BPH3 Run No_1783 on Sunday 16_June_2024

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Ferenc Domján

Jun 14, 2024, 11:20:46 AMJun 14
to Hash Googly Santanas, HHH Budapest HashHouseHarriers, James PEARSON, Mahmut Goktas, Nick Zagorianakos, david....@gmail.com
BPH3 Run No_1783 on Sunday 16_June_2024

While eagerly waiting for the preliminary instructions from the hare-to-be (Multi Cunty?), may I let you know that I have to miss this Hash, because of our choir's concert to be held on the same Sunday in Budakeszi.
(It means that this time the participation shall be easy also for those hashers who used to abstain from hashing only because of my presumable presence.../:+))
Should any culture vulture type hasher of you be interested in, the same musical program shall be performed and can be heard first the night before, that is on:
Saturday, 15/June/2024, starting at 20:00.
The occasion is the 180th anniversary of the birth of the Hungarian National Anthem, composed by the famous Hungarian musician, Ferenc Erkel.
Before singing along his National Anthem at the end, you can listen to some other amusing musical pieces from the same (so called "Reform") age of Hungarian history.
(No worries, I'll be only one of the many singers in the huge choir.../:+))
Magyar Zene Háza (House of Hungarian Music) amongst the age old trees in the middle of Városliget (City Park).
(1146 Budapest, Olof Palme sétány 3.)
(You know, this is the prize winner - yet much disputed - new, extravagant building in the heart of the park, looking a bit like an oversized slice of Swiss cheese.../:+))
The concert shall be outdoors, but no problem, the related weather report is promising.
No entry fees, not even preliminary registration is required.
Just come.
Seats are not numbered, neither, so first comes first served shall be the rule.
This time no harm is endangering any of the trees or bushes, so green activists and other rebels are kindly asked to leave their protesting chains and locks at home.../:+))
On-On, Rabies

In the meantime the long waited instructional message has arrived from the two hares, Multi Cunty and Dreher DHL, again trough WhatsApp.
Maybe not every BPH3 hasher is up to this app, so the original message can be seen below, copied and repeated here in an other form.
Decode, read and enjoy it, like I did!/:+))

dear BpHHH Hashers,
the mid june sunday hash is going to start off this time exceptionally from BOSNYAK ter and is to be part scenic, part urban, flat and funny.
kommt alle!
(u get to bosnyak square marketplace front from M1 mexico with tram nr. 3 or from keleti pu. bus nr. 7 or from blaha bus nr. 7 or tram 62.
c u there at 11:30 at frontnof the legendary market hall at BOSNYAK's!
so long and good nite!
your evertruly multy cunty and dreherbier)
BHHH Logo.gif

georg ladanyi

Jun 14, 2024, 12:04:19 PMJun 14
to Ferenc Domján, Hash Googly Santanas, HHH Budapest HashHouseHarriers, James PEARSON, Mahmut Goktas, Nick Zagorianakos, david....@gmail.com
well, after reading and understanding above swift message of bp HHH member rabies aka ferenc domjan I kindly report that I feel of being a cultvulture type of hasher who lives close to zene haza at citypark and I love choir music plus I'm a fan and a thankful listener of domjanferenc aka rabies.
at the other side I would miss him too much at the comming sunday afternoon, when I'm seriously playing with the idea to do hare services for all those ready to march along our trail.
at this very place I got to voice my sadness about detected growing passivity at budapest's HHH clublife.
therefore it would be helpful for all of us to make a rough survey about eventual interest and prospecting presence at the cmmg  sunday hash, dear friends!
how you feel, what you mean?
should we compromize our whole nxt HHH sunday appointment to a joint visit at rabies' memorial concert corresponding with the national anthem day at the cheese like house of music at the park?
dearest @everybody , make please a registry mark if u were interested at = 
A) walking clubday w drinking habit @SUN
B) listening to the choir of rabies @SUN
C) no interest at this two but having read this!
D) you would rather forget ASAP about the whole, cos of setting alternative priorities
E) you prefer remaining silent in this vote!

budapest june the 14th 2024
sincerely yours multicunty
aka Georg Ladanyi
Akademgorod Stichting Budapest

On 14 Jun 2024, at 17:20, Ferenc Domján <domjan...@gmail.com> wrote:

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Budapest Hash House Harriers" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to budapesthhh...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/budapesthhh/CAFnDCn4baD1uurU%3DauTqvwzMGJ0tv4cBYRjMXsce7T7sbJUtVA%40mail.gmail.com.
<BHHH Logo.gif>

Kinga Orthmayr

Jun 14, 2024, 12:09:52 PMJun 14
to georg....@gmail.com, domjan...@gmail.com, budap...@googlegroups.com, budape...@gmail.com, pralof...@mailfence.com, mahmut...@ericsson.com, nkzagor...@gmail.com, david....@gmail.com

As I understand:
1. The anthem thing is on SATURDAY.
2. Rabies is doing something with his choir on Sunday, therefore not hashing.

Ferenc Domján

Jun 14, 2024, 5:32:19 PMJun 14
to Georg Ladanyi, Kinga Orthmayr, Hash Googly Santanas, HHH Budapest HashHouseHarriers, James PEARSON, Mahmut Goktas, Nick Zagorianakos, David Brain
Dear George Multi Cunty,
Thank you for your very kind, however completely wrong understanding of my previous message!
Quite unfortunately, but Kinga PP's interpretation is the correct one, that is:
1. The anthem thing is on SATURDAY.
2. Rabies is doing something with his choir on Sunday, therefore not hashing.
This means that you can come to Városliget for the concert Saturday night, then enjoy hashing on the day after, that is Sunday!
(But do the latter thing without me.../:+))
On-On, Rabies

Kinga Orthmayr

címzett: georg.ladanyiénbudapesthhhbudapesthashpralofish2020mahmut.goktasnkzagorianakosdavid.brain71

As I understand:
1. The anthem thing is on SATURDAY.
2. Rabies is doing something with his choir on Sunday, therefore not hashing.



Jun 14, 2024, 11:40:51 PMJun 14
to Kinga Orthmayr, budape...@gmail.com, budap...@googlegroups.com, david....@gmail.com, domjan...@gmail.com, georg....@gmail.com, mahmut...@ericsson.com, nkzagor...@gmail.com, pralof...@mailfence.com

dearest rabies 
bp. hashpack,
tnx 4 rabies for kind correction,
I hope I understand him now, when and where his chorus is singing and when it’s silent and that he rather prefers singing as walking with us dumb cantsins and karens. 
well, I gona stick to our splendid initial plan and do the historic trail today.
If I can’t make it to the cheese house at the park at anthem day I’ll think of u dear rabies and your chorus and will intonate our less jolly but terminatively dark anthem in sombre solo while blobbing.
I presume my splendid company dreher beer will not join into tuning, cos he is rather a lyrical as a musical character not even knowing our national anthem by heart as we huns all proudly do.
we wish u dear rabies all the best. have a blissful chorus shabbath. and for the rest of the pack I announce here expecting them for this red-indian-spirited urban trail at sunday half eleven (a.m. 11:30), gathering is at bosnyak square market entrance (which will be “zarva”) at SUN the 16th
truly yours multee cuntee
@zulu 04:40

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