Standalone browsermob-proxy / MITM configuration

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Steven E

Dec 2, 2016, 5:01:53 PM12/2/16
to BrowserMob Proxy
I would like to use the browsermob-proxy with MITM support in standalone mode.

Is there a guide on how to create a new CA certificate / private key and add these files to the proxy ssl directory so the proxy with MITM support can be used in standalone mode.  When I create a self-signed CA certificate / key pair and replace the provided cert / key files, I get warnings about using a self signed certificate.   The example in the github documentation under the Trusted Root Certificates heading only shows a java example on how to trust a self signed certificate.  Does this mean usage of user signed certificates is not supported in standalone mode unless I modify the Java code and recompile?

Thank you for any support you can provide with this issue.  

Note:  I am willing to provide the steps I've taken to create my CA certificate, install them into the proxy, and how I'm testing / error messages if any of this would help. 


Steven E

Dec 6, 2016, 12:07:09 AM12/6/16
to BrowserMob Proxy
I figured out a way to use my self-signed CA certificate / key pair with browsermob-proxy with MITM support in standalone mode.  Since the steps were not obvious (at least to me), I'll provide the complete steps.

Generate a new key:
openssl genrsa -out rootCA.key 2048

Create a self-signed certificate:
openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -key rootCA.key -sha256 -days 3650 -out rootCA.pem

  • I used 3650 days (10 years) to match the certificate provided with the proxy server.
  • It's going to ask for some meta information.  Be very generous / descriptive with your choice of words.  It will help you find your certificate should you install it in a browser.  Example.  The provided keys use information like "CN=LittleProxy MITM, O=LittleProxy RSA Impersonation CA"

Convert the .pem file to .p12
openssl pkcs12 -export -out ca-keystore-rsa.p12 -inkey rootCA.key -in rootCA.pem -certfile rootCA.pem -name key

  • When it asks for a password, use "password".  The proxy server expects this file to be protected with this basic password.
  • '-name key' -- this part of the statement inserts meta data (Bag Attributes -- friendlyName) used by the proxy to find the correct key.
Rename rootCA.pem to ca-certificate-rsa.cer so it matches what the proxy calls the file.

The new cert / key files need to be inserted into the proxy codebase in three places.  (I think it is only required in the file lib/browsermob-dist-2.1.2.jar, but since the files exist in three places, we should update all of them.)

Replace the cert / key files in /ssl-support directory
Replace the cert / key files in lib/browsermob-dist-2.1.2.jar
Replace the cert / key files in browsermob-core-2.1.2-sources.jar

Jar files are basically zip archives.  Use your favorite zip tool to change these files out.

Bounce the proxy servers to see your new keys.

To test:

curl --cacert ../local-certs/rootCA.pem --verbose --proxy localhost:8081 --compress

Note:  You you'll need to point to your locally generate cert file.

I don't know if this is the best way, or the method the developers had intended us to use.  However, it was the only way I could find to use my self-signed certs in standalone mode.

Hope this helps.


Dec 11, 2016, 4:08:34 PM12/11/16
to BrowserMob Proxy
That's about right for the current standalone mode. The upcoming REST API refactor is going to include an easier way to install custom certificates and keys when using BMP.

Viacheslav Gordiievskyi

Apr 6, 2020, 11:17:00 PM4/6/20
to BrowserMob Proxy

Hi there,

Sorry but I am looking for this better way with new refactored api. Is it already in place or Steven's steps still need to be used ?
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