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Butterflies and Wheels update

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Ophelia Benson

Apr 17, 2012, 7:26:20 PM4/17/12
Hello. Spring is here at last (late for the Pacific NW), and it's time for another B&W update.

New in "Latest News"

“Honor killing” under growing scrutiny in the US
AHA and John Jay have embarked on research that they hope will lead to greater understanding and ultimately prevention of honor violence in the U.S.
Filed: April 10, 2012

South Africa’s Mail&Guardian on Leo Igwe
Pentecostal colonialism has surged in Nigeria, fuelling a radical evangelism in which "faith healers" identify - and get paid for curing - people "possessed" by demons.
Filed: April 10, 2012

Sarah Posner on the Santorum legacy
At his press conference today, Santorum praised the family as "the moral enterprise that is America," and thanked the 19 Kids and Counting Duggars for campaigning for him.
Filed: April 11, 2012

Santorum and the politics of the very big family
In this election, and the birth control debate that is a significant part of its soundtrack, the convictions of the Quiverfull community seem to have made a mainstream debut.
Filed: April 11, 2012

Catholic bish says without Xianity you get Stalin/Hitler
Telegraph nods solemnly in agreement.
Filed: April 11, 2012

US bishops vow disobedience to “unjust laws”
USCCB statement expresses disdain for court rulings against the bishops and pledges to deploy "all the energies the Catholic community can muster" to resist "totalitarian incursions."
Filed: April 12, 2012

Salafists in Germany
A video appeared on YouTube apparently threatening journalists who reported critically on the Salafist Koran distribution project.
Filed: April 12, 2012

Patriarchalists celebrate Titanic 100th
In biblical patriarchy, the refrain of "women and children first" hides an agenda whereby the women are "first" only insofar as they keep their place - subordinate to men.
Filed: April 12, 2012

The Titanic sank to make a point
No event in history has done more to remind Western culture of the Christian doctrine of “women and children first.”
Filed: April 12, 2012

No “gay cure” ads for London buses
The posters, backed by Anglican Mainstream, read: "Not gay! Post-gay, ex-gay and proud. Get over it!"
Filed: April 12, 2012

Germany: daughters flee families to have their own lives
They don't want to conform to the traditional values of the regions where their families come from. Instead, they want to live free, independent and emancipated.
Filed: April 12, 2012

Niqab, bra, photo, censorship, controversy, confusion
Veiled women wear underwear too! Or something.
Filed: April 14, 2012

Ex-archbish Carey demands more theocracy
“It is now Christians who are persecuted; often sought out and framed by homosexual activists,” he says. Disgusting thug.
Filed: April 14, 2012

Indian Catholic church gets skeptic arrested for “blasphemy”
Sanal Edamaruku revealed that a "miraculous" weeping cross was really just a bit of statuary near a leaky drain whose liquid reached it by way of capillary action.
Filed: April 14, 2012

Group of Catholics say Desmond Tutu isn’t good enough
Tutu supports contraception and the ordination of gay clergy, therefore he shouldn't get an honorary degree from Gonzaga University.
Filed: April 14, 2012

Belarus: Andrei Sannikov released from prison
Sannikov, the founder of the Charter 97 pro-democracy group, had been held since the crackdown on opposition in Europe’s last dictatorship in December 2010.
Filed: April 14, 2012

London Met v-c urged to apologise for alcohol comments
Claire Locke, president of the Student Union, said Malcolm Gillies had "offended" Muslim students by generalising about their beliefs.
Filed: April 15, 2012

PZ’s talk at GAC: Sacking the City of God
So how do you kill an idea? How will we sack the city of faith? By coming up with a better, more powerful idea. That’s the only way we can win.
Filed: April 15, 2012

Vending machines for “traditional Chinese medicine”
Take "mysterious ingredients," steep them for hours, then dispense them "accurately" via a vending machine. Instant cure!
Filed: April 15, 2012

Saskatoon Catholic church looking for trained exorcist
A spokesperson for the Archdiocese of Toronto told the Toronto Star that every diocese is supposed to have a priest trained to perform exorcisms. Toronto has two.
Filed: April 15, 2012

Medicine and its rivals
The future for the alternative-therapy industry looks particularly bright in America. NCCAM continues to pay for research.
Filed: April 15, 2012

Labour suspends “Lord” Ahmed
For cause.
Filed: April 15, 2012

George Pell saves a sinner
Angels appearing and people rising from the dead seemed unlikely, especially after Santa Claus had turned out to be a Myer employee.
Filed: April 16, 2012

Uzbekistan’s policy of secretly sterilising women
Evidence gathered by the BBC suggests Uzbek authorities have run a programme for 2 years to sterilise women across the country, often without their knowledge.
Filed: April 16, 2012

Malaysia: couple charged with murder of Cambodian maid
Police suspect Mey Sichan died of prolonged starvation.
Filed: April 16, 2012

Mey Sichan died of acute gastritis and ulcers
Likely due to lack of food over a long period. In October, Cambodia imposed a temporary ban on sending domestic workers to Malaysia following numerous complaints of abuse.
Filed: April 16, 2012

New in "Articles"

Dispatches from the Global Atheist Convention
By Bruce Everett
We don’t have to worry about genuine critics of Islam being marginalized by the media, the way Maryam Namazie has been sidelined by the BBC in the UK, nor do we have to worry too much about secularists being sent death threats the way Jessica Ahlquist has been targeted by cowardly Christian nationalists in the US.
Filed: April 15, 2012

New in "Notes and Comment Blog"

There you are! Until next week.
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