Question on why "vedadhyayana"?

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Krishna Kashyap

Jun 20, 2024, 9:59:07 PM (12 days ago) Jun 20
to, A discussion group for Advaita Vedanta

I found some answers to this question on the internet:

Why do vedadhyayana?

the answers I found were:

1) Oral tradition was the only way these Vedas could be preserved. The lack of printing technology made it inevitable for the older Vedic pundits to establish oral tradition.

2) One had to be ready with all the mantra portions for Vedic karmas. Hence they only practiced the portions used for yajnas and yagas. Now, other than for 16 karmas like jata karma, upanayana, and so on, there is no need to learn Vedas. most people do not do any yagas anyway.

In general, I get the idea that because of a lack of technology, the ancient lineage of Rshis developed the oral tradition to protect the Vedas. Now, we have good technology and AI to preserve these Vedas. Hence there is no need to commit to memory the Vedas.

Now, why should we do Vedadhyana?

this question was asked by a young person who has completed 95 percent of vedadhyayana of Yajurveda and he is 20 years old. (ie. he has completed 74 khandas out of 82 (ashiti-dvaya)) Yajurveda. He practices it every day in addition to doing a bachelors degree in finance)

What should I tell him?

Krishna Kashyap

Raghav K

Jun 22, 2024, 12:19:44 AM (11 days ago) Jun 22
to, A discussion group for Advaita Vedanta
The simple answer is Krishna says in the Bhagavad Gita - sahajam karma kaunteya sa dosham api na tyajet,  and, Taittiriya Upanishad specifically calls out svAdhyAya-pravachanAbhyAm na pramaditavyam, deva-pitru-kAryAbhyAm na pramaditavyam. This person saying this is similar to villagers giving up their traditional avocations, arts, skills that are unique to them, and modernizing themselves. We have lost so many arts as a result of this, and we will lose these too this way. There was once a tradition of people doing agni-karyam. The concept of nityagnihotris is almost extinct today. Irrespective of Krishna or the Upanishad or the rishis saying , if I were him, I would feel it my responsibility more than a burden to do it, preserve it, and pass it down to the next generation. There is only so much time you could give with modern occupations - I get it. But still, you have to try your best. That sincerity is what pleases God. sa yat pramANam kurute lokas tad-anuvartate. For this sloka, there are very interesting commentaries - and they all ask you not to give up your duties loka sangraham eva api sampashyan kartum arhasi. If he feels it is a burden, his child will certainly feel it so and give it up, and in a couple of generations, the practice will be abandoned!

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Jun 22, 2024, 12:19:44 AM (11 days ago) Jun 22
to भारतीयविद्वत्परिषत्

By वेदाध्ययन do you mean committing Veda to memory or understanding the content of Vedas ?

If it's the first one, then I agree with you in that we don't need to commit the complete Veda to memory. We can commit only the parts that are of interest to us. For the rest we can refer to the written text like we do for other scriptures.

If it's the second one, then there are multiple reasons to study Vedas including understanding our history, understanding Dharma, attain mukti etc depending upon what part one is studying.

V. Ramaswami

Jun 22, 2024, 12:19:45 AM (11 days ago) Jun 22
to, A discussion group for Advaita Vedanta
Among the devatas worshipped by us is Nadabrahman, Brahman in its manifestation as sound.  Vedic mantras with their right intonations definitely have an effect on us, and I have found that effect to be elevating, soothing, and relaxing.  When combined with an understanding of the meaning of the mantras chanted, chanting is a convenient way to remind ourselves of the great teachings.  These are the reasons why I enjoy listening to vedic chants and am grateful for them.
V. Ramaswami

Sundareswaran N.K.

Jun 22, 2024, 5:10:46 AM (11 days ago) Jun 22
to, A discussion group for Advaita Vedanta
It is interesting. The questioner has completed the Adhyayana of 74 prasna-s out of 82 in the Taittiriya sakha.
When he set out the adhyayana, what was the objective that prompted him ? Maybe the ardent persuasion/direction from the elders in the family. Or else the keen interest to keep up the tradition. Whatever it be, the query raised now is worthy one and sincere.
The preservation of Vedas intact, may not be seen as the intention behind  the fervour to keep the oral tradition alive, which is reflected in the insistence of traditional adhyayana. The vikruti patha-s can be as the measures envisaged and employed for the preservation. This position is usually held by modern scholars.

Now there is this stricture in. the tradition: ब्राह्मणेन निष्कारणं षडङ्गो वेदोध्येयो ज्ञेयश्च. What is the objective behind? This question is natural and logical, as far as a modern student is concerned. However it would be really surprising to know that this question was asked during the Vedic times itself. 

The Svadhyaya Brahmana of Taittiriya Aranyaka  answers this question. 
It extols the efficacy of स्वाध्याय to remove all kinds of sins by narrating a story. Agni was afflicted by sin, right at his birth. Then gods removed it by offerings (आहुति). The impurities of the offerings were removed by दक्षिणा . दक्षिणा in turn was purified by Brahmins. Brahmins were purified by the Veda-s (vedamantra-s). The vedamantra-s were purified by ritualistic (daily) recitation i.e. स्वाध्याय. Thusस्वाध्याय , i.e. ब्रह्मयज्ञ, is a purifier par excellence which, caused purification of even fire the universal purifier. Thus स्वाध्याय  has got the efficacy to purify even gods.
+ÏMxÉ ´Éè VÉùÉiÉÆ {ÉÉ{¨ÉÉ VÉOÉɽþ iÉÆ näù´ÉÉ +ɽÖþiÉÒʦÉ& {ÉÉ{¨ÉÉxɨÉ{ÉÉPxÉxÉ +ɽÖþiÉÒxÉÉÆ ªÉYÉäxÉ ªÉYɺªÉ nùÊIÉhÉÉʦɮÂú nùÊIÉhÉÉÉxÉÉÆ ¥ÉÉÀhÉäxÉ ¥ÉÉÀhɺªÉ UôxnùÉäʦɶUôxnùºÉÉÄ º´ÉÉvªÉɪÉäxÉ +{ɽþiÉ{ÉÉ{¨ÉÉ º´ÉÉvªÉɪÉ& näù´É{ÉÊ´ÉjɨÉÂ*
Further it is stated that स्वाध्याय  brings immense pleasure for पितृ -s 
For more details and interesting information, one may refer to my article on पञ्च महा यज्ञ -s

