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March on Blair Mountain

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Michael Bagdes-Canning

Apr 12, 2011, 9:46:56 AM4/12/11
What follows is information regarding the March on Blair Mountain.  I realize it's off our mission a bit but if anyone is interested:

General Announcements:
1. If you are going to Power Shift, come to the Coal River Mountain Watch table to get materials to promote the March on Blair Mountain. Bring a red bandana and wear it too!
2. We are launching a major online fundraising drive online next week, keep an eye out. If you'd like to help out, contact
3. Check out the wish list at the end of the notes, and get in touch if you have access to any of those things.
4. Check out the new website and register + donate if you haven't already.

Working Group Updates
     Much of this was on hold the last week due to Week in Washington.
     Confirmed bottom liners for all march roles (water, legal, food, etc.)
     Camp sites are proving difficult to secure, may have to do shuttling at the end of some of the days.
     We have the warehouse rented in Marmet - has basement, store front, mezanine, parking for 40. Begins May 1
     Checking in for the entire warehouse space the week of
     based on action guidelines, we have a draft proposal.
     Scouting happened, waiting for report back.
     Once report back happens will make formal proposal to steering committee
     Arranging details
     Calls on Friday.
     James Brady is coordinating non-violence trainings on Sunday June 5.
     Have a draft agenda together for the trainings day
     Training Day - Friday
     Each night of the march will have a different focus (MTR, history, economy, labor)

     Artists lined up for the rally - EmmyLou Harris and Kathy Mattea
     Finding under-writers for Hazel Dickens Concert
     Concert will be on June 4 or June 5 at the WV Cultural Centers
     Not public until we have release.

     104 people registered
     Union outreach - lots of union locals are getting excited.
     Monday 7 PM
     For union outreach information, contact Jasper Conner

     Gearing up for big online fundraising push, more on that later.
     Andrew, get in touch with Becca.

     Logo is ready to go (Attached)
     Had sit down meeting on Sunday covering press materials, networking with major media, blogging, and toolkit making.
     Fundraiser at UMWA local in Matewan with Wilma Steele. Media/Messaging group working with them to do story telling booth.
     Putting together media workshop
     Next sit down will be May 1 or May 2. To get info on that, contact Cat.

    Benefit Concert in Matewan - Rent UMWA local for Blair Mountain fundraiser. Staged reenactment of the massacre.
    Is there a cap? Logistics are making it look like not more than 300 or so. But, will depend on shuttling. Some concerns about a cap. Moving this discussion to the steering committee.


Outreach at Power Shift
Who is going?
     Andrew, Ted, Katey, Cat, Susanna,

Andrew will have materials ready
To get materials, go to the CRMW table.
CRMW will be the hub

Sunday evening screening at Power Shift

Online Fundraising
Update on Plan
Share resources

Nick, Susanna, Rae Breaux, Brian, Allen Johnson
Tarps -
  • Inverters - Nick (1)
  • Generators - Cat (friend in Asheville)
  • Mega Tents / Army Tents - Susanna (Wiley's)
  • Personal Tents - Dan Dan (2), Andrew (1)
  • Canopies - Tricia (1 short one), Susanna (SAMS Canopy)
  • Bulk Cots -
  • Big Vans, School Busses -
  • Trucks -
  • Trailers - Nick (1)
  • Porto-potties -
  • Bulk food items - Tricia working with Grumble
  • Bulk medical supplies -
  • Gas Cards
  • Flood Lights - 
  • Paint - Tricia (odds and ends)
  • Banner Canvas - 
  • Stage for Rally -
  • Sound System - Mari Lynn + Jordan
  • Projector - Mari Lynn
  • Bullhorns - Susanna (1)
  • Radios - GreenPeace
  • Headlamps -
  • Folding Chairs - Check with churches, Rev. Lewis
  • Folding Tables - Check with churches, Rev. Lewis
  • Ponchos/Trash Bags
The Last Mountain Screening
Bring attention to the March
Outreach tool for people
June 8
Is Bobby Kennedy Jr coming?
We will continue this conversation in the Media & Messaging working group - 7 PM Wednesday

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