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Butterflies and Wheels long overdue update

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Ophelia Benson

Feb 24, 2013, 7:04:18 PM2/24/13
Oh, uh, hi...I forgot. Well I didn't exactly forget, but I kept thinking oh yes, gotta do that...tomorrow. Must do better!
So, the longest B&W update since the universe began.

New in "Latest News"

UK: government will make same-sex marriage illegal in CofE
The Church of England and Church in Wales will be banned in law from offering same-sex marriages, the government has announced.
Filed: December 14, 2012

Judge believes female body magically blocks rape
A judge is being publicly admonished for saying a rape victim "didn't put up a fight" and that if someone doesn't want to be raped, the body "will not permit that to happen."
Filed: December 14, 2012

Nurse found guilty of manslaughter in circumcision case
Four-week-old Goodluck Caubergs bled to death.
Filed: December 14, 2012

Huckabee explains school shooting
"We ask why there is violence in our schools, but we have systematically removed God from our schools. Should we be so surprised that schools would become a place of carnage?"
Filed: December 14, 2012

Debate on Islam and evolution meets opposition
“We eventually had to give up of getting any support from student societies because it was seen as simply too controversial.”
Filed: December 15, 2012

The Freedom of Thought 2012 report
Waleed Alhusseini spent ten months in a Palestinian jail for having kept an atheist blog.
Filed: December 15, 2012

A scientific pioneer and a reluctant role model
“I have not set myself up to be a role model for women, but it does seem to be more of an issue than it used to be,” cognitive neuroscientist Dr. Brenda Milner explains.
Filed: December 17, 2012

Kuwait introduces death penalty for ‘cursing God and prophets’
Kuwaiti MPs approved a death penalty for Muslims who curse God, the Koran, all prophets and Mo's wives. Non-Muslims get a minimum of 10 years.
Filed: December 17, 2012

The pope has a fancy new hat
It's got pictures of people on it. Carmen Miranda would be jealous. Oh and btw same sex marriage threat to peace blah.
Filed: December 17, 2012

Delhi: woman gang-raped on private bus
The woman was travelling with a male friend on Sunday night when they were attacked. They were brutally beaten, stripped and thrown out of the vehicle.
Filed: December 17, 2012

Mali: Islamists’ attacks on people grow more brutal
A woman is sentenced to 100 lashes with an electrical cord for giving water to a male visitor.
Filed: December 17, 2012

Pakistan: gunmen shoot five anti-polio workers
Four women killed, one man injured for helping the "infidel" campaign against polio. At least 35 children in Pakistan have been infected this year.
Filed: December 18, 2012

Ireland to legalize abortion when mother’s life is at risk
Up until now the government has not enacted legislation to give certainty to doctors as to when terminations can be carried out and under what circumstances.
Filed: December 18, 2012

Cristina Odone worries about Ireland’s changed abortion law
Because when in doubt, let the woman die.
Filed: December 18, 2012

Three more anti-polio campaigners shot dead in Pakistan
Women health workers held protests in Karachi and Islamabad. "We go out and risk our lives to save other people's children from being permanently handicapped, for what?"
Filed: December 19, 2012

Delhi gangrapists yanked the victim’s intestines out
Doctors say only five percent of her intestines had been left inside her when she arrived at the medial facility on Sunday.
Filed: December 21, 2012

Pakistan: polio campaign will go on despite murders
The CIA may have used a vaccination programme (though not of polio) to find bin Laden, but polio still needs to be eradicated.
Filed: December 21, 2012

Timbuktu: Islamists destroying remaining mausoleums
"Allah doesn't like it," said Abou Dardar of Ansar Dine. "We are in the process of smashing all the hidden mausoleums in the area."
Filed: December 23, 2012

Iowa Supreme Court: ok to fire a woman for being too hot
Hey it's better than putting her in a burqa, right?
Filed: December 23, 2012

Delhi gang rape victim dies
She had suffered from severe organ failure following serious injuries to her body and brain.
Filed: December 28, 2012

Uganda: gay rights group office vandalized
The office of the Sexual Minorities of Uganda (SMUG) has been vandalized and robbed, potentially putting gay Ugandans at risk.
Filed: December 28, 2012

India: rape victim kills herself
An 18-year-old girl who was gang-raped last month committed suicide after a police officer pressed her to drop the case and marry one of her attackers.
Filed: December 28, 2012

