Israel Threatens to Hit Damascus-Next step of A Clean Break?:

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Jul 1, 2006, 2:52:56 AM7/1/06
to bullyard
Keep in mind (when reading the following) that Syria has supposedly
made some sort of defense pact with Iran. So is attacking Damascus the
way the Zionists will expand the war for Israel to Syria and Iran next
(in accordance with the 'A Clean Break' agenda that esteemed
intelligence writer/author James Bamford discusses on pages 261-269/321
of his 'A Pretext for War' book - see the URL about such included after
the following) as Bush and Cheney have already said that the US would
come to Israel's aid if Israel is attacked which will most likely
happen if Israel gets into it with Syria and Iran:

Israel Threatens to Hit Damascus-Next step of A Clean Break?:

Israel Threatens to Hit Damascus
By Hakan Isayev, Cihan News Agency, Cairo
Published: Friday, June 30, 2006

Israel holds Khaled Mashal, the leader of Hamas' Syrian branch,
responsible for the abduction of two Israeli soldiers and wants Syria
to expel Palestinian leaders from the country.
Israel threatened to kill Hamas militants based in Damascus.
Al-Jazeera television said Public Security Minister Avi Dichter claimed
they knew the locations of HAMAS and Islamic Jihad leaders in Syria and
will not hesitate to kill them.
Justice Minister Chaim Ramon said, "The leader of Al Qaeda, Meshal is
a terrorist of the worst kind, and the international community must
exert pressure on Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to expel Meshal from
Ramon claimed Meshaal gave the order for abduction and is now a target
for assassination.
Syrian security forces said they tightened the security measures to
protect the HAMAS leader.
Israeli army said yesterday they carried out a low-altitude flight over
the palace of Syrian President Bashar Assad in Latakia, in northwestern

Syrian sources reported that they fired at two Israeli planes flying
over Syrian air space.
Related News:
Israel Arrests Palestine Parliamentarians
Israel Detains 90 Palestinian Politicians

Israeli warplanes buzz Syrian president:

Next step of 'A Clean Break' (attacking Syria and then Iran via
Lebanon) - read what Bamford wrote on pages 261-269 of his 'A Pretext
for War' book by scrolling down to such at the following URL:

'A Clean Break' (scroll down to pages 261-269 of from James Bamford's '
A Pretext for War' book at the following URL):

Mearsheimer/Walt on NPR discussing pro-Israel lobby

Dennis Ross (who is associated with AIPAC) was also interviewed in the
above NPR program with John Mearsheimer as Ross was also nailed for
being an AIPAC hack for Israel via the following URLs:

The Gorilla in the Room is US Support for Israel

Professor Spiegel (who was on the NPR program with Mearsheimer
referenced above) of UCLA had his class appear before the Syrian
Ambassador to the USA as conveyed via the following URL (the Syrian
Ambassador responded to the question/comment about the 'A Clean
Break'/war for Israel agenda):

Syrian Ambassador Calls for Comprehensive Peace Settlement in the
Middle East

Additional at following URL:

Listen to Ali Abunimah via the following 'Democracy Now' segment:

US Support for Israel PRIMARY MOTIVATION for tragic World Trade Center
attacks in 1993 and on 9/11 as well:


Jul 2, 2006, 8:24:30 AM7/2/06
to bullyard
Additional at following URL:

Israel Threatens to Hit Damascus-Next step of A Clean Break?

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