BPH3 info for Run No_1794 on 25_August_2024 Sunday

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Ferenc Domján

Aug 22, 2024, 12:30:02 PM8/22/24
to Hash Googly Santanas, HHH Budapest HashHouseHarriers, Mahmut Goktas, James PEARSON, Nick Zagorianakos, David Brain
Here is a recent hash message for those who want to live without facebook:

Information from the hares on the hash on Sunday 25 August:
Usual meeting point at Batthany Ter at 11:30.
Take HEV 5 towards Szentendre and get off at Budakalasz where the trail will begin. The HEV leaves Batthany Ter at 11:50 and again 12:10.
You Can expect a flat and relatively short trail in the varm weather and at least one beerstop and beer at the OnIn and options for food as well.
Hope to see many of you on Sunday.
OnOn, Lego Dancer and Smørrebrød

On-On, Rabies
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