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Trade Links with

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Aug 3, 2014, 8:37:54 PM8/3/14

Let’s Trade Links

  1. Are you interested in trading links with us? In doing so, your link popularity will grow and your search engine ranking will climb.
  2. We will link to your related/unrelated site if it is good taste and view-able by all ages.
  3. Note: We do not link with websites related to gambling, porn, racism, prescription drugs or mlm marketing.
  4. We check all reciprocal links every week, using our reciprocal link checker software. If we do not find our link on your website, your link we be deleted and blacklisted from our links page.
  5. To trade links, please link to our pages using the following text link below:
  6. To trade banners 468×60 and have it placed by your link on our links page, you would have to place our logo on the front page of your website.


Title: VideoViber – Sharing Media Socially


Text: VideoViber a social sharing site that lets you share photos and videos of what you find interesting on the internet.

Adding your URL to our site is a great idea and a very simple process. First, add us to your links page

Place your Link Exchange request below in the comments box below, you must register and be a member to leave comments. If you register and become a member, you can also create a permanent backlink to your site instantly indexed by google by adding your site to your profile.

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