nevertheless, the statement is not wrong. It only condenses the Advaita doctrine.  

5) is prasthana traya bhashya searchable ? which site? is it shringeri one?

Yes, very much, in this site:     
I tried but I am making some mistake in searching.

It will take only one distinct word in the box.  If you give two words, even if they are in a valid sentence, it will show 0 results.   For example, अनादि will be taken and you will get results. Yet, if you want all the results for this word, it is better you give नादि. Still, even this will not give all the results since anaadi can be a part of a samasta word नाद्य (अनाद्यविद्या).. So, one will have to make several attempts to get the complete picture. No doubt it is time consuming.  But one surely gets rewarded.


Krishna Kashyap

2020年12月3日 00:39:362020/12/3
Thanks a lot sri Subbramanian Ji.
Best Regards,

Krishna Kashyap


2020年12月3日 05:36:362020/12/3

The definition of मिथ्या as वैतथ्यं बाध्यमानत्वात् (सूत्र-भाष्य ३.२.४) of Sri. Shankara is probably the more direct one, 

Thanks and regards,

Best Regards,

Krishna Kashyap

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Bijoy Misra

2020年12月3日 07:42:112020/12/3
收件人 Bharatiya Vidvat parishad
Please refer to the text in विवेकचूडामणि for the analysis.
Commentaries exist, but please consult the original text.

Achyut Karve

2020年12月4日 00:04:232020/12/4
收件人 भारतीयविद्वत्परिषत्
Nature has gifted us only with sense perceptions.  Can sensing instruments under stand the nature of the thing being sensed?  

The jagat therefore is that which is revealed through sense perceptions.  How can it reveal the under lying reality?

To understand the underlying reality  man has to transcend the sense perceptions.  And this in my belief is what is called darshan which ultimately leads to knowing the brahman.  

With regards,
Achyut Karve.

Krishna Kashyap

2020年12月4日 00:08:422020/12/4
Sri subbramanian ji, Raghavendra ji, Mishra Ji, Karve Ji, 
Thanks a lot for helping me find more information.
Best Regards,

Krishna Kashyap


2020年12月4日 01:12:462020/12/4
收件人 Bharateeya Vidwat Parisht
SAdara praNAm,
Being associated with a project to publish
in malayalam all the available works of Acharya
our team lead by Swami Haribrahmendranandaji maharaj
collected all the works of which the authorship is attributed to Acharya.
We got it all translated  and typeset in Malayalam.
Altogether it came to 16000 pages in 18 volumes in dummy 1/8 !
This is the fact about works attributed to Acharya!
Interestingly nowhere in the prasthAna thraya bhAshya
we see 'jagat mithya'!
Only in prakarana grantha we come across it as cited by you.

Prof. Sivakumar 

On Thu, Dec 3, 2020 at 8:40 AM Krishna Kashyap <> wrote:
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