hash manners

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Ferenc Domján

Aug 14, 2024, 3:41:26 PM8/14/24
to Hash Googly Santanas, HHH Budapest HashHouseHarriers, James PEARSON, Mahmut Goktas, Nick Zagorianakos, david....@gmail.com
Hail to BPH3,
I have found this clip at the BP Hash House Heroes:
In my opinion, every hasher should watch it, carefully, in order to learn proper hash manners at last.
No matter if preferring WhatsApp, or Facebook, or Google, or any of our hash mailing groups.
On-On, 😁Rabies


Jack Carlin

Aug 15, 2024, 7:14:50 AM8/15/24
to domjan...@gmail.com, Hash Googly Santanas, HHH Budapest HashHouseHarriers, James PEARSON, Mahmut Goktas, Nick Zagorianakos, david....@gmail.com
Isn't it a pity that some Hash groups have gone "woke" and are abandoning some of the Hash traditions. I don't want to mention names but a few Hash groups have decided that the traditional Hash closing hymn (Swing low sweet chariot ) is racist and hve stopped singing it. I have no idea how they close their circle. 
On On,
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Zsuzsanna Balint

Sep 29, 2024, 2:07:45 AM9/29/24
to Jack Carlin, domjan...@gmail.com, Hash Googly Santanas, HHH Budapest HashHouseHarriers, James PEARSON, Mahmut Goktas, Nick Zagorianakos, david....@gmail.com
Hi All, l  won’t be able to join today the hash but if anyone interested in a jubilee concert on Wednesday -  that is my last day in Budapest - in Zeneakademia, I am going to with a friend and my mum. Please join us, my mum used to teach and had been a librarian in this school where the choir had been formed 40 years ago by Tamás Bubnó

On 15 Aug 2024, at 13:14, 'Jack Carlin' via Budapest Hash House Harriers <budap...@googlegroups.com> wrote:

Isn't it a pity that some Hash groups have gone "woke" and are abandoning some of the Hash traditions. I don't want to mention names but a few Hash groups have decided that the traditional Hash closing hymn (Swing low sweet chariot ) is racist and hve stopped singing it. I have no idea how they close their circle. 
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