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Ferenc Domján

Jun 29, 2024, 3:51:54 PMJun 29
to Hash Googly Santanas, HHH Budapest HashHouseHarriers, James PEARSON, Mahmut Goktas, Nick Zagorianakos, david....@gmail.com
Hail to BPH3!

Tonight the BPH3 Annual General Meeting (AGM) started with my resignation and final retirement from the BPH3 MisManagement Committee, now and forever.
No GM, no Hash Song, no Hash Fee Collector, (the last 3000.-HUF hash money remaining with me was given to Hash Treasurer TT on the spot), no RA, nothing of these hash ranks for me, not any of the MMC positions from now on.
Accordingly, the rest of the Annual General Meeting and the future of BPH3 was and is none of my business, not any more.
Good luck and
On-On, 😛Rabies (ex-GM)

Ps: Instead of listing my multiple reasons for stepping down and after 32 years of hashing in Budapest, here is my favorite farewell hash song:

I've been a wild Hasher for many a year
And I spent all my money on only Hash beer,
And now I'm returning with hangover-bored
And I never will play the wild Hasher no more.../:+))
And it's no, nay, never,
No nay never no more,
Will I play the wild Hasher
No never, no more.

Zsuzsanna Balint

Jun 30, 2024, 9:39:27 AMJun 30
to Ferenc Domján, Hash Googly Santanas, HHH Budapest HashHouseHarriers, James PEARSON, Mahmut Goktas, Nick Zagorianakos, david....@gmail.com
Thank you Rabies for all your contributions and all you did and i am sure still would do for the hash no matter whether you have a mmm position or not ❤️

Zsuzsanna Balint
Sent from my iPhone

Before printing think about the environment

On 29 Jun 2024, at 21:51, Ferenc Domján <domjan...@gmail.com> wrote:

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