US Lecture + Workshop Links

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Jul 8, 2019, 10:49:27 AM7/8/19
to A. buddha-direct2@googlegroups. com


Sorry: The Theosophical Society has recently got a new website so here are the corrected links: 
Friday August 16 2019, 7:00 p.m. The 4 Noble Truths & the 3 Universal Signs 
Saturday August 17 2019, Workshop 9-17 The 4 Infinite & Divine Dwellings
See description below:
The Theosophical Society National Center, 1926 N. Main St., Wheaton, IL.

            Friday August 16, 7:00 p.m. The 4 Noble Truths & the 3 Universal Signs 

The Four Noble Truths are the very core of early Buddhism and the central concept around
which all the teachings of the Buddha revolve. The Three Universal Signs of impermanence
(anicca), suffering (dukkha), and no-self (anatta), which all are observable empirical facts,
lead up to and underpin the Four Noble Truths. Both ideas are the main drivers in developing
the insight (vipassana) that results in Enlightenment (Bodhi). Bhante Samahita will elucidate
their history, explanation, and implications in detail.

Saturday August 17, Workshop 9am-17pm The 4 Infinite & Divine Dwellings
The Buddha often spoke about four states of mind as the four Brahma-viharas: divine dwellings
in which the mind reaches outward toward the immeasurable world of living beings, embracing
them all in these boundless emotions. These four sublime states are loving-kindness, compassion,
sympathetic joy, and equanimity. Systematic meditation, and thus gradual development of these states,
constitute four of the 40 classic meditation objects taught by the Buddha. We will go through their
proximate causes, praxis, advantages, and long-term benefits.  The day will include guided meditation
sessions that will underscore the infinite nature of each quality.  If the cause is infinite, so is the effect!
May all beings thus become Happy.

Bhante Samahita was educated as a medical doctor at the Copenhagen University in Denmark,
and became Associate Professor in Bioinformatics at the Technical University in Denmark, working
with theoretical biology and artificial intelligence. He arrived in Sri Lanka in 2001, where he became fully
ordained as a Bhikkhu in 2003. As a monk of the Theravada Araññavasin Forest Tradition, he has been
living and meditating for the past 16 years alone in a remote mountain forest hermitage.
His main philosophical interest is the convergence and congruence of ideas within Early Buddhism,
Orthodox Quantum Physics, Einsteinian Relativity, Information Theory, and Thermodynamics.

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Have a nice and Noble day.

Friendship is the
Bhikkhu Samāhita _/\_

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