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N. K. Sundareswaran,
Professor , Department of Sanskrit,
University of Calicut,
Kerala - 673635

Sundareswaran N.K.

Jun 22, 2024, 5:56:36 AM (11 days ago) Jun 22
to bvparishat
The vikruti patha-s can be seen as the measures envisaged and employed for the preservation. 

Krishna Kashyap

Jun 22, 2024, 7:07:16 AM (11 days ago) Jun 22
to, A discussion group for Advaita Vedanta
Namaste Sundareswaran Ji,

I am unable to read some sanskrit stuff you have written at the end of your email. is it because I don't have some fonts in my computer? can others see the text or see some gibberish like what I see?
******** see below ********
.e. ब्रह्मयज्ञ, is a purifier par excellence which, caused purification of even fire the universal purifier. Thus स्वाध्याय  has got the efficacy to purify even gods.
+ÏMxÉ ´Éè VÉùÉiÉÆ {ÉÉ{¨ÉÉ VÉOÉɽþ iÉÆ näù´ÉÉ +ɽÖþiÉÒʦÉ& {ÉÉ{¨ÉÉxɨÉ{ÉÉPxÉxÉ +ɽÖþiÉÒxÉÉÆ ªÉYÉäxÉ ªÉYɺªÉ nùÊIÉhÉÉʦɮÂú nùÊIÉhÉÉÉxÉÉÆ ¥ÉÉÀhÉäxÉ ¥ÉÉÀhɺªÉ UôxnùÉäʦɶUôxnùºÉÉÄ º´ÉÉvªÉɪÉäxÉ +{ɽþiÉ{ÉÉ{¨ÉÉ º´ÉÉvªÉɪÉ& näù´É{ÉÊ´ÉjɨÉÂ*
Further it is stated that स्वाध्याय  brings immense pleasure for पितृ -s 
For more details and interesting information, one may refer to my article on पञ्च महा यज्ञ -s

Best Regards,

Krishna Kashyap

Krishna Kashyap

Jun 22, 2024, 7:09:42 AM (11 days ago) Jun 22
to, A discussion group for Advaita Vedanta
I must add that the student who asked this question knows Sanskrit only at a basic level. (finished some 4 sanskrit exams) has not studied deep vyakarana, tarka and even several kavyas or natakas. He said he only passed 4 exams, like the Sanskrit Bharati or sura-sarasvathi sabha exams.

Best Regards,

Krishna Kashyap

Sundareswaran N.K.

Jun 22, 2024, 7:26:36 AM (11 days ago) Jun 22

It's a passage from the Taittirīya Āraņyaka.  Copied from one of my  files typed in ISM font.
अग्निं वै पाप्मा जग्राह तं देवा आहुतीभिः पाप्मानम् ....

Prakash Raj Pandey

Jun 22, 2024, 12:43:19 PM (10 days ago) Jun 22
ब्राह्मणेन निष्कारणो धर्मः षडङ्गो वेदोऽध्येयो ज्ञेयश्च ।

BVK Sastry (G-S-Pop)

Jun 23, 2024, 1:56:21 AM (10 days ago) Jun 23
to, dryadu1

Namaste Lokesh Sharma


The answer to the Questions on : <  वेदाध्ययन "vedadhyayana"?  >  become clear from the ‘Yoga’s’ constituting and embedded in the term वेदाध्ययन  using  ‘Vyakarana and Yoga technicalities of Language: Samskrutham> .


Internet answers are partial views culled out of observed practices explained contextually.


The Big picture needs to be clearly understood.  Vedadhyana for multiple reasons demands utility specific pedagogy including understanding our Sampradaya (history), understanding Swa-Dharma,  Purpose – Motivation for Learning as Final goal in time line.

This personal goal setting can be as diverse  as < I want to attain mukti I want to become an acharya; I want to be recognized as an authority of shaastra; I am content with veda-abhyasa as swaadhyaya, I don’t have to make a living out of ‘VAIDIKA - VRUTTI’  … .   The goal depends upon what one desires to become, socio-economic status for livelihood, Support to live in society and serve Vedic tradition outreach to society ’.  So, contemplate why Patanjali had to write an elaborate Bhashya  for Panini sutras? What motivation? What local benefit ? Why do we study it? – For the goal set by Patanjali or to meet our own living –needs ?  


1.  I am sharing these thoughts on why -how the term <  वेदाध्ययन "vedadhyayana"? > may serve as ‘pivot’  for two specifics:


1.1  Understand Meaning – Benefit of term; Get Clarity on Pedagogy needed to understand Samskruth Technical Term. (Samskrutha – Pada –Shaastra - Paddhati – Pravrutti)


1.2. Connect the < PRACTICE- PRACTICAL –  LIFE STYLE OF PROFESIONAL – PEDAGOGIC >  UTILITY (=  PRAYOGA-   VINIYOGA)  of the term to living traditional continuity of ‘samskara framework to engage with VEDAS – before venturing in to VEDNATA’.  (VEDA- ADHYAYANA – VAIDIKA -YOGA – VI NIYOGA – KARMA – (UPA) YOGA – (JEEVIKA)-  (Vi-)  Pra-Vrutti )  


The embedded hidden upasarga  as ( Vi-)  preceding  < Pra-Vrutti> yields a different shade of meaning. Vipra- means ‘Brahmana, Dvija’. The connection of ‘Veda-adhyayana/ adhyapana – yajana yaajana ‘ as ‘ Brahmana – Vrutti’ is the outcome.

