Subject Prefix

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Samuel Baldwin

Jul 26, 2010, 2:17:57 PM7/26/10
Can we have the mail be sent with [btpd] or [btpd-users] at the
beginning of the topic? I'm on a lot of mailing lists and it's easier
for my sanity if they're prefixed. I do know about filtering, but this
is nice to have anyways. It's just an option in the google groups mail

Samuel Baldwin -

Marq Schneider

Jul 26, 2010, 9:47:44 PM7/26/10

Thanks for your input. I have given this some thought, but have
determined that keeping the current mailing list settings is best for
the recipients of the list. Provided that all modern email clients
(including mutt and pine!) support filtering options, i don't see
prepending these subject tags being necessary. I'm not a big fan of
mailing list subject header manipulation as the cost of eating space
in the Subject: field is far too high. Prepending the list's name to
the Subject: can right shift the actual subject off the screen,
rendering it invisible upon scanning down a list of messages. This
obscures information that people use to decide which messages to open
and i would not want to impose this upon everyone.

You can solve the mailing list identification problem in much less
obtrusive ways. Instead of mangling the Subject: header i recommend
having your email client take advantage of other standard headers such
as the To:, Mailing-list:, or List-ID: headers to identify and filter
emails from this list. Unless there is some other compelling problem
that subject header manipulation solves, i would like to keep the
current mailing list settings.


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