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Ophelia Benson

Jul 2, 2012, 8:34:05 PM7/2/12
Hello. Has it really been almost two weeks since I did this? I do beg your pardon. Things have been a little busy.

New in "Latest News"

Udo Schuklenk on the tortured logic of anti-cartoon laws
The trouble with religious freedom is that it is all too frequently misunderstood as the unrestricted freedom of the religious to run roughshod over everyone else.
Filed: June 17, 2012

Y U dispute shoddy science?
The Heritage Foundation is baffled by criticism of its flawed “same-sex parenting” study.
Filed: June 17, 2012

It’s Sunday so Boko Haram set off bombs in Nigeria
A local Red Cross worker told the Associated Press that at least 12 people had been killed and 80 injured in the attacks.
Filed: June 17, 2012

Polygamy in Islam: the women victims of multiple marriage
"You're supposed to keep your mouth shut and you're supposed to just carry on. It is impregnated into our culture."
Filed: June 17, 2012

UK: Helen Duncan was convicted as a witch in 1944
She was tried by jury at the Old Bailey and found guilty of contravening section 4 of the Witchcraft Act of 1735.
Filed: June 17, 2012

Nevers, France: parents sentenced for FGM
The mother got 18 months in prison, the father two years, for the genital mutilation of their four daughters. [story in French]
Filed: June 17, 2012

Canada’s laws against assisted suicide ruled unconstitutional
Justice Lynn Smith Smith ruled the law against assisted suicide denies physically disabled people the same rights as able-bodied people who can take their own lives.
Filed: June 17, 2012

School forbids 5th-grader to give marriage equality speech
Kameron Slade won a class competition and was supposed to give his speech school-wide, but his principal wouldn't allow it.
Filed: June 18, 2012

Karachi: mob tries to lynch man accused of blasphemy
Taimuria Police Station booked a man accused of desecrating a copy of the Koran, and a mob attacked the station.
Filed: June 18, 2012

Pakistani singer Ghazala Javed murdered
She fled the Swat valley when the Taliban took over. She and her father were killed by gunmen yesterday.
Filed: June 19, 2012

Saudi man beheaded for “sorcery”
The man was found in possession of books and talismans, the state news agency said.
Filed: June 19, 2012

Jesus explains the Vatican’s problems
With a little help from Ratzinger's consigliere.
Filed: June 20, 2012

Foreign Policy lists important women who tweet
Too bad it forgot the first time, and too bad about the pink tweetybird, but good to have a list.
Filed: June 20, 2012

Malaysian “charged” with selling Irshad Manji book
The government in the Muslim-majority country regularly bans books it considers threats to religious stability.
Filed: June 20, 2012

Uganda plans to ban 38 NGOs for “promoting homosexuality”
On Monday, police raided a gay rights conference being held at a hotel outside Kampala. Gay activists from around the region were detained for a few hours.
Filed: June 21, 2012

Southern Baptists resolve: gay rights are not civil rights
"Homosexuality does not qualify as a class meriting special protections, like race and gender." Izzat so.
Filed: June 21, 2012

Candace Chellew-Hodge gives the SBC what-for
"The SBC can’t seem to understand that these sorts of resolutions are at the very heart of the continuing violence and discrimination against gay and lesbian people."
Filed: June 21, 2012

Measles outbreak at Steiner school
Filed: June 22, 2012

School principal gets death threats over goddy song
Principal Greta Hawkins ditched "God Bless the USA" for kindergarten graduation, so now she's being called foul names on Twitter.
Filed: June 22, 2012

Conflict over science-textbook revisions in South Korea
Dayk Jang, who is organizing a group of experts to counter the creationist campaign, says that many local scientists do not know how serious the battle is.
Filed: June 23, 2012

CFI writes a letter to the Indonesian ambassador
To demand the immediate release of Alexander Aan, who has been sentenced to 2 1/2 years in prison for allegedly “spreading information inciting religious hatred and animosity.”
Filed: June 23, 2012

Anti-Mormon “bias” unchanged since 1967
So he believes in the golden plates, so what. What could possibly go wrong?
Filed: June 23, 2012

India: father beheads daughter
A father cut off his daughter’s head and paraded it around their village after becoming enraged over her relationships with men, police in Rajasthan said.
Filed: June 26, 2012

Dave Silverman on O’Reilly Report
Host Laura Ingraham is surprised to hear that he doesn't want to turn the US into an anti-religious nation. Really?! Yes really.
Filed: June 26, 2012

Austin Dacey on Edamaruku and religious “hurt feelings”
The legal standard of intentional outrage of religious feelings lets the state determine which contestable moral and religious beliefs are more worthy of protection.
Filed: June 26, 2012