Similarly ( upa-)  preceding  < -Vrutti> yields a different shade of meaning, and should be obvious enough to connect to ‘ Professions of Brahamana- Idenitity – holders’. Jeevikaa means Livelihood profession, Employment- Enterprise – Paurohitya, Artha-Karma.


Prof. Korada has given extensive reference to  continuity of this pedagogy for several such terms,(= PADA- ARTHA – NIRVACHANA- NIRNAYA)  illustrating authentic source works.


Dr. Yadu has pointed to the importance of RESTORING CURRENT UTILITY (= VINIYOGA) APRROACH (= PADA- ARTHA – PRAYOGA- VINIYOGA ARTHA KRIYAA- NIRNAYA) to understand relevance of Samskruth Terms in daily use.  


This is ‘VAK YOGA / VAKO-VAKYA- VEDANGA- PADA – VAKYA- TAATPARYA –ARTHA- NIRUKTI- NIRNAYA SAMPRADAYA’. Aka ‘Yoga-Samskrutham’ – Prayoga- Viniyoga- Upayoga Samskrutham’= Applied Samskrutham.

A tradition relegated in Sanskrit Language-  I.E - Academic Linguistics and muddled in Computational Techno-Linguistics.


2.        The UTILITY (= VINIYOGA) of the term <   वेदाध्ययन "vedadhyayana"? >  emanates from the very structure of the term.

            The given term belongs  to a  ‘Language Class – Category – Standards ’ marked  ‘Samskrutham’.  


             The term –communication / meaning of the term needs to be derived in specific  context of ‘VEDA- VEDANGA- VEDANTA-



             Binding constraints to be respected here are  frameworks of ‘Language: Class – Category- Standards by Linguistic

             disciplines’. They disciplines are like :  


             (a) Language- Grammar rule set by  Panini and Patanjali ;

                     (b) Language- Technical Lexicon: Nirukta set by Yaska and Amara Kosha

                             (c )Language- Technical Utility Deployment: by Katyayana, Shaunaka and many other Sutrakaras in Veda specific


          A framework and pedagogic inheritance accepted, respected and adapted by ALL VEDANTA – ACHARYAS And VEDA-

         VYAAKHYA – KARTRUS ( like Sayana, Venkata Madhava).


3.   Analysing the  Word Constituents structure of the term:     वेदाध्ययन >> वेद - अधि- अयन .

      The Intended Meaning of the term     वेदाध्ययन is locked- linked- validated by meaning of its constituents  वेद

   अधि- अयन . ;      And by the way units get combined.  

4.  Combination Table for three constituents of the term  वेदाध्ययन >>   वेद - अधि- अयन.


      4.1:    Define ‘VEDA’ and Meaning Frame work. ( Lakshana)

       ‘Veda’ –   Literal Derivation meaning is from root ‘Vid- Jnane’  with modifier affixes.  Meaning is ‘An Instrument for use to

       pursue –explore- validate Knowledge related’ in the largesse of SPACE – TIME: Finiteness and Transcending Time –Space.

       This is PaurusheyaVeda for Yajna ( Yaajnika/ Vedah hi yajnaartham abhi-pravruttah)  and Aparusheya Veda  for ‘ Vedanta’.


      4.2:    Define ‘VEDA’ Meaning in relation to Modifications from – ‘Adhi’- (Upasarga and  ‘Ayana’.


                 The meaning of ‘Veda’ gets modified with ‘adhi’ – ‘upasarga’  in ‘Kriyaa / Pra Kriyaa’ by SAMAASA-yoga.  

                  Meaning modification shades by ‘adhi’  in  ‘samaasa’ with ‘Veda’ and ‘ayanam’  are set by Vyakarana Niyamas.


                  One common meaning of ‘adhi’ is towards (setting direction –vector).

                  One common meaning of ‘ayanam’ is movingmotion in time (setting displacement, speed, coordinate change).

                  One mode of ‘adhi + ayanam’ = ‘Moving- Motion in time – SEEING – GUIDED Towards’ defines the Vyakarana

                 Technicality of  SEVENTH- VIBHAKTI- ARTHA = related to ‘ADHI-KARANA (SAPTAMI ): Reference Base, Supporting Place

                  where action takes place, Kshetra.


                   Depending upon NUMBER (VACHANA) attribute embedded in ‘SAMAASA’, further meanings emerge :

                      if Singular – eka vacahanam, the process becomes ‘SWA- ADHI- AYANAM’ (= Veda for Swadhyaya: Self-study );

                      if Dual – dvi- vacahanam, the process becomes ‘SAHA- ADHI- AYANAM’ (=Veda for Saha-adhyaya): COMBINED Study);    

                      if Plural – bahu vacahanam  the process becomes ‘GURU-KULA- ADHI- AYANAM’ (= Team Study of Veda for Yajna);


      4.3:    Exploring Meaning Potential  from  three units Metrics  for वेद - अधि- अयन>> वेदाध्ययन  Practical Culture.


 The table below is a standard way to explore the combination possibilities as ( m,n) in two units. Advancing on this, one can explore three and more units; extending to total word units in a sentence and context of text, connecting it to practice. Some combinations are relatively easy to understand and connect. Some are obscure and need more study.




