Re: Digest for - 4 Messages in 2 Topics

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Lea Terhune

Apr 7, 2011, 9:26:09 AM4/7/11
Please add to list of benefits:
~My husband and I were planning to move to the country because we have dogs and like them to be able to run. We decided to check out the Burlington dog parks, and then looked for homes nearby... paid asking price for a home near Starr Farm dog park because the location was good for our dogs. The bike path was attractive, near the bus line was a plus, but the dog park was THE REASON we chose a home here. So people who want to increase the resale value of their property, encourage the city to locate a dog play and exercise within walking distance, and the closer the better!
~A developer who is building apartments is including a pet grooming/washing area in the building, and he is offering his units as "pet friendly." He wants to be at full occupancy as quickly as possible. He is delighted to learn that as word spreads, people are coming to him already asking when the apartments will be available -- and he hasn't even broken ground or put up a sign yet. Word spreads fast among dog lovers.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2011 2:05 AM
Subject: Digest for - 4 Messages in 2 Topics


    Carolyn Bates <> Apr 06 10:50AM -0400 ^
    Mari Steinbach said that there is a list already with Parks that was done several years ago.
    Can you find it, please?
    On Apr 4, 2011, at 6:12 PM, carolyn hanson wrote:
    > Hi all,
    > As you probably know, the Parks Commission is very interested in finding a suitable location for a south end dog park. Part of our approach involves looking at private as well as public land. I think it would be very useful to have a well-researched list to show property owners about the positive benefits of a park, for them especially as well as the community at large, and to debunk any negative stereotypes they might have (concern about dog feces causing a problem for adjoining landowners for example). If anyone in your group is interested/willing to put together such a list, we'd be glad to have it. Thanks! Carolyn Hanson, parks commissioner
    Carolyn L. Bates Photography
    Address: PO Box 1205, Burlington, VT 05402
    Phone: (802) 238-4213
    Find out more by visiting My Blog or my Facebook Fan Page


    carolyn hanson <> Apr 06 04:04PM -0400 ^
    you misunderstood my message. Not a list of sites but a list of the benefits a property owner would derive from leasing or lending private land for this purpose.
    On Apr 6, 2011, at 10:50 AM, Carolyn Bates wrote:


    Carolyn Bates <> Apr 06 05:32PM -0400 ^
    Thank you for explaining this better.
    Let us all list ideas so that when we meet next Monday, we can work on finalizing the list for Carolyn.
    Here are some of mine: Maybe these ideas will lead to others.
    1. Giving dogs a way to run and play with their owners, off leash, and to socialize with other dogs, when there is not a park in the south end, and the north end one is too crowded.
    2. Giving dogs and owners a way to walk to a dog park, instead of driving, helps to reduce our carbon footprint,
    3. Giving dogs and owners a place to play that is supervised, fenced in, will mean, hopefully, fewer dogs running loose outside of park, on sidewalks, etc, and more poop
    "controlled" and picked up as poop bags and trash containers will be provided.
    4. Great place for handicapped owners to be able to play safely with their dog off leash.
    5. Great place to have a dog party that could be a fund raiser to help private owner with costs of maintaining this park. (Ie a mini Shelburne Museum goes to the dogs weekend in Sept)
    6. A wonderful way for a private owner to "give back" to the community in an easy way, where others, ie parks and rec, and dog owners, will help owner with maintenance.
    7. If a shelter, bathrooms, and a private four season room with electricity, were added to the park, it could be a place to have training on site, with dog trainers and dogs and their owners, and general dog related classes. With an outside entrance, ie not within the park, it could be used for other classes, parties, meetings, summer camp activities. This building could be built as a demonstration of how to build with a no or low carbon footprint.
    8. Dogs and owners will maintain a better health by having a place close to their home to run on a daily basis, as well as to meet other people.
    9. If the building were built, it could have solar panels, to help defray the cost of power and heat.
    10. We could make this a show place for how to build other dog parks elsewhere.
    11. We could demonstrate how to maintain stormwater runoff with swales, tall grasses, rain barrels, gardens, outside the fenced in area, where dogs were not permitted to run.
    12. We could plant trees for shade, and help lower the carbon footprint.
    13. And if there could be a water access, that would be absolutely perfect.
    14. We could have a special tag to use this park, and a special fee?
    15. A good tax right off?
    16. A way to get a community of dog owners together to help research ideas, design, and build at least part of this.
    Carolyn Bates
    On Apr 6, 2011, at 4:04 PM, carolyn hanson wrote:
    >> Phone: (802) 238-4213
    >> Website:
    >> Find out more by visiting My Blog or my Facebook Fan Page
    Carolyn L. Bates Photography
    Address: PO Box 1205, Burlington, VT 05402
    Phone: (802) 238-4213
    Find out more by visiting My Blog or my Facebook Fan Page


