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Do you have an approximate release date for the next edition?

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Mustapha Hadid

May 19, 2019, 10:14:31 AM5/19/19
to Building Skills Books
Hello Mr. Lott,

In one of your previous comments, you mentioned that all of the examples—and some of the design principles—in this edition should be revised to align with python 3.7. I'm currently stumbling at Wheel class of Roulette, and It turns out that I'm not the only one stumbling here. I start wondering should I wait for the next edition, or should I keep reading on this edition instead.

My decision would be highly dependent on your answer here. Thank you.

Steven F. Lott

May 20, 2019, 9:16:04 AM5/20/19
The debugging work you’re doing now - trying to get code working is the most important thing.  Nothing is as important as struggling to debug. Seriously. It is his programming gets done. 

The next edition is months away. 

It won’t make programming easier. It will only shift the emphasis slightly. 

Sent from my iPhone
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