2. अधि

3. अयन

A. वेद

वेद –वेद (अधि)-(अयन) .


वेद - अयन .


अधि-वेद .

 अधि- अधि- अयन .

अधि- अयन .

C. अयन .

अयन- वेद

अयन.- अधि

अयन - अयन


Units Combinations yield different modalities and all answers to what- how –why of <  वेदाध्ययन "vedadhyayana"?  >.

Each shade of meaning has its practical cultural variant in communities, as a live tradition or historically documented guidance.  

The important point is note that each constituent < वेद - अधि- अयन      in    वेदाध्ययन > has multiple meanings. Therefore, the Total directive from one single term < वेद - अधि- अयन =  वेदाध्ययन > yields multiple final instructions. In making final choice of action, the entirety of meanings need to stand aligned to the ‘Taatparya-Artha’  of the Unified Term (= Samsta- pada). 


5.   This  is ‘Vak-Yoga pedagogy of ‘ Yoga-Samskrutham: Word Meaning Metrics and Process Analytics’.


       This is going beyond ‘Lexicon driven- Translation mapped – Social language usage utility – approach’.


This pedagogy  is technically adapted in ‘bhaashya- vyaakhyaanas’  in  < Nyaya –  Meemaamsaa – Vedanta> Shaastra’s [under the technicality of (Vedangataa) - (Vako Vakyam) -  (Pada –Vakya- Pramana – Shaastra- Arhta- Kriyaa- Nirukti) as ‘ (Dala-Kritya- Prayojanam) - by (Pratyaya-Prakriyaa – Vishesha).  


6.   Inside of Vyakarana, the documentation of this can be seen in ‘Panini-Sutra-discussions’ on how

       language words like ‘neelotpalam, raja-purushah’ and Vedic usage words like ‘Arya-Brahmana’

       need to be used.   

      Inside of Nirukta, the documentation of this can be seen in ‘ Mantrartha- Prakarana’ and Nighantu

      technicality.  Katyayana, Shaunaka  and many other Gruhya sutra karas discussions’ guide on how

      ‘words in Veda’ -  Gayatri mantra practice  need to be instructed.    These details are application

       specific guidance. They are NOT – recension differences ( = Granthaantara / Paatha- antara / Paatha

        -Bheda / Manuscript scribal errors) that permit VEDIC DOCUMENT CORRECTION BY COMPILER –


       Grantha- Prayoga as LIKHITA- Vakya  needs validation from Yajna – Mantra- Vak- Vakya Prayoga.

       In modern idiom, this is validation of printed text by live voice and usage technical tradition.

       In traditional terms, it is ‘VEDA is by UCCHARANA’ and NOT ‘ LIKHITA- PAATHA  like Kavya’.


      Well, for Historic reasons and socio-economic compulsions, the right pedagogy is distorted, it does

      not mean that ‘ Manu-Script = Human artefact as Text over rides Voice-Practice Living Tradition’


      BRAHMI -DEVANAGARI SCRIPT’, overriding ‘ Shikshaa Shaastra Phonetics’ by IPA Phonetics ( set as

       standard by Scotland yard Shishtas and ‘Mechanized Material Frequency mapping to Human



      This depth of  engaging with   ‘Panini Samskrutham’ for VEDA- ADHYAYANA,  needs multidisciplinary   

      scholarship and deep contemplation on < Pada-shaastra> backed with < chitta- vrutti – nirodha-

      yoga shaastra – abhyasa> guided in < sampradaya>.  This is Panini – Patanjali combination as

       Maharshi- Muni, both dealing with ‘Samskrutham as Vak-Yoga’ ; and Patanjali outright declaring an answer for the  


     ‘रक्षार्थं वेदानांअसन्देहार्थं - व्याकरणम् अनुशास्नम्, अध्ययनम् - प्रयोजनम् ’


      This perspective of ‘Samskruth for Veda – Vyakarana- Vedanta  Schooling and Skilling are a far cry to

       Ask for in current period, where ‘ Sanskrit – scholarship is limited at best to 40%  (or less) of Panini  

      original reorganized in Siddhanta Kaumudi and rest supplemented with ‘IE- Linguistic scholarship on

      ‘Proto –Language historicity- Language Comparison models’. The tradition text repository holders

      are ‘ like Standards bodies’ only to make a wish statement on ‘What was said, set as standards’ with

      no power to enforce the same on on-going studies or connect tradition to socially culturally

      relevant practices in a global meaningful  way with the power of a Dharmaacharya / Dharma-

      Adhikari / Raja Guru / Purohita  with a ‘Fatwah like power wand’ to defend what is STUDIES OF



      The current traditional ‘VEDIC’- update prevailing in this part of India is ‘Dharma- Sindhu- Nirnaya

      Sindhu’, currently more than a century old.  Followed by Traditionalists for VEDA-ADHYAYANA.


     The current ACADEMIC  ‘VEDIC’- update prevailing is Colonial British driven HINDU SOCIO-

      Economic LEGAL REFORM based , TRADITION COMPILATION: by Mahamahopadhyaya P.V. Kane.

      ‘HISTORY OF Dharma- Shaastra’. currently close to a century old data for catch up.  This is

      Followed by Governance Administration to Provide Support for VEDA-ADHYAYANA as ‘RELIGION




      ADHYAYANA’-  Social needs to provide ‘ Dharma – Guidance and Professional Vocations’ is

      ‘Tax funded – SECULAR sops, By ‘Acts and Rules’ regulating ‘Religious Institutions’ fighting to

       preserve the ‘leaves with the hope of  restoring- growing a VEDA-Forest ( Veda- ARANYA).   


