Butterflies and Wheels update

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Ophelia Benson

Jun 17, 2012, 12:35:01 PM6/17/12
to butterflies...@googlegroups.com
Hello. It's been a strange week here in Lake Wobegon - no wait, that's a different show. Have another B&W update.

New in "Latest News"

Greece: neo-Nazi guy hits Communist woman in face
The spokesman of Golden Dawn party lunged at two female left-wing politicians on a talk show, throwing water at one and smacking the other three times across the face.
Filed: June 7, 2012

Petition: No bleach enemas to “cure” autism in children
The petition is addressed to the US Food and Drug Administration, US Department of Health and Human Services, and the Federal Trade Commission.
Filed: June 7, 2012

Pope praises Brenda’s “noble vision” of a Christian monarch
Well he would, wouldn't he.
Filed: June 7, 2012

Islamist hideout taking shape in Mali
A vast sanctuary is emerging for al-Qaeda’s African followers in northern Mali, where Tuareg secessionists allied with Islamists have declared an independent Islamist state.
Filed: June 7, 2012

What the Vatican has in common with MRAs
Members of the Vatican hierarchy are using the word “feminist” and even “radical feminist” the way third-graders use the word “cooties.”
Filed: June 7, 2012

Tennis for the laydeez
Brilliant idea: paint a tennis court pink for the wimminz to play on.
Filed: June 7, 2012

FFRF says Stand Up
While the Bishops preposterously portray themselves as victims of an “attack on religious liberty,” in fact it is they who are the threat to religious liberty.
Filed: June 8, 2012

Burma: Buddhists kill at least 9 Muslims in Rakhine province
Rakhine is home to Burma's largest concentration of Muslims, including much-persecuted Rohingya Muslims; their presence is resented by the majority Buddhist population.
Filed: June 8, 2012

Racism and antisemitism in Polish and Ukrainian football
Racism, antisemitism and violence are often intertwined and together they create a very intimidating atmosphere inside the ground.
Filed: June 8, 2012

Cognition and science
We never fully unlearn our mistaken intuitions about the world. We just learn to ignore them.
Filed: June 8, 2012

Neil Denny visits the Creation Museum
It promotes the idea that not only is everything stated in Genesis chapters 1-11 true, but it can be proved … with science.
Filed: June 9, 2012

BBC promotes quack charity “Yes to Life”
The charity "helps people with cancer choose integrated treatments."
Filed: June 9, 2012

Death on Buddhist yoga retreat in Arizona
The retreat was designed to allow participants to employ yoga and deep meditation to try to answer some of life’s most profound questions. Yeah no that's not going to work.
Filed: June 9, 2012

Mob attacks women at Cairo anti-sex assault rally
The attackers pushed several women against a metal railing, shoving their hands down their clothes and trying to grab their bags.
Filed: June 9, 2012

No appeal of Christian Science faith healing ruling
Christian scientist parents can refuse to get medical treatment for their children in Washington state, but other religions cannot.
Filed: June 12, 2012

Chiropractic may damage arteries along the spine
"Chiropractic manipulation of the cervical spine can produce dissections of the cranial and cervical segments of the vertebral and carotid arteries."
Filed: June 12, 2012

Laurie Penny on internet trolls and misogynists
Now anyone with a public platform can expect to face constant harassment, especially anyone who is a woman or a member of an ethnic minority.
Filed: June 12, 2012

Ayman al-Zawahiri’s wife has advice for Muslim women
"I advise you to raise your children in the cult of jihad and martyrdom and to instil in them a love for religion and death."
Filed: June 12, 2012

C of E objects to gov’t proposals to legalise gay marriage
The church warned that it could be forced out of its traditional role of conducting weddings on behalf of the state.
Filed: June 13, 2012

Abuse report given today to bishops; SNAP responds
We’re appalled that sex crimes are still being called “boundary violations” and when committed by foreign-born priests they are being explained away as “cultural differences.”
Filed: June 13, 2012

Jesus and Mo sing a song
The nod is not forthcoming.
Filed: June 13, 2012

No filthy secularism for Cork city council
Cork’s city councillors voted overwhelmingly against the move to scrap a prayer at the start of their meeting, after a heated debate.
Filed: June 13, 2012

New in "Articles"

Boko Haram and Religious Minorities in Northern Nigeria
By Leo Igwe
Nigeria is edging towards religious cleansing.
Filed: June 9, 2012

Millennials’ Religious Doubts Double, Causing Campus Atheism Boom
By Secular Student Alliance
"Our generation is causing a fundamental shift in how society will see religion," said Jesse Galef, the Secular Student Alliance Communications Director. "The internet has exposed young people to different worldviews, and they're carrying their newfound skepticism onto campus to organize."
Filed: June 12, 2012

New in "Notes and Comment Blog"

That's it for now.
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