On Wed, Sep 9, 2015 at 9:19 PM, Jimmy Wärting <
ji...@warting.se> wrote:
> My secure site can't make jsonp request
https://code.google.com/p/browserscope/issues/detail?id=356 However,
the bug tracker is now read-only.
This is the only thing stopping
jsperf.com from working over HTTPS :(
Lindsey, how much work would it be to enable HTTPS on Browserscope?
The quickest/easiest way is probably just by enabling Cloudflare for
the site (is free, requires no changes to the server/code itself —
only to DNS, and takes ~5 minutes). If a little bit of server config
is no problem, then Let’s Encrypt (
https://letsencrypt.org/) can be
used to get a free certificate.