Note: What is Fatwah like power wand ? – Relevance ?  - A fatwa (UK: /ˈfætwɑː/ ; US: /ˈfɑːtwɑː/; Arabic: فتوى, romanized: fatwā; pl. فتاوى, fatāwā) is a legal ruling on a point of Islamic law (sharia) given by a qualified Islamic jurist (faqih) in response to a question posed by a private individual, judge or government.[1][2][3] A jurist issuing fatwas is called a mufti, and the act of issuing fatwas is called ifta'.[1] Fatwas have played an important role throughout Islamic history, taking on new forms in the modern era.[4][5] -      Fatwa - Wikipedia



        The Big picture and Model for < वेदाध्ययन  >   needs to  emerge from the very word < < वेद - अधि- अयन =  वेदाध्ययन > .    

          Whose responsibility , job, pride is this is a different debate, demanding exploration of ‘Why we lost the tradition? Who was

          responsible (Historically), What to do – Who to do - NOW as LOCAL- GLOBAL Action for Future benefit of < वेदाध्ययन  >  ?


This is what I  understand as  current solution path for < वेदाध्ययन  >  systems,

   Taking recourse to Gita: 2-53: ‘Shruti-Vipratipanna –Te Buddhih

        Connecting Arjuna’s logic, and responsibility for action  :

             on  Social context of ‘Veda- Profession and Practice’  related for DHARMA – BENEFITS ’ (1-39 to 45)  




BVK Sastry


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Mahamaho. Subrahmanyam Korada

Jun 23, 2024, 8:53:05 AM (10 days ago) Jun 23
नमो विद्वद्भ्यः

That is right Sastrigaru .

It is a straight and single line answer offered by other scholars --  ब्राह्मणेन निष्कारणो धर्मः षडङ्गो वेदः अध्येतव्यो ज्ञेयश्च ।  you added महाभाष्यम् and explained .

I rather think there is dichotomy of the question --  Why वेदाध्ययनम् ?  How much वेद is to be learnt ?

1.Why वेदाध्ययनम् ?

This भरतवर्ष  is completely  different  -- 
Thee are people who follow वैदिकधर्म -- धर्मार्थकाममोक्षाः पुरुषार्थाः (goals  of  the life of a person - आर्याः (spread across भरतवर्ष) .
There are people who  have अर्थ and काम  as the goals of life -- पूगाः (पूगाञ्ञो’ग्रामणीपूर्वात्  पा 5-3-112) -- there are व्राताः who live by physical labour
-- व्रातच्फञोरस्त्रियाम्  पा 5-3-113 -- still others live with weapons -- आयुधजीविसंघाञ्ञ्यड्वाहीकेष्वब्राह्मणराजन्यात्  पा 5-3-114.

1. ब्राह्मणेन निष्कारणः धर्मः षडङ्गो  वेदो’ध्येतव्यो ज्ञेयश्च - ( this is श्रुति - say हरदत्त et al  -- it is स्मृति - says कुमारिलभट्ट ) 
शब्दकौस्तुभः -- निष्कारणः दृष्टकारणनिरपेक्षः नित्य इति यावत् । कार्यते अनुष्ठाप्यते अनेनेति कारणं फलम्  । तथा च साङ्गवेदाध्ययनतदर्थज्ञानरूपो’यं धर्मो नित्यः सन्ध्योपासनवत्   इत्यर्थः । 
So no questions asked (about the result) - a ब्राह्मण should learn वेदs and वेदाङ्गs and  should know the meaning also - it is a नित्यकर्म ।
2. It is prescribed  in मनुस्मृति (10-75) that a ब्राह्मण should fulfill six  duties --
अध्यापनमध्ययनं यजनं याजनं तथा ।
दानं प्रतिग्रहश्चैव षट्कर्माण्यग्रजन्मनः ॥
अध्यापनम् -- teaching and अध्ययनम्  -- learning  ----  वेदs   ( and वेदाङ्गs  ) |
3. Regular recitation of वेद is  one of  पञ्चमहायज्ञs   ordained  in 14 ,  स्वाध्यायब्राह्मणम् - तैत्तिरीयारण्यकम्  -- 
पञ्च वा एते  महायज्ञाः सतति प्रतायन्ते सतति सन्तिष्ठन्ते --- यत् स्वाध्यायमधीयीतैकामप्यृचं यजुस्साम वा तद्ब्रह्मयज्ञस्संतिष्ठते ।
So to perform  ब्रह्मयज्ञ  one should do वेदाध्ययनम् ।

There are many -- यावन्ति वेदाक्षराणि पठितानि तावन्ति हरिनामकीर्तनानि ।

A ब्राह्मण  is one who  recites  ब्रह्म = वेद ( ब्रह्म तत्त्वं तपो वेदः  - अमरः )  -- the one who  does गायत्रीजप (ब्रह्मोपदेशः = गायत्री उपदेशः) and so on .

2.  How much वेद is to be learnt ?

’यथाशक्ति’ - is the answer .

'आख्यातशब्दानाम् अर्थं ब्रुवतां शक्तिः सहकारिणी’ -- शाबरभाष्यम् , पूर्वमीमांसा अध्या 1  पा 4  अधि 19  सू 30

'स्वर्गकामो यजेत’ -- do perform the याग if and only if (iff) you have the शक्ति  -- आर्थिक-शारीरक-मानसिकशक्ति

आत्मगुणाः --
अथ अष्टौ आत्मगुणाः -- गौतमधर्मसूत्रम् , प्रश्नः 1 अध्या 8  सू  23
दया सर्वभूतेषु क्षान्तिः अनसूया शौचम् अनायासः मङ्गलम् अकार्पण्यम् अस्पृहा -- ibid सू 24

मिताक्षरा of हरदत्तमिश्र --
यदारंभे भवेत् पीडा नित्यमत्यन्तमात्मनः ।
तद्वर्जयेत् धर्म्यमपि सो’नायासः प्रकीर्तितः ॥
Any कर्म , even if it is  very much  for धर्म , if you feel to be tiresome , you  should  refrain from that .

