Holiday Painting Class in English

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Nov 22, 2019, 8:11:36 AM11/22/19
to Budapest Moms

Looking for a way to lower you holiday stress level and leave you mentally clear and calm?  Come immerse yourself in a creative holiday painting that will leave you in what’s known as “the zone” or a state of “flow”. This meditative-like state focuses your mind and temporarily pushes aside all your worries. The purpose of the class is to concentrate on details and pay more attention to your environment. In this way, it acts like meditation. Doing anything creative increases the feel-good neurotransmitter dopamine, so no art skills are needed in this class. I will walk you through step by step instructions so that you leave with a finished painting, a sharper focus and a sense of accomplishment. Come to both sessions or just sign up for one. Sign up using the links below. Find out more at  

Sign up Link for Session 1: Three Christmas Gnomes” 40x60cm - Saturday, December 7th from 10am to 1pm. At AISB in room B105. Price 10,000 HUF 


Sign up Link for Session 2: “Christmas Tree” 20x50cm - Sunday December 8th, from 10am to 1pm. At AISB in room B105. Price 10,000 HUF


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