New 2-state 5-symbol champion!

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Daniel Yuan

Jun 25, 2024, 1:02:12 AM (10 days ago) Jun 25
to Busy Beaver Discuss
Hello, this morning I have discovered a new BB(2, 5) champion, dethroning the old champion with a sigma of >7.3 × 10^19016 steps!

But the gist is that the TM is part bouncer and part counter, but the counter can overflow, in which case the bouncer ends up being the counter. Since usually by that time, the size bouncer becomes an exponental of the size of the counter, having the bouncer turn into the counter essentially shoves whatever size the tape was to the exponent. This effect happens 3-4 times before the mod 3 value becomes the right condition to halt. At the end, both the sigma and step score can be bounded below by 2^^7 or 10^^4.

Shawn Ligocki

Jun 25, 2024, 1:35:08 AM (10 days ago) Jun 25
A few details for those who don't have access / want to look on Discord. At a high level, this TM satisfies the following rules:

Counter Rules:
  • 01 11^x <A 23^y 00 -> 11 01^x <A 23^y 21
  • 01 11^x <A 23^y 21 -> 11 01^x <A 23^y 22
  • 01 11^x <A 23^y 22 -> 11 01^x <A 23^y 23
In other words, each iteration, the left counts up 1 in a binary counter (using "01" for 0 and "11" for 1) while the right keeps track of the number of iterations modulo 3 (using the final value of "21", "22" or "23") and grows every 3 iterations.

This continues until the counter "overflows" and depending upon the mod on the right side it has one of 3 possible behaviors.

Overflow Rules:
  • 0^inf 11^x+2 <A 23^y+2 0^inf    -> 0^inf 11 01^x 11 01^y 11^2 01 <A 21 0^inf
  • 0^inf 11^x+2 <A 23^y+2 21 0^inf -> 0^inf 11 01^x 11 01^y 11 01^3 <A 21 0^inf
  • 0^inf 11^x+1 <A 23^y+1 22 0^inf -> 0^inf 11 01^x 11^y+2 1 Z> 1 0^inf
I have confirmed all of the above rules in my inductive validator:

At step 2430 it is in config "0^inf 11^7 <A 23^17 21 0^inf" and Daniel reports that it proceeds to overflow 5 times with the last one hitting the halt rule (I have not confirmed this behavior yet myself). The penultimate config reported by Daniel is:

0^inf [11] [01]^(a+b+c+31) [11]^(d+1) 4 <B 1 0^inf

a = (2^25-2^19-9)/3 = 11010045
b = [2^(a+27)-2^(a+2)-11]/3
c = [2^(a+b+29)-2^(b+2)-9]/3
d = [2^(a+b+c+31)-2^(c+2)-8]/3

and Mathew House on Discord reported that this makes the sigma value for this TM > (10 ↑)^4 6.5

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Daniel Yuan

Jun 25, 2024, 11:22:03 AM (9 days ago) Jun 25
to Busy Beaver Discuss
Thanks for the summary! I probably wouldn't have done as well. And it covers everything I wanted to say.
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