धर्मात् अनपेतं धर्म्यम् - ’ धर्मपथ्यर्थन्यायादनपेते’  पा 4-4-92  यत् प्रत्ययः ।

I have learnt only  some  प्रश्नाः of कृष्णयजुर्वेद  -- ’यो वा अयथादेवतम्’ , ’ शतरुद्रीयम् ” , तैत्तिरीयारण्यकम् , तैत्तिरीयोपनिषत् , पञ्चकाठकाः - and स्मार्तम् |

Take a look at व्याकरणम् --  since students are found to be having   deteriorating  memory  levels  the वैदिकप्रकरणम्  is put on back burner .

How many people are there  who learnt  वेद -वेदाङ्गs - दर्शनs  and so on ? Those who study वेद do not go for वेदाङ्गs  and  vice versa .
Even during earlier decades also the scholars in शास्त्रs used to learn the मन्त्रs needed for  नित्यपूजा / देवतार्चना (पञ्चायतनम्) and so on .

I may be the last person to have studied many of them .

Finally there are two -- विद्या and अविद्या (परा विद्या - अपरा विद्या - उपनि.) -- विद्या is for मोक्ष - अविद्या is for livelyhood -- M A Ph D in Sanskrit is  अविद्या ।


Dr.Korada Subrahmanyam
Adju.Professor , Dept of Heritage Science and Technology, IIT, Hyderabad
299 Doyen , Serilingampally, Hyderabad 500 019
Skype Id: Subrahmanyam Korada


Jun 24, 2024, 9:05:32 AM (9 days ago) Jun 24
to भारतीयविद्वत्परिषत्
नमस्ते BVK Sastry जी

Thank you for explaining the different possible meanings of वेदाध्ययन. However, I'm still not sure how the different meanings you highlighted answer the question - why do वेदाध्ययन? 

   Taking recourse to Gita: 2-53: ‘Shruti-Vipratipanna –Te Buddhih

As per my knowledge, this verse dictates to Arjun, that when your intellect bewildered by dos and don'ts of Sruti is settled down, then only you will attain योग.

How does this help in resolving the question "why do वेदाध्ययन?" ?

Aside from this, I must respectfully disagree with the other Vidvans' opinion that the Veda should be taught solely to uphold tradition or because Sruti has ordained it as a duty. If you are not willing to discuss how it contributes to the betterment of society or individuals, then the emphasis on tradition and Sruti loses its significance. Tradition and Sruti are meaningful only as long as they support Dharma, which is the core principle. When we speak of Dharma, Sruti and tradition are relevant; otherwise, they lack intrinsic value.

I view Dharma as having two key aspects:

1. अभ्युदय (Abhyudaya) - which promotes happiness for oneself and society.
2. निश्रेयस (Nishreyas) - which leads to ultimate liberation from suffering or ultimate bliss.

We need to link Sruti and the Veda with अभ्युदय and निश्रेयस for preserving the Veda and tradition to have real meaning. Merely asserting that the Veda should be studied because Sruti has ordained it will not convince a discerning individual.

The real question we should ask is: Does our current method of वेदाध्ययन (Vedic study) promote the अभ्युदय (well-being) of the student? If not, we should be open to adapting our approach to make वेदाध्ययन beneficial for both individual well-being and society. Then only we can expect others to adopt वेदाध्ययन as part of their life.

One inspiring example of this is संस्कृतभारती that made people adopt संस्कृत in today's world.

जयतु संस्कृतम्
जयतु भारतम्

BVK Sastry (G-S-Pop)

Jun 25, 2024, 11:44:00 AM (7 days ago) Jun 25
to, dryadu1

Namaste Lokesh


My  seven point response to your observations noted below, indented.

Your quest is right in seeking ‘Application benefit= Upayoga- Prayoga – Viniyoga of ‘Veda- Adhyayana/ Veda- Bhashaa – adhyayana’.


Instead of finger pointing and history analysis –paralysis, come up with resource’s and right action road map to achieve the desired goal.



BVK Sastry ( * ) :  



From: [] On Behalf Of ?????
Sent: 24 June 2024 18:25
Subject: Re: {
भारतीयविद्वत्परिषत्} Re: Question on why "vedadhyayana"?


नमस्ते BVK Sastry जी

1.  Thank you for explaining the different possible meanings of वेदाध्ययन. However, I'm still not sure how the different meanings you highlighted answer the question - why do वेदाध्ययन


BVK Sastry ( 1 ) : Keeping aside the grammar technicalities that back the method of deriving indicated meaning with appropriate

                             grammar rules based constructions (which you may seek from learned scholars),


                            I hope the following meaning constructions -summation from table help you for clarity on ‘why "vedadhyayana"?


                             A.1: From One ‘Veda to another Veda’ – studies- practices till satisfaction in completing study of vedas.

                                       ( अधि-अधि,    अधि-वेद , अधि- अयन)  - Meaning of Upasarga.

                             A.2: Study leading towards (अधि)-(अयन)  – What is  Vedas/ What is said in Vedas / About Vedas.

                             A.3: Discussion where subject discussed is Vedas (वेद-अधि)

                             A.4: Using Vedas as Journey Guidance and Vehicle, Using Vedas as ‘ direction of viewing - eyes =  (na)-ayana’ –

                                    path =  vartma / maarga’                              

                             A.5: The ‘ directed study- journey towards Vedas ( वेद – अयन).