Sanal Edamuruku is in Helsinki
So he is safe from indefinite detention. He and his lawyers are contesting the charges.
Filed: June 26, 2012

German court outlaws religious circumcision
The regional court in Köln ruled that the “fundamental right of the child to bodily integrity outweighed the fundamental rights of the parents.”
Filed: June 26, 2012

Karachi: life as a prisoner accused of blasphemy
Sitting in a small cell at the Karachi Central Jail, a skinny man screams for help every 10 minutes. “Please, don’t kill me,” he cries, when someone enters the room.
Filed: June 26, 2012

Sexually assaulting Lara Croft
It often feels as though women can’t win when it comes to fighting sexism within gaming: you’re either derided as a “girl gamer” or decried as a feminist bore.
Filed: June 27, 2012

Do Jesus and Mo wrestle with their feelings about gay sex?
No! Yuck!
Filed: June 27, 2012

New rules on who curtsies to whom
No really, there are rules about it. It's very important.
Filed: June 27, 2012

Hilary Mantel is not a fan of the Catholic church
"When I was a child I wondered why priests and nuns were not nicer people. I thought that they were amongst the worst people I knew."
Filed: June 27, 2012

CFI New York to protest jailing of Alexander Aan

Starts Friday, July 6th 2012 at 12:30 pm. Ends Friday, July 6th 2012 at 2:00 pm. Location: Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia, 5 East 68th Street, Manhattan

Filed: June 27, 2012

Atheist acceptability on the rise in the US
Since secularity is quite prevalent among young Americans, it is reasonable to think the vilification of the atheism will diminish over time.
Filed: June 28, 2012

International experts call for a ‘crime against free expression’
In response to the rise in attacks on journalists, bloggers, human rights defenders and others targeted for exercising their right to freedom of expression.
Filed: June 28, 2012

Jordan: rape victim, 14, forced to marry rapist
He kidnapped her and raped her repeatedly for 4 days - then he "agreed" to marry her to avoid jail. What a fabulous arrangement.
Filed: June 28, 2012

Anti-abortion ads in Dublin spark anger
The two posters, one featuring the face of a distraught woman and another showing a foetus, are captioned 'Abortion tears her life apart. There's always a better answer.'
Filed: June 28, 2012

The Dublin anti-abortion ads are wrong on the facts
Anti-abortion groups claim to support women, but they increase the suffering of women who have had abortions – the very women they ostensibly claim to help.
Filed: June 28, 2012

CFI announces policy on hostile conduct/harassment
Intimidation and harassment interfere with productive discussion and cordial interaction among conference participants, so they're out.
Filed: June 29, 2012

FFRF “quit the church” billboard annoys Fox News
The Catholic diocese of Dallas says it's offended. Well it would, wouldn't it.
Filed: June 29, 2012

What will Morsi mean for free speech?
Inex on Censorhips notes: many intellectuals, writers and artists worry that the sweeping tide of Islamism may lead to greater censorship and curb creativity and free expression.
Filed: June 29, 2012

An interview with Secular Woman
Religions can be very controlling and patriarchal toward women. For many, secularism and feminism can be so intertwined that they cannot be distinguished.
Filed: June 29, 2012

Journal of Neurophysiology looks at peer review and gender
If women are trusted as researchers, why do male-dominant panels outnumber female-dominant panels 15 to 1?
Filed: June 29, 2012

Washington Post on Secular Students of America
The SSA is helping to establish clubs for high school students to hang out with other teens who share their skepticism about the supernatural.
Filed: June 29, 2012

More vicious nonsense from Brendan O’Neill
Just imagine: some people think slicing off bits of an infant's genitalia for god is "abuse"! Did you ever?
Filed: June 29, 2012

Mali: Islamists plan to destroy world heritage sites
Ansar Eddine intends to destroy all the mausoleums in Timbuktu today. [in French]
Filed: June 30, 2012

Destruction of Timbuktu shrines has begun
Witnesses said Islamist fighters began attacking the shrines on Saturday morning, using shovels and pickaxes.
Filed: June 30, 2012

Deutsche Welle on destruction of Timbuktu sites
Timbuktu is home to three historic mosques as well as 16 cemeteries and mausoleums recognized by UNESCO, watchdog for some of history's most threatened cultural exhibits.
Filed: June 30, 2012

Khalid Mohd torched wife 1 to make space for wife 2
Rema Jamel asked him to help extend her visa; he said no, and told her she couldn't take her children back to Jordan, then doused her with lighter fluid and set her on fire.
Filed: June 30, 2012

New in "Notes and Comment Blog"

That's it. Talk to you in a month or two. (I kid, I kid.)

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