George's Bruce Demo

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George Wright

Feb 12, 2009, 6:30:38 PM2/12/09
to bruce-users
I have made a short demo of bruce - presented in bruce.
I will upload the complete zip file "" which
includes the "mydemo.rst" text file and any images/video called. This
should appear under the Files link on the bruce-users page.

To start the demo on my Macbook I do this:
In Terminal cd to the bruce directory and call the script.
$ cd ~/bruce-3.2.1
$ ./
Then in the file-choose dialog I select "mydemo.rst"
Then I choose "FullScreen" and a few other things.
I haven't tried it on another platform.
At the head of the text file I have a note recording some of the
problems I have found while constructing the demo.
I would be interested in any comments and suggestions.

I plan to present this demo to the AUSOM Programmers SIG in Melbourne
next month.


George Wright

Mar 3, 2009, 1:41:29 AM3/3/09
to bruce-users
Gidday again.
I have an updated version of my bruce demo. It is in the file
In the header note I have included some notes that Richard and others
might be interested in.
I'll paste a copy here too:
* Version date 03/March/2009
* Here are a few notes on my experience with Bruce on MacBook OSX
* Not all features of Bruce are demonstrated in this file.
* Do we call it "Bruce" or "bruce"?
* To start Bruce on my Macbook:
In Terminal cd to the bruce directory and call the script.
$ cd ~/bruce-3.2.1
$ ./
* It is nice to start bruce from Terminal while developing so you
don't have to click the GUI choices over and aver again. I used
options to set fullscreen, time and pagecount:
geomacbk:bruce-3.2.1 georgewr$ ./ -ftp /Users/georgewr/
* I did try to alter the file so that the Tk GUI came up
with options already set but I haven't been able to do that yet!
* I plan to write an AppleScript app to bypass starting from
Terminal. Haven't done that yet.
* If I start fullscreen It comes up clean with the first slide. But
starting without fullscreen comes up first with a screen full of junk
which clears after a second.
* I haven't figured out what the "Run in Bullet Mode" option is
* If I don't choose "Fullscreen" my window is positioned with the
bottom line off screen. I have to manually drag the window up. Even
then the window is slightly too big.
* I seem to have to add more blank lines between new lines than
Maybe it is something to do with Unix line endings? If I want text
to start a new line I have to insert a blank line. The blank line
however shows up in the presentation - that's a new paragraph. Not
sure if this is normal ReST behaviour. How do I get a new line within
a paragraph without the extra blank line? Maybe I have to use line
blocks left bounded by '|'?
In the bruce examples test_definition_list.rst the second
definition has two paragraphs with blank line between. But the last
example has a list of dot points which don't require the separating
blank line. Both display with similar separation. I'm confused.
* Once I am in an interactive python page I can't go to the
previous page from the keyboard left/right arrows. I can navigate from
the mouse with left/right click outside the python area. Or use track
pad but not arrows.
* There is no cursor on the interactive python area. Also no memory/
history of previous entries.
* I don't know how to call a sound file - .mp3 for example
I've tried .. sound:: song.mp3 but that doesn't work. Can't find
* Richard Jones tells me sound has not yet been implemented.
* Some of the bruce markups will generate errors in pure
ReStructuredText environments.
* For example if you use the script from docutils
all the .. style markups are not recognised.
% mydemo.rst mydemo.html
will generate the browser readable file mydemo.html including
* After viewing my dull layout Richard sees that "I need to
whole-paragraph background coloring".
* Another note from Richard "I'm going to have to add HTML output
to Bruce itself so it can handle (squash) the custom bruce directives.
Feel free to petition the docutils authors to have rst2html grow an --
ignore-unknown-directives option"
* Richard also notes that he is not handling "reference", "figure"
and "caption" yet.
* I get 3 separate Unhandled document node warnings - for
"reference", "figure" and "caption" probably from my "Another Example"
page although the warning does not point to a line in the text file.
* I notice if I click too quickly through the slides I get an
Exception: Child not found: < object at 0x16337490>
Probably serves me right!
* The --list-styles option gives an output:
/ -ftp --list-styles
Available built-in style names:
*When I try to load with the style specified I get an error for all
except "default":
geomacbk:bruce-3.2.1 georgewr$ ./ -ftp --style white-on-
black /Users/georgewr/Desktop/MyDemo/GeorgesBruceDemo/mydemo.rst
File "", line 209, in copy
AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'copy'

Looking forward to hearing some reactions.

George Wright

Apr 21, 2009, 2:02:50 AM4/21/09
to bruce-users
Gidday again
My latest version is uploaded to the files section today
Named ""
I include the use of "expose" and an AppleScript to start up on Mac
Would love to hear from someone who has run the demo.
It worked quite well at the AUSOM Programmers SIG in April.

On Mar 3, 4:41 pm, George Wright <> wrote:
> Gidday again.
> I have an updated version of my bruce demo. It is in the file
> "".
> In the header note I have included some notes that Richard and others
> might be interested in.
> I'll paste a copy here too:
>    * Version date 03/March/2009

> Looking forward to hearing some reactions.
> George
> On Feb 13, 10:30 am, George Wright <> wrote:
> > Gidday
> > I have made a short demo of bruce - presented in bruce.
> > I will upload the complete zip file "" which
> > includes the "mydemo.rst" text file and any images/video called. This

George Wright

Apr 21, 2009, 2:32:27 AM4/21/09
to bruce-users

I neglected to mention that you will have to change the permissions of
"myBrucePresentation" file to make it executable!
$ chmod 755 myBrucePresentation
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