Hallo everybody,
I have the problem, that i want to set metadat to a new
I already tried this code but it doesnt work. Maybe anybody can help me...
I just want to edit a metadata with the description (Age, Height, Mass, Sex) and another field with frequency and one with events. Events should be subdivided into 4.
------------------------------------------- code
metadat = struct ('Age', Age, 'Height', Height, 'Mass', Mass, 'Sex', Sex);
info = btkMetaDataInfo('Char',metadat,4);
--> i got this Error:
Error using btkAppendMetaData
The field 'format' must be set by cell of strings or an array of numerical (double) values.
for the events a have a struct with all events:
events.TO_l = [1; 45;103];
events.TO_r = [28;84];
events.TD_l = [32; 68];
events.TD_r = [59;115];
i need your help!