FW: Save the Date! Monday, October 14 - CSS Fall Seminar Series - 4pm in ALS 4000 and Zoom

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Teresa Matteson

Oct 9, 2024, 6:37:00 PMOct 9
to Announce (bswcd-announce@googlegroups.com)


Subject: Save the Date! Monday, October 14 - CSS Fall Seminar Series - 4pm in ALS 4000 and Zoom


Please save the date for the next seminar in our Fall 2024 seminar series on Monday, October 14 at 4pm in ALS 4000 or via Zoom.


Dr. Alfred Hartemink - Soil carbon assessment in agroecosystems

Dr. Alfred Hartemink is Professor of Soil Science at the University of Wisconsin – Madison.  He has a MS and PhD degree in soil fertility and pedology from Wageningen University in the Netherlands and Reading University in the UK. At UW Madison, he teaches Pedology and Introduction Soil Science. His research focusses on digital soil morphometrics, soil mapping, and soil carbon in relation to real-world problems. He has developed the digital soil morphometrics discipline which transforms the way soil profiles are being studied and sampled. Prior to his current position, he was 12 years senior researcher at ISRIC–World Soil Information in the Netherlands, and coordinator of the GlobalSoilMap project. He has worked for 12 years as soil fertility expert and soil surveyor in Tanzania, DR Congo, Indonesia, Kenya, Australia and Papua New Guinea, and for shorter periods in several other countries. Alfred is SSSA Fellow, recipient of the SSSA Presidential Award, and an Honorary Member of the International Union of Soil Science (IUSS) and Dutch Society of Soil Science (NBV).


Zoom option - Register to attend 


Rachel Swindon

Administrative Program Assistant

Department of Crop and Soil Science

109C Crop Science Building

Phone: 541-737-1286

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