Dear Hash Friends

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Ferenc Domján

Jul 3, 2024, 2:00:35 PMJul 3
to Hash Googly Santanas, HHH Budapest HashHouseHarriers,, James PEARSON, Mahmut Goktas, Nick Zagorianakos
Dear Hash Friends in Budapest and Around the World,

I was quite surprised to see so many of you surprised on my stepping down from the Mismanagement Committee of BPH3.
Come on, there is nothing new in it.
This intention of mine had been mentioned several times in the near past, also in writing.
(See earlier message copies below.)
Getting older and older I just had enough of the fruitless efforts to re-establish normal hash life in Budapest.

Anyway, many thanks for your many thankful and sympathizing messages sent recently!
It's so nice and hash-heart warming of you, indeed.../:+))

And if you can, please forward my many grateful thanks to those hashers too, who have also expressed their sympathy, but only at our "The Budapest Hash House Harriers" facebook site.
Too bad, but - being banned recently by one of our site's censor moderators - now I can't do it myself, 

No comment...
However, leaving the Mismanagement does not mean at all that I give up hashing for good.
(Well, not yet.../:+))
Time to time I still want to turn up to hash, also in Budapest, just the way an ordinary hasher does it, that is without ranks, duties and/or privileges. 

Quoting here the Terminator:
I'll be back...
And you can take it as a serious threat!/:+))

On-On, 😛Rabies
Ferenc Domján <domjanferenc> ezt írta (időpont: 2024. jún. 29., Szo, 21:51):
Hail to BPH3!

Tonight the BPH3 Annual General Meeting (AGM) started with my resignation and final retirement from the BPH3 MisManagement Committee, now and forever.
No GM, no Hash Song, no Hash Fee Collector, (the last 3000.-HUF hash money remaining with me was given to Hash Treasurer TT on the spot), no RA, nothing of these hash ranks for me, not any of the MMC positions from now on.
Accordingly, the rest of the Annual General Meeting and the future of BPH3 was and is none of my business, not any more.
Good luck and
On-On, 😛Rabies (ex-GM)

Ps: Instead of listing my multiple reasons for stepping down and after 32 years of hashing in Budapest, here is my favorite farewell hash song:

I've been a wild Hasher for many a year
And I spent all my money on only Hash beer,
And now I'm returning with hangover-bored
And I never will play the wild Hasher no more.../:+))
And it's no, nay, never,
No nay never no more,
Will I play the wild Hasher
No never, no more.

Mellékletekjún. 24.,
címzett: HashHHHJamesMahmutNickdavid.brain71
Hail to BPH3!

Since there was no reaction at all regarding my previous message sent on the same subject, (copy below), HTGT advised me to take care of it myself:
I suggest you set a date ... and offer 1 free beer to all…
Accordingly, the date and the venue shall be:
29/June/2024, Saturday, 20:00
Ibolya pub, 1053 Budapest, Ferenciek tere 5.
Please send your "rsvp" answers only to as soon as possible, enabling me to make a appropriate reservation on time.
Hoping to see many of you there, I remain
On-On, Rabies
On 21 May 2024, at 20:16, Ferenc Domján <domjanferenc> wrote:

Hail To Hashers in Budapest!
Last year, when our former GM (HTGT) suddenly stepped down on the course of a Mismanagement Committee Meeting, I was made GM on the spot by general acclamation.
Rather unfortunately, I have to add here, both for me and for BPH3.
Ever since I haven't done much in the interest of the Hash as a GM, to admit the truth and say the least.
And, only by taking a look at recent "Hash Trash" reports, the declining trend of hash life in Budapest is quite obvious.
Without listing my failures, mistakes and/or excuses, it can be declared that BPH3 deserves a much better GM and a more efficient leadership, in general.
Accordingly, we better have our yearly BPH3 AGM of 2024 as early as possible, including General Hash Elections for replacing your stepping down GM and the current MM Committee, respectively.
Our former GM (HTGT) still has some hash haberdashery and hash cash with him, so his presence on this meeting would be very much desired, I think.
He wrote he could make himself available in Budapest on one of these weekends:
1st/15th of June or 29th June 2024.
May I ask our acting Hash Social(s) in charge, (TT, PP, DHL, ...?), to pick one of these dates, find a suitable location, then organize quickly and advertise timely within our hash circles this AGM/General Elections event, please.
On-On, Rabies (GM)
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