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Ophelia Benson

Mar 15, 2012, 6:53:38 PM3/15/12
Hello. I'm back from QED in Manchester, where I gave a talk and participated on a panel and met Maryam Namazie and Paula Kirby and Rhys Morgan and the author of Jesus and Mo along with a lot of other great people, and in short had a brilliant time. The result is a rather thin mailing again, but now it will be normal for awhile.

New in "Latest News"

Landlord blocks atheist billboard in Hasidic neighborhood
"It has been very disconcerting to see that the traditional victims of religious bigotry have become the purveyors of religious bigotry," said Dave Silverman.
Filed: March 7, 2012

The Hasidic campaign against Deborah Feldman
Interesting that they don't try to defend the sexist practices and dogma.
Filed: March 7, 2012

Radio stations, advertisers drop Limbaugh
So it's not ok to call a woman a slut and a prostitute just because you disagree with her politics? Whaddya know.
Filed: March 7, 2012

Pair found guilty in “witchcraft” murder
The teenager had refused to admit to sorcery and witchcraft and his punishments in a "deliverance" ceremony became more horrendous.
Filed: March 7, 2012

James Randi on America the gullible
A sizable portion of the U.S. population accepts as a given that an unseen world of magical paranormal power exists, and that we can take advantage of it
Filed: March 10, 2012

Philosophers apologize for discussing ethics
It's a mistake to apologize for discussing ethics.
Filed: March 13, 2012

An atheist at Alcoholics Anonymous
"God is not looking after me and the Cosmos does not care if I relapse on cheap vodka or not."
Filed: March 13, 2012

Karzai publishes clerical statement that women are inferior
Women are subordinate to men, should not mix in work or education, and must always have a male guardian when they travel, says the Ulema council.
Filed: March 13, 2012

Kenan Malik on tolerance as obedience
Tolerance is all too often now about the constraining of speech in the name of promoting a plural society.
Filed: March 14, 2012

Brendan O’Neill looks down from a very great height, again
"Supporting gay marriage has become a kind of shorthand way of indicating one’s superiority over the hordes, particularly those of a religious or redneck persuasion."
Filed: March 14, 2012

Jesus and Mo on redefining the pub
Pubs are for beer. Cafés are for coffee. You can't just redefine things!!1
Filed: March 14, 2012

New in "Notes and Comment Blog"

That's it! Catch you next week.

Ophelia Benson

Mar 20, 2012, 7:57:21 PM3/20/12
Hello, happy equinox. Here is a new update.

New in "Latest News"

US Solicitor General supports appeal of cross ruling
Obama admin sides with theocrats of Liberty Institute, making Supreme Court hearing more likely. What the hell?
Filed: March 15, 2012

Rape victim forced to marry her rapist, kills herself
Amina Filali, 16, swallowed rat poison after being severely beaten by her rapist "husband."
Filed: March 15, 2012

Catholic church bullies victims’ group
Bill Donohue explains, “The church has been too quick to write a check, and I think they’ve realized it would be a lot less expensive in the long run if we fought them one by one.”
Filed: March 15, 2012

Egypt: setback for women’s right not to be raped by cops
On Sunday, an Egyptian military tribunal acquitted an army doctor of performing so-called virginity tests on seven female protesters last spring.
Filed: March 15, 2012

Laila Lalami on the culture of silence in Morocco
The public prosecutor failed Amina by not immediately proceeding with an arrest and an investigation.
Filed: March 16, 2012

US religious group holding “vigil” at London abortion clinic
Robert Colquhoun, a campaign director of 40 Days for Life’s London campaign, said they are there to pray and to show there is love in the community.
Filed: March 16, 2012

Rock Beyond Belief wins a victory
If you care about the constitutional rights of our nation’s armed forces personnel, and you most certainly should, make the trip out to Fort Bragg, N.C., and witness history unfold.
Filed: March 16, 2012

Tom Martin’s sex discrimination case against LSE dismissed
Mr Martin was ordered to pay the LSE’s legal costs subject to a financial assessment.
Filed: March 16, 2012

Sarah Ditum on anti-abortion bullies
Abortion opponents are alarmingly willing to adopt increasingly aggressive tactics aimed at abortion providers and the women they treat.
Filed: March 16, 2012

Leo Igwe addresses the UN on belief in witchcraft
He criticised governments for aiding and abetting belief in witchcraft, leading to the torture and killing of innocent women and children in Africa and around the world.
Filed: March 17, 2012

Lauryn Oates on bad excuses for doing nothing
At what point does our own society reach perfection, giving us permission to worry about the problems of others?
Filed: March 18, 2012

Vatican launches criminal probe into unauthorised leaks
Not child rape, not concealment of child rape, but leaks that allege corruption. That's Vatican morality for you!
Filed: March 18, 2012

CofE schools expanding to combat “aggressive secularism”
Because theocracy is so obviously preferable.
Filed: March 18, 2012

Toulouse: gunman kills 4 at Jewish school
"He shot at everything he could see, children and adults, and some children were chased into the school," Michel Valet, the local prosecutor, told journalists.
Filed: March 19, 2012

Samira Ibrahim and Egypt’s virginity test trial
Blaming it all on the woman for being present at a demonstration seems to be a satisfying solution for some sectors of Egyptian society.
Filed: March 19, 2012

Nick Cohen on the spectre of militant secularism
'Militant secularist’ has become the ‘neo-con’ of the 2010s: a know-nothing label that signifies extremism, without explaining where the extremism lies.
Filed: March 19, 2012

Redefining marriage ‘will lead to accusations of hate crimes’
The Iona Institute reports "UKIP’s openly gay London Regional Chairman" as warning.
Filed: March 19, 2012

‘Honour’ crime victims living in fear in the UK
Qawal had freedom in Pakistan but that all changed when she came to England and was beaten not only by her husband but his mother as well.
Filed: March 19, 2012

One dead, six rushed to hospital from faith healer rally
The deceased was discharged from an ICU before attending the rally where televangelist Chris Oyakhilome was said to perform miracles and cure the sick.
Filed: March 19, 2012

Florida atheists scrub Polk County “anointed” roads
Last week, Polk Under Prayer campaign members buried bricks engraved with Psalm 37:9-11 beside 12 major roads, praying for criminals to become Christian or be incarcerated.
Filed: March 19, 2012

Nigeria: reporter threatened over Boko Haram coverage
First Boko Haram threatened him, now the government is threatening him.
Filed: March 19, 2012

FFRF ad in NY Times: quit the Catholic church
FFRF placed an open letter via a full-page ad in March 9 NY Times urging liberal and nominal Catholics to “quit” their church over its war against contraception.
Filed: March 19, 2012

More on the scrubbing of Polk County roads
They plan to bring mops, spring water, and soap. They also plan to bring their support for Humanists of Florida President EllenBeth Wachs.
Filed: March 19, 2012

I should be back on schedule now.
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