2.     Taking recourse to Gita: 2-53: ‘Shruti-Vipratipanna –Te Buddhih

As per my knowledge, this verse dictates to Arjun, that when your intellect bewildered by dos and don'ts of Sruti is settled down, then only you will attain योग.   How does this help in resolving the question "why do वेदाध्ययन?" ?


BVK Sastry (2 ) :  The  term Shruti-Vipratipanna –Te Buddhih   covers all shades of ‘doubts ‘  (Sandeha) related to Vedic studies – for text, meaning, swaras, construction, application and the final directive. Technically called ‘Dushtah Shabdah’.


The standards of study for ‘Vedas’ is by Shadanga- Vedanga’ Framework . The test is by  ‘A-Sandeha’ ( Patanjali) and ‘Gata-Sandeha (Gita -18-73; 9-1) and Vedanta- Vijnana- Sunischita-Arthaa (Veda) along with Yoga clarity on ‘Shaastra- Pramanam’ ( Gita-16-24).


Pl. contemplate on what all ways the term ‘Shruti-Vipratipanna –Te Buddhih’ has been explained by Acharyas.


3.      Aside from this, I must respectfully disagree with the other Vidvans' opinion that the Veda should be taught solely to uphold tradition or because Sruti has ordained it as a duty.


BVK Sastry (3 ) :  You are welcome to disagree with the traditional position.


                             The traditional statement clearly states the PRE-QUALIFICATION TO INVOKE THE  DICTUM OF VEDIC STUDIES TO

                             UPHOLD TRADITION  < निष्कारणो धर्मः षडङ्गो वेदः अध्येतव्यो ज्ञेयश्च  > is right, IF one meets the standards

                              of  What is covered by the ‘TECHNICLAITY  OF  < ब्राह्मण > in the statement.

                        The follow up Next- Logical question  is about the TECHNICAL STANDARD OF < ब्राह्मण> per Vedas ?

                         Gita sets the standard  for this at (9-33) and (18-62).


                        If one does not fit this < PRE-QUALIFICATION>, then the cultural norms (= sampradaya - samskara)

                        takes over.    

                        The traditional statement is a reference line for ‘VEDIC TECHNICALITY’ for ‘self- referral /  review /

                        refinement, which may not be totally invoked in SOCIAL - CULTURAL - HISTORICAL IDENTITY

                        CONTEXT.  For this, Manu-smriti was the earlier reference; In post 17th century at least, ‘Parental

                        lineage – is the reference for ‘BRAHMANA – JANMA –  JAATI- ABHIJNANA’.


                        And in National Constitution, ‘Self-declaration’  by ‘ creamy layer-affidavit seems to be the new

                          reference point !  <  OBC (NCL) Certificate Format | PDF | Magistrate | Government ( >.

                        So, you are free to pick your reference for < ब्राह्मण > Identity and interpret the quoted ancient text.



4.  If you are not willing to discuss how it contributes to the betterment of society or individuals, then the emphasis on tradition and Sruti loses its significance. Tradition and Sruti are meaningful only as long as they support Dharma, which is the core principle. When we speak of Dharma, Sruti and tradition are relevant; otherwise, they lack intrinsic value.


BVK Sastry (4 ) :  Totally faulty messed up – muddled confusion !


I have not refused to discuss the theme: ‘How Veda –adhyayana’ contributes to < betterment of individuals = VYAKTI / Jiva >.

I have not refused to discuss the theme: ‘How Veda –adhyayana’ contributes to < betterment of Society = VIPRA- DVIJA- SAMAJA >.


The understanding –guidance  needed for this is provided in ‘SMRUTI AND GRUHYA SUTRA BASED INTERPRETATIONS’ OF VEDA- ADHYAYANA (Swa-Shaakhaa – adhyayana) . The imprint of this is in the ‘PRAVARA’ identity, which defines ‘ Why Brahmana’ needs to remember and declare  the ‘Veda- Shaakhaa – Sutra and Gotra’ of ones lineage for ‘Karma’.  This is NOT  the same as reciting the ‘ Janma-Nakshtra’ for ‘Devata- pooja- worship in Mandir’,using a ‘Jyotish Vedanga- tradition’.


When ‘Vedas’ were mapped as ‘historic panegyrics’ of ‘migrants’  by Colonial scholars in seventeenth century, and ‘Traditional teams sheepishly accepted and continue to repeat this faithfully and teach it as ‘SOCIAL ANTHROPOLOGICAL IDENTITY ANCHORE FOR RELIGION’-  the texts of ‘SMRUTI’s’  - as ‘SHAASTRA’ also ended up as ‘ PROGRESSIVE HISTORICAL AMENDED SOCIAL GUIDANCE FOR RELIGION PRACTICE OF JATI- KULA Communities.


The integral connection of ‘SMRUTI (Veda) and SMRUTI ( Dharma Texts) lost their link and traditional significance.  Outcome of which is < Brahmana Identity  by ‘Brahma-Jnana>  ended up  redefined in society   as ‘ Brahmana in society is one Born to Parents, who inherited ‘Brahmana Identity (?)’ ?? and underwent a ‘ sacrament of ‘ Sacred Thread wearing ( hoping to get initiated to BEGINNING  OF  VEDA- ADHYAYANA  (= Veda- AARAMBHA ).


Do you understand the implication of these shifts, when connected to  live tradition of Acharya Shankara – Prarthana :

Shruti- Smruti- Puranaanaam alayam, Karunaalayam, Namaami Bhagavat-Padam,  Shankaram loka-shankaram’ ??  

