Fwd: Tri State Dharma Jhana Retreat

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Derek Heyman

Jul 22, 2017, 11:42:48 AM7/22/17
to buddhismc...@googlegroups.com
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From: "Paul Kotheimer" <pkoth...@gmail.com>
Date: Jul 21, 2017 11:22 PM
Subject: Tri State Dharma Jhana Retreat
To: "Seth Josephson" <seth.jo...@gmail.com>, "Derek Heyman" <derek....@gmail.com>, "Glenn Gustafson" <glenn.g...@pragmaticbuddhism.org>

Perhaps one of you guys could post this (and/or the attached PDF) to the BNCO listserve? Or circulate otherwise? Tri-State Dharma is a wonderful organizations and the vegetarian food at Oakwood is so delicious! Most is dairy-free too! 

with Metta,

If you have been wondering about the Jhanas and happen to have this time available, here is your opportunity to learn and practice.  This retreat will emphasize the application of the meditative absorptions in a regular sitting practice and is suitable only for experienced meditators with prior retreat experience (in any Buddhist tradition). The Jhanas, commonly called the meditative absorptions, are a method of one-pointed concentration taught in the Theravadan Buddhist tradition. The retreat will emphasize the teaching of this technique and will be held in Noble Silence with sitting and walking meditation and personal interviews.


Mary Aubry began attending insight meditation retreats in 1993. In 2012, she graduated from the Community Dharma Leadership program co-sponsored by the Spirit Rock Meditation Center and the Insight Meditation Society. In 2013, she started teaching insight retreats, and in 2016 Leigh Brasington authorized her to teach jhana retreats in the tradition of the Venerable Ayya Khema. Other than Leigh, her primary teachers have included Joseph Goldstein, Tara Brach, Bhikkhu Analayo, and Rodney Smith. Mary teaches meditation retreats nationally on insight, the jhanas, and the brahma viharas.



The Retreat will be held at Oakwood Retreat Center

The retreat begins with supper on Friday evening, and ends with lunch on the last day.


Cost of the Retreat: $1075


Originally, Tri-State Dharma had a retreat scheduled with Leigh Brasington for 13 nights, but Leigh had to cancel due to health issues.  Leigh highly recommends Mary Aubry. She has generously agreed to teach for 10 nights.  The retreat ends at noon on Labor Day.

The cost of the retreat covers room and board and Tri-State Dharma’s expenses. Meditation teachers in this tradition are able to continue their work through Dana, or generous, voluntary giving by students. At retreat’s end, students have an opportunity to practice Dana by offering contributions. There is no specific contribution amount expected; give what feels right.  Generosity is an integral part of the practice.

Scholarships are available upon request.  Please send a letter stating your need along with the registration form.  If registering via PayPal, please send an email to San...@tristatedharma.org  .

Please contact Sue or me if you need more information.


Barb Huels



I’ll be on retreat July 14-19, also doing some travel before August 25. 



Sue Noble

Retreat Manager

Tri-State Dharma


513-509-7705 (cell/voice & text)

Sue is on retreat July 14-19, also doing some travel before August 25. 



Chris McCarthy

Jul 22, 2017, 6:12:59 PM7/22/17
to Derek Heyman, Buddhism Central Ohio
Hey Derek,

Thanks for the emails over the years.  Could you please remove me from your email list?  My wife and I now live full time in our RV.



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