Final Banquet Info.

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John & Marlene

Jan 8, 2011, 12:34:35 AM1/8/11
to rugby
hey all.

couple things for tomorrow. if you forgot the banquet is from 7-9pm at:

Cross of Life Lutheran Church
20700 West North Avenue
Brookfield, WI 53045-4030

Dress Code:
-pretty simple. we just ask no sweatpants, no sweatshirts, and no tshirts. jeans and a nice shirt is as dressed up as you have to get.

Food List:
Brusky- pasta salad
Bukvich- fruit/munchies
Cashin- pasta dish
DeGroote- fruit
Donovan- fruit fluff
Driscoll- cake
Fried- chop suey casserole
Gillilan- bacon water chestnuts
Holt- fruit/plates/silverware
Huwatcheck- dessert/cheesy potatoes
Jacobson- veggie platter
Klein- drinks