What Vedanta Core tradition considers as ‘Divine Avatara’ and ‘Shat- Matha-Sthapana- Acharya’ – Prasthan Traya Vedanta Siddhanta pravartaka  is down-graded  in ‘Colonial/ Indic Academics as an interpreter –constructor of an ancient school of thought,  a restoration of  school of logic and philosophy, that prevailed in a historic period’?!!  Aligned to a no-face authority called ‘ Maharshi Vyasa’ ??     


‘Shruti’ directive for observance of ‘Shaaswata’- Sanatana’-Dharma’ comes from Gita 14-27; and it  is for ‘Moksha’ goal. This is one reason for ‘Veda- abhyayana’.


‘Shruti’ directive as ‘Smruti’- is for observance of ‘Shaaswata’- Sanatana’-Dharma’; comes  from Gita ; for ‘Shareera- Yaatra ( 3-8) - Loka-Samgraha (3-25)’ – Karma-Samsiddhi ( 3-20); Swa Dharma –abhyasa (2-31) .  This is another reason for ‘Veda- adhyayana’.


The two pedagogies are different in Sampradaya,  for < brahmana’s >  by categorical technicalities of definition.


Now, please tell:  what shade of response will make you comfortable in responding to the question : < ‘brahaman- Veda adhyayana’ -….. contributes to the betterment of society or individuals >


5.     I view Dharma as having two key aspects:

1. अभ्युदय (Abhyudaya) - which promotes happiness for oneself and society.
2. निश्रेयस (Nishreyas) - which leads to ultimate liberation from suffering or ultimate bliss.
We need to link Sruti and the Veda with अभ्युदय and निश्रेयस for preserving the Veda and tradition to have real meaning. Merely asserting that the Veda should be studied because Sruti has ordained it will not convince a discerning individual.


BVK Sastry ( 5 ) :  What is the new thing you are trying to say here ?? Why only Two? Why not ten (dashakam) from Manu ?   

                               Is ‘Shruti’ different from ‘Veda’ ? If so, how please ?? to ‘link’?


                            Which school taught you that ‘Shruti- Veda’  are NOT linked with < अभ्युदय and निश्रेयस > ? – A dictum from

                             Manu Smruti and reworded  in Nayaya- Vaisheshika darshana ??  

                             Repeated faithfully in Vaidika-Prayoga as’ Punyaha’ ??


                            Do you think ‘Smruti-Kaaras’ have not been doing this over millennia ?


                             What makes you assert < अभ्युदय and निश्रेयस for preserving the Veda and tradition >  

                             अभ्युदय and निश्रेयस are PRACTICE – GOALS. A Motivation to study- Vedas and put to practice.


6.      The real question we should ask is: Does our current method of वेदाध्ययन (Vedic study) promote the अभ्युदय (well-being) of the student? If not, we should be open to adapting our approach to make वेदाध्ययन beneficial for both individual well-being and society. Then only we can expect others to adopt वेदाध्ययन as part of their life.


BVK Sastry (6 ) :  You are right in asking < REAL QUESTION > !   - Does our current method of वेदाध्ययन (Vedic study) promote the अभ्युदय (well-being) of the student?


The ground reality answer is NO. Truth- Reality  hurts


Who needs to be held responsible for this is post-mortem, finger pointing, ‘community denigration – disintegration and damaging’. IT IS NOT THE RIGHT APPROACH OR STRATEGY.  


Then what is shortcoming in < current method of वेदाध्ययन (Vedic study)>  to deliver /  promote the अभ्युदय (well-being) of the student > ?   Who should take the initiative for this ?? For individuals and Society ??






It is here, the theme of ‘Language of Vedic Documents (Veda-Bhashaa) , Pedagogy of Interpreting Vedic language documents ( VEDA (MANTRA) ARTHA- VYAKHYAANA- LAKSHANA - TAATPARYA ARTHA NIRNAYA ) becomes critical.


How many in < VEDA- SHIKSHANA > schools can confidently assert that  <current method of वेदाध्ययन (Vedic study)> is   designed / delivering / guiding  in current period  < individual – society > towards well being ? beyond a ‘faith- religion- philosophy –devotion – ritual ’ explanation ? Can one get to  a ‘REVIEW OF  वेदाध्ययन  ROAD MAP to DELIVER PURUSHARTHA   as  SAMAJA- ABHYUDAYA ?? >  




7.      One inspiring example of this is संस्कृतभारती that made people adopt संस्कृत in today's world.



BVK Sastry ( 7 ) :  The total Big-Spectrum of ‘Language of Vedas is in two inseparable parts: Chandas and Bhashaa’.





This is Brahmi Language Technicality outright expressed right from time of RAMAYANA, and presented by Panini- Patanjali- Yaska.


The social goal of < संस्कृतभारती > :Social- Religion Prayer- Literature - language movement was aimed to awaken and keep alive the ‘Current Society interest in one aspect of Heritage- Culture- Socially Prevalent Language used in Cultural and Rites of Passage  Tradition:: ‘Shaastra – POOJA- PRAYOGA- Samskara- Karma-Kanda – Stotra-  Kaavya’: Technically called the ‘Bhashaa’ part of the Big –spectrum. The effort is very laudable. I have been an integral part and supporter of the Samskruth Bharati / Yoga-Bharati / Veda-Bharati movements over decades ( At India and abroad).


The effort of <  संस्कृतभारती > is  definitely a welcome, a necessary step and preparation for < वेदाध्ययन (Vedic study) > based < WELLNESS: Individual and Society>  . But it is NOT SUFFICIENT for < वेदाध्ययन > .


The interest in < संस्कृत - अधि- अयन >  has not raised



Social- Classical – Cultural – Literary – Prayer language framework <MAANUSHEE / PAURUSHEYA / LOKA - DEVATAA- BHASHAA >








जयतु संस्कृतम्
जयतु भारतम्



BVK Sastry

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