The progress of Nirmukta
Nirmukta has successfully brought together a diverse group of people from all over the world who share our passion for promoting Science and Humanism.
Filed: December 29, 2012

The year it became okay to blame victims of sexual assault
Reddit has entire categories dedicated to “raping women”, “hot rape stories”, and “choke a bitch”.
Filed: December 29, 2012

Abortion website hacker caught
A hacker broke into the website of Britain's biggest abortion provider because he "disagreed" with the decisions of two women he knew over their pregnancy terminations.
Filed: December 30, 2012

Jesus and Mo discuss sex and hedonism
Hedonism is wrong. Wrong wrong wrongity wrong.
Filed: January 3, 2013

Malala has left the hospital
She will continue to receive treatment as an outpatient.
Filed: January 4, 2013

The rapes that India forgot
On most days, Indian newspapers report atrocities - a 10-month-old raped by a neighbour in Delhi; an 18-month-old raped and abandoned on the streets in Calcutta...
Filed: January 4, 2013

Delhi rape victim’s friend gives his account
"We tried to resist them. Even my friend fought with them, she tried to save me," he said.
Filed: January 4, 2013

Pakistan: 10 years in jail for misquoting a Hadith
The accused was acquitted of blaspheming the prophet, but imprisoned for ten years and fined Rs200,000 for outraging religious feelings.
Filed: January 11, 2013

Selective abortion of girls taking place in the UK
Officials have found signs that birth rates for girls and boys vary noticeably according to where their mothers were born.
Filed: January 12, 2013

Islamists flee Timbuktu
The people of Timbuktu are overjoyed. "Today everyone can do as they please. We would like the French to come to Timbuktu."
Filed: January 17, 2013

Obama unveils gun control proposals
He signed 23 unilateral orders, including an end to a ban on gun-violence research by the CDC.
Filed: January 17, 2013

Another gang rape on a bus in India
The bus driver and his helper took the woman to an undisclosed address where five others joined the two men and raped her throughout the night, police said.
Filed: January 17, 2013

Acid attack on Bolshoi artistic director
Sergei Filin had already received numerous phone threats, and his email and Facebook accounts had been hacked.
Filed: January 18, 2013

The battle against sexist sci-fi and fantasy book covers
Many science fiction and fantasy readers are disappointed to encounter everyday sexism in a medium that is supposed to offer an escape.
Filed: January 18, 2013

Sherry Rehman accused of “blasphemy”
The petition claims that Pakistan's ambassador to the US committed a blasphemous act two years ago when she criticized Pakistan's blasphemy laws in a TV interview.
Filed: January 18, 2013

Mary Beard on Women’s Hour
Women are always told to shut up about the abuse or they'll only make it worse. Sorry, mate; not on.
Filed: January 24, 2013

Website owner accuses Mary Beard
All that trash talk was her fault for being so wrong and she used the trash talk to deflect attention from her wrongitude.
Filed: January 25, 2013

Religious exemption from Burger King uniform
Because God said Ashanti McShan has to wear a long skirt instead of trousers to work at Burger King.
Filed: January 25, 2013

Antibiotic-resistant diseases pose ‘apocalyptic’ threat
Britain's most senior medical adviser has warned MPs that the rise in drug-resistant diseases could trigger a national emergency comparable to a catastrophic terrorist attack.
Filed: January 25, 2013

Bernice Sandler’s talk at Women in Secularism 2012
The subtle unnoticed ways women and men are treated differently.
Filed: January 25, 2013

Universal human rights in Nigeria
The international community and human rights activists are urging Nigeria to reconsider the bill prohibiting same-sex marriage.
Filed: January 26, 2013

Richard Dawkins and Rowan Williams will debate
Prominent atheist Prof Dawkins and the former Archbishop of Canterbury will discuss whether "religion has no place in the 21st Century" on Thursday.
Filed: January 27, 2013

Malala scheduled for reconstruction surgery
Her doctors say she will return to hospital within the next 10 days to undergo surgery to repair a missing area of her skull with a specially molded titanium plate.
Filed: January 30, 2013

The push for “fetal heartbeat” bans on abortion
Fetal heartbeat measures seek to outlaw abortions as soon as a fetal heartbeat can be detected, in direct contradiction to Roe v. Wade.
Filed: January 31, 2013

Catholics for Choice blasts proposed contraception exemption
Catholics for Choice president Jon O'Brien said that providing such exemptions gives "carte blanche" to "religious extremists" to "trump the rights of others."
Filed: February 2, 2013

Ireland: anti-abortion campaigners are shouting louder
They face a similarly vocal pro-choice movement, reinvigorated by the death of Savita Halappanavar.
Filed: February 2, 2013

Sandwich chain withdraws ‘Virgin Mary’ crisps
Sandwich shop chain Pret A Manger has withdrawn a new "Virgin Mary" brand of crisps following religious complaints.
Filed: February 2, 2013

Michael Apted on the 7 Up films on Fresh Air
"It was both very funny and also chilling, showing that, in fact, the class system was very active."
Filed: February 6, 2013

“Muslim patrols” in London could get worse
A group calling itself the Muslim Patrol posted a video showing a gang hurling abuse at a gay man and described white women as "naked animals with no self–respect."
Filed: February 7, 2013

AlJazeera on London’s “Muslim patrols”
A group under the name of "Muslim Patrol" post YouTube videos showing them harassing people who they think are not conforming to sharia.
Filed: February 7, 2013

Edna Adan statement on zero tolerance of FGM
"Witnessing the FGM-associated complications that many were suffering caused me to speak out against it in public in 1976 which at that time shocked my family and my people."
Filed: February 7, 2013

South African girl gang-raped and mutilated to death
Before she died, Anene Booysen, 17, identified her former boyfriend as one of her attackers.
Filed: February 7, 2013

9 women polio vaccinators shot dead in Kano, Nigeria
On Thursday, a mullah bashed the polio vaccination campaign, saying that new cases of polio were caused by contaminated medicine.
Filed: February 8, 2013

Pseudoscience and stereotyping won’t solve gender inequality in science
Finding ways for girls to integrate interests in science and shopping doesn't work if girls think this is the only way to engage with it.
Filed: February 8, 2013

CNN on branding children as witches
The reporter talks to Debbie Ariyo about the sources of witch-hunts against children.
Filed: February 8, 2013

The battle to keep women in Tahrir Square
Rights activists believe the state may be behind the organised and coordinated attacks which are aimed at silencing women and excluding them from public spaces.
Filed: February 12, 2013

Senate renews Violence Against Women Act
The Senate voted 78-22 to reauthorize the 20 year old act that has shielded millions of women from abuse and helped reduce national rates of domestic violence.
Filed: February 12, 2013

Online gaming: women targeted for harassment 3x as much as men
While the conclusions are unsurprising to anyone who plays games online, the study provides evidence that women get disproportionate amount of verbal abuse.
Filed: February 14, 2013

Waleed Al-Husseini organizing Council of Ex-Muslims of France
The Palestinian blogger and atheist is now in Paris, and is organising a Council of Ex-Muslims of France with the help of the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain.
Filed: February 14, 2013

Taoiseach apologizes to survivors of Magdalene laundries
Now it's time to grant them compensation.
Filed: February 19, 2013

Irish PM apologizes for “national shame” of Magdalene Laundries
Enda Kenny apologized on Tuesday for the "national shame" of forcing thousands of women to work without pay at the Catholic Church's notorious Magdalene Laundries.
Filed: February 19, 2013

New in "Articles"

Kukuo: Inside a ‘Witch Camp’ in Ghana
By Leo Igwe
One of the women could not walk, and she was living alone. She crawled around to cook and to attend to her daily chores.
Filed: January 12, 2013

To tell the world his daughter’s name
By Lauryn Oates
Rape is the most under-reported form of violent crime in the world.
Filed: January 18, 2013

A New Wave of Reason in Africa
By Leo Igwe
A new wave of reason is really sweeping across the African continent where superstition had - and still has - a fierce hold.
Filed: February 3, 2013

Child Witch Hunting and Our Justice System
By Leo Igwe
Filed: February 3, 2013

Witch Hunts in Papua New Guinea
By Leo Igwe
Just condemning the attacks and killings of alleged witches makes little or no difference to the problem.
Filed: February 10, 2013

Cruelty Toward “Nejis” Animals
By Jahanshah Rashidian
Dogs, pigs and non-Muslims are ritually nejis.
Filed: February 12, 2013

A Hostile Farewell to the Catholic Church
By Lauryn Oates
Let the Church remain frozen in time. Let it implode on itself. Let the clique of ancient robed men sequestered in The Vatican stay that way, increasingly isolated from the greater world around them, until they disappear altogether.
Filed: February 20, 2013

New in "Notes and Comment Blog"

That should keep you busy. Until next time.
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