Welcome to भारतीयविद्वत्परिषत् Bharatiya Vidvat Parishad (BVP)!
'भारतीयविद्वत्परिषत्' is a mailing list for Sanskrit researchers working from India. The objective of the list is to understand, preserve and enrich the Indian intellectual heritage. To be explicit, this mailing list acts as a platform to share ideas and research papers in the areas of Sanskrit Research, Researches related to India, Indian Philosophy, Sanskrit Literature, Grammar, Science etc.
The mailing list is open for all Indians.
To subscribe please use this link.
Moderators or Owners for this Group
Prof Veeranaryan Pandurangi K. Shrinivasa Varakhedi are the list owners
The group moderators can be reached at nagarajpaturi@gmail.com
Rules for Posting
Please read the rules completely before posting. "नामूलं लिख्यते किंचित् नानपेक्षितमुच्यते ।" Nothing is written out of focus and whatever is written is not without any authentic source.
Encouraged forms of communication
Discussions should be in Sanskrit or English. Please
use spell check and frame clear sentences before posting. Only accredited
scholars should start a new Post or post replies. Others can
ask questions. Scholars can start discussions, ask questions, answer questions.
Member’s posts will be moderated.
Members can post announcements of publications, meetings, conferences or other forms of events characteristic of academia including job announcements. Announcements of book publications as well as of new journal issues on the part of their authors or editors are welcome.
Your profile picture should be your photo or it should be blank. Post using you real names. Posting with Nick names is not allowed.
You can include job title (Designation) and place of work. Disclaimers after your signature are not allowed.
Post if you feel your post will clarify, expand,
challenge, or forward your views or doubts. Don’t post queries without
searching the web.
Refer to group archives before posting a question. This will ensure that your questions are not already answered.
Do not Post without a subject line. Use the subject
line to indicate the subject of your post.
Quote directly relevant portions of your previous posts if required. Always keep in mind the subject of the thread.
When you need a book, search on line libraries or archives (www.archives.org) etc. Many books are available on on line libraries for a free download.
Members will be expected to maintain
commonly-accepted standards of decorum in their postings to the group.
Contributions are expected to be polite and well-considered. Members who
violate these standards will be warned and may have their membership privileges
suspended or revoked. In particular, personal attacks of an ad-hominem nature,
rude language, and off-topic postings are violations of the list rules.
Members may discuss Government policies specifically those policies that are related to Sanskrit or Indological Studies. Discussion of politics in general within the frame work of historical understanding of Indological studies or Sanskrit, in specific, is allowed.
forms of communications
Polemical and pious posts are not
Engage in scholarly debate. Personal attacks, writing in capital letters quoting irrelevant texts, mindless
extrapolation are not allowed.
Posting from Blogs and advertisements are not allowed.
Cross Posting is not allowed. Threads from other forums are normally not
discussed in BVP. Threads should originate at BVP.
Do not
"top post." To know about top posting refer http://en.wikipedia.org/