    Carolyn Bates <> Apr 06 10:33AM -0400 ^
    Hi Lea
    I am back!
    On Apr 5, 2011, at 9:59 PM, Lea Terhune wrote:
    > Share your pet photos on our Facebook wall
    > Apr 5, 2011 | ... Burlington Free Press readers share photos of their pets on our Facebook wall. Visit and share pictures of your pets today, and we'll add them ...
    Carolyn L. Bates Photography
    Address: PO Box 1205, Burlington, VT 05402
    Phone: (802) 238-4213
    Find out more by visiting My Blog or my Facebook Fan Page


Karen Paul

Apr 10, 2011, 9:48:55 PM4/10/11

Hi and good evening to all,


I hope you all had a wonderful weekend, our first one that truly feels like spring.


This is just a reminder that we are meeting tomorrow at the police station at 8am for our monthly meeting.  Our fearless facilitator, Erin, is unable to make the meeting and has asked me to take on the task which I am happy to do and hope all of you are amenable to.  If not, we can certainly discuss this tomorrow.


In the meantime, I realized that we don’t have a formal agenda yet.  I would suggest that we do that first thing tomorrow so if you have suggestions, please bring them along so we can be efficient with our time.  The goal is to meet from 8 to 9am.


At the last meeting, we discussed the shortage of parking in front of the park.  I spoke with Mike Schirling about this last week and there is a significant parking shortage for the employees; some use the lot across the street and yet there is a need for additional parking which is why the public spots are taken.  This will become even more of a problem once Beansie’s bus is back.  Sorry I could not have more encouraging news to offer with respect to parking.  Again, please remember to enter the building on the park side as we are not allowed to walk through the building if you enter on the north side.


See you tomorrow at 8am.  I hope you have a good evening.







Carolyn Bates

Apr 10, 2011, 10:43:54 PM4/10/11
I had understood that the mtg was at the Miller Center and told both Chris Hadsel and Phil LaVigne that was where it was.
Please confirm with all of us about this.

And why should any employees get to use public parking spots all day, and use all of the spots?   They can park down on lakeside like so many other employees of this town do and take the bus up to work. 
We the public need access to the police station during the day.
Karen, please lobby harder on this issue.
No one can use Battery Park, either.  Totally NOT fair.  There is NO spot for use to park except two blocks down the way on North St. which i consider to be rather dangerous at that time of the morning.

Thank you
Po Box 1205, Burlington, Vt 05402

Carolyn Bates

Apr 10, 2011, 10:45:16 PM4/10/11
Carolyn Hanson asked us to come up with reasons a private person would want to donate land/run a dog park on their land.
I sent in several reasons.  And it was suggested that this be one of our topics for tomorrow.  So please everyone, bring in why someone would want to donate land/dog park too???

Thank you
On Apr 10, 2011, at 9:48 PM, Karen Paul wrote:

Karen Paul

Apr 10, 2011, 10:44:55 PM4/10/11
My mistake, Carolyn.  It is at the miller center.  My apologies.  


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