Firefox only: Quicktime mov files stopped playing in Dev Mode on Apple OSX 10.6 or newer updates.

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Robert Owens

May 18, 2011, 9:03:10 PM5/18/11
Regarding the issue with subject line:

HELP Quicktime mov files stopped playing on Hosted or Dev Mode on Apple OSX 10.6 or newer updates.

The above statement only applies to Firefox and perhaps only version 4.0.1 which I am running.
After testing with Safari and Chrome it was evident that Firefox was the only one on Mac OSX that was not playing videos in the BST Player for Quicktime.

Safari 5.0.5 has best performance and all elements are rendered as they have been in Firefox.
Chrome seems to run significantly slower and a popup dialog was not on top, but under video player. This can be fixed to work.

For the moment BST Player is not working with Firefox on Mac OS X 10.6 update 4 and newer.

Any ideas on how to resolve the issue with Firefox would be appreciated.

Thank you.


Sikiru Braheem

May 19, 2011, 4:22:52 AM5/19/11

BST Player is only a wrapper for media plugins. Could you get Quicktime mov to play properly in firefox without bst player i.e. using normal html object/embed methods?
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Robert Owens

May 19, 2011, 12:57:28 PM5/19/11
Hi Sikiru,

I attempted opening a .mov and a mp4 file in FireFox 4.0.1 and didn't get either to play, so you have pointed me to the problem, which appears to be in FireFox. That is definitely helpful. For our product we want it to play in any browser, but it is definitely helpful to know where the problem is and I am sure glad the other browsers work correctly.

Would you suggest logging a bug report with the FireFox folks?

Thank you for your assistance on this issue.



Jun 2, 2011, 12:41:59 AM6/2/11
to bst-player
I have this problem as well but with me the .mov DOES play when loaded
with Firefox directly. So its not the plugin.

Firefox: 4.0.1
QuickTime plugin: 7.6.6

When I try to play a .mov using BST player all I get is a black box
when running in Firefox.
In Safari everything works fine.

Here is the code I'm using to create the player.

AbstractMediaPlayer player = PlayerUtil.getPlayer( Plugin.Auto,
true, "500px",

When looking at the debug events and load events, I only get a single
debug event with
the message of using QuickTime Plugin. I don't get any other events.

If I change to Plugin.FlashPlayer then it works.

The same thing happens when trying to play an .mp3.


Jun 2, 2011, 12:34:54 AM6/2/11
to bst-player
Actually I am having the same problem but my .mov does play in FF when
I load the file directly.

Firefox 4.0.1
Quicktime Plugin 7.6.6

Code I'm using to create the player

AbstractMediaPlayer player = PlayerUtil.getPlayer( Plugin.Auto,
true, "500px",

This renders just a black box in Firefox but works in Safari.

If I change to specifically getting a Flash Player, this works in both
Firefox and Safari

AbstractMediaPlayer player =
PlayerUtil.getPlayer( Plugin.FlashPlayer,
true, "500px",

If I change to specifically getting Quick Time, I'm back to the black

AbstractMediaPlayer player =
PlayerUtil.getPlayer( Plugin.QuickTimePlayer,
true, "500px",

When I set break points on the debug events or any of the load status
events I only get an event on debug
stating using QuickTimePlayer and then that is it. No exceptions or
any other events.

This also happens if I try to play an .mp3.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Robert Owens

Jun 13, 2011, 1:17:25 PM6/13/11
Is your movie file really located at:
or do you want
./ or a subdirectory ?
but you say the code plays in Safari so your path must be correct?


Jun 14, 2011, 12:29:33 AM6/14/11
Yes it works on Safari and IE for that matter.
Just not in FF. So I know the code can find the file.

I changed my code so it tries to use FlashPlayer first and if that fails then use Plugin.Auto.
However, even the Flash player is not working in FF.

Scott Selikoff

Jun 30, 2011, 2:00:34 PM6/30/11
Hi All,

I've been noticing issues detecting and playing files using the
VLCPlayer class since updating VLC to 1.1.10. On Firefox, it displays
the message that the plugin is not installed and in IE it plays sound
but not video. This was previously working before upgrading VLC.

Can anyone confirm this issue before I spend time looking into the
source code?


Scott Selikoff

Jun 30, 2011, 7:01:38 PM6/30/11
Nevermind, it was a local browser issue.
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