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Butterflies and Wheels Occasional Update

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Ophelia Benson

May 3, 2013, 7:58:04 PM5/3/13
Hello. Have an update.

New in "Latest News"

Syrian refugee women sold to men
“The Saudis usually ask for 12-year-olds.”
Filed: March 25, 2013

Pakistan: female teacher murdered
Shahnaz Bibi was shot dead on Tuesday by two motorbike riders near the school where she taught in the Khyber tribal region.
Filed: March 27, 2013

Being Malala’s father
"In honor-based culture, people think that girls could become too independent and make their own choices if they educate themselves."
Filed: March 27, 2013

Malala will tell her story
"I hope the book will reach people around the world, so they realize how difficult it is for some children to get access to education," Malala said in a news release. "I want to tell my story, but it will also be the story of 61 million children who can't get education."
Filed: March 27, 2013

Fox News host wants manlier men
"Are we better off as a nation now with all the P.C. and with all the wimpifying, wussificating and basically making men Chihuahuas?”
Filed: April 4, 2013

Obama comments on California AG’s looks
First, he said shrewdly, you have to say she's brilliant and good at the job. But once that's out of the way - phwoarrrrrrr, amirite?
Filed: April 5, 2013

Nepal: woman attacked as a “witch”
The 60-year-old woman was stripped naked and had her head shaved, force-fed excrement and badly beaten.
Filed: April 7, 2013

Wales measles: 1,200 MMR jabs given at drop-in clinics
Hundreds queued at the four hospitals offering free MMR jabs aimed at curbing the measles epidemic.
Filed: April 7, 2013

Bangladesh PM Sheikh Hasina rejects new blasphemy law
In a BBC interview, she said existing laws were sufficient to punish anyone who attempted to insult religion. Whew, that's a relief!
Filed: April 8, 2013

Kenya: Kakenya Ntaiya swapped her genitals for high school
When she was 12, she made a deal with her father: she would undergo the Maasai rite of passage of FGM if he would let her go to high school.
Filed: April 8, 2013

PNG: two women suspected of “sorcery” beheaded
Two elderly women were beheaded in Papua New Guinea after being tortured for three days. Police were outnumbered by an angry mob and could do nothing to stop the murders.
Filed: April 9, 2013

IHEU Call to action: Defend the bloggers of Bangladesh
Islamist political parties have provided government with a list of 84 "atheist bloggers" and are demanding the death penalty for "insulting religion".
Filed: April 10, 2013

ECHR calls on Ireland to implement abortion law
The committee said “the general prohibition on abortion in criminal law constitutes a significant chilling factor for women and doctors."
Filed: April 11, 2013

Giving space to Andrew Wakefield on MMR isn’t balance, it’s lunacy
Wakefield’s research was unconvincing at the time and swiftly refuted, yet the ‘controversy’ over MMR has raged for years, fuelled by credulous idiots in the media.
Filed: April 13, 2013

ireland: Bethany Home survivors blame State for deaths
'Manslaughter of 63 children occurred' when the State funded the Protestant institution.
Filed: April 15, 2013

Fazil Say convicted of blasphemy and inciting hatred
A Turkish court has convicted pianist and composer Fazil Say of blasphemy and inciting hatred through a series of comments he made on Twitter last year.
Filed: April 15, 2013

Another gender segregated lecture at UK university
The University of Leicester has launched an investigation into gender segregation at a public lecture held by its student Islamic society.
Filed: April 16, 2013

Praveen Halappanavar still wants answers
The only thing that could have saved Savita was a prompt termination, and by the time it was lawful to perform a termination, she was beyond saving.
Filed: April 21, 2013

Video: Burmese police stand by as Buddhists attack Muslims
The footage, apparently shot by police officers, shows Buddhist crowds cheering when Muslims are attacked and setting fire to mosques and houses.
Filed: April 22, 2013

Kansas: Brownback signs sweeping antiabortion bill into law
The law violates the accepted definition of fetal viability as defined by Roe v. Wade.
Filed: April 23, 2013

Worldwide Protests for Free Expression in Bangladesh
An international coalition led by CFI, the IHEU, and American Atheists, will protest the persecution of atheist bloggers in Bangladesh with demonstrations on April 25.
Filed: April 23, 2013

UK “conman” convicted of selling fake bomb detectors
Homeopaths next?
Filed: April 24, 2013

Measles outbreaks in England and Wales
The current spread of measles is in stark contrast to a decade ago, when there were only a handful of cases. Nice job, Wakefield.
Filed: April 26, 2013

Martin Robbins on the cost of writing on the internet
Abuse is something that all writers just seem to be expected to accept as "the price", as if simply having a platform makes you a legitimate target.
Filed: April 30, 2013

Afghanistan: woman shot dead by her father over “honor”
The killing came after three religious leaders issued a fatwa that Halima should be killed publicly, after her father sought their advice about his daughter’s elopement.
Filed: May 1, 2013

New in "Articles"

The Necessity of Atheism: A New Agenda for Nigerian Youth
By Gilbert Alabi Diche
The lives of most Nigerians, outside their homes and workplace, revolve around the frequent visits to the church, the mosque, the ancestors’ shrine, or the local diviner. We revel in our characterization as one of the most religious countries in the world. Each year, largely at government expense, our citizens spend vastly more money in Israel, the Vatican and Saudi Arabia than the citizens of those nations spend in our own country.
Filed: April 5, 2013

Formation of reformatories and industrial schools
By Marie-Thérèse O'Loughlin
I now refuse to let go of that loveless; pitiless; isolated; godforsaken miserable past, because of having hidden away from it for so long
Filed: April 8, 2013

New in "Notes and Comment Blog"

Enjoy the beautiful month of May!

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