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Minutes from April 10th Meeting

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Michael Bagdes-Canning

Apr 10, 2011, 8:24:38 PM4/10/11
to Butler CSI

W. PA US Uncut Meeting - April 10, 2011

After brief introductions everyone was welcomed and thanked for

Notes from last meeting were reviewed.

Three members had letters to the editor published since the last

March 26 action in Cranberry was discussed. About 20 people attended,
the location was great, overall event was positive and fun. A lot of
people saw our message so our goal of making more people aware was
accomplished. On the negative side we got no media attention even
though press releases were sent ahead of time. It was stated that we
need an angle or a novel approach. Brainstorming followed. A teach-in
and the possibility of engaging in civil disobedience was discussed.
It was also stated that before taking these types of actions, we
should consult with an attorney.

Using credit unions as an alternative to banks was encouraged.

It was decided that the group should be focused on the issue of
corporations and the wealthy paying their fair share of taxes & how
their tax dodging affects the poor and middle class. We need to focus
on grass roots organizing and growing the movement. Please try to
bring one person with you to the May meeting.

Individually we may be involved in many other issues and events but
as a group we will remain focused on the one issue. As a group we will
not raise money so there will be no need for a treasurer.

Other upcoming events:

April 18th. Monday at noon - Move on is holding a rally from noon to 1
pm in downtown Pittsburgh called " Make Them Pay." This is the same
issue we are working on. A number of people from the group plan to
attend. We may want to carpool to save on gas and parking. More info.
will be sent to you soon on the particulars. Contact me if you'd like
to carpool.

April 21 & 22 - Earth Day Symposium at Slippery Rock University. Ben
Price will be one of the speakers on April 21st. (9 am to 6 pm.) If
you need more info contact Michael at

The group decided we may want to have an event the next time
Congressman Mike Kelly has a town hall meeting. Rick will find out
when the next town hall is scheduled.

Mike will try to ascertain whether the Congressman's business is
engaged in any tax avoidance measures. Elected officials have to
complete financial disclosure documents so that may provide us with
some info.

US Uncut talking points were handed out in the hope that everyone will
review them in order to be more comfortable talking with friends,
neighbors and possibly the media at some point.

Next meeting Monday evening, May 16 at 6:30 pm at Linda & Len's home
100 Dogwood Lane Connoquenessing, PA 16027. Email me if you need
directions at

(For those not in attendance everyone present at this meeting thought
evenings would be better for them especially in the Spring and
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