Experience REAL School - Open Day - Saturday, 9 November, 2019

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Federika Fait

Nov 6, 2019, 2:26:57 PM11/6/19
to Budapest Moms
How can we educate our kids to thrive in a world that is changing increasingly fast, while helping them solve the social and environmental challenges we have created? How can they develop an entrepreneurial and sustainability mindset, and learn skills that will be valuable in a world that nobody can foresee? How can they grow up uncovering who they really are and find their calling, their ikigai?

These are some of the big questions that we work on at REAL School Budapest, the new international school for sustainability and entrepreneurial learning. Come, join our Open Day on Saturday, 9 November, between 10:00-12:30, to see whether this learning environment would be right for your child aged 6-13.

Please note that while younger siblings are most welcome to join, we do not have the capacity to look after them during our activities.

For further information about the Open Day, check out the attached flyer or the Facebook event here: https://www.facebook.com/events/3010324078980231/
Places are limited, so please make sure to register here: https://forms.gle/cubAJW2VZM9G1v7y7


For further information about REAL School Budapest, check out our website: www.realschool.eu
REAL School Budapest Open Day - 9 November 2019.pdf
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