Bullseye Match Director for Sir Walter Gun Club

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Sep 3, 2023, 12:39:12 PM9/3/23
to andre...@duke.edu, allancam...@gmail.com, Alan Toler, Amy Fuchs, Anselmo Lastra, Tom Willats, Jon, Jonathan Lane, kuha...@gmail.com, Robert Peele, Clark2245, Bob DenBleyker, Bill Reynolds, S. L., ats...@gmail.com, cmla...@gmail.com, Mike Gibbs, maha...@gmail.com, martinez...@yahoo.com, Joel W. King, 33620...@vtext.com, wtro...@rti.org, lizn...@yahoo.com, nate...@gmail.com, William Jones, franklin...@gmail.com, hobbyho...@gmail.com, Clarence Jones Jr, Jerry Kittrell, Eric Herrin, Lyndon Badcoe, Robert Hudson, je...@mickeyspastry.com, Dewey Hales, LYNN SHOFFNER, nhays...@gmail.com, J. Bray, James Scheer, Thomas Hessler, ashot...@gmail.com, iancr...@gmail.com, Thomas Zuber, joyc...@gmail.com, bullsey...@googlegroups.com

Dear Shooters,

Due to circumstances beyond my control, I am unable to continue as Match Director for the 2700 matches at Sir Walter Gun Club.  Tom Willats has agreed to take over as Match Director and will be running the remaining matches this year.

Tom can be reached at 301 651 8972 or 2700....@gmail.com.  Please continue to support the matches at Sir Walter and be patient with Tom while he learns the ropes of running a 2700 match.

Thank you and please continue to support the Bullseye Program through this transition.

Best regards,

Cecil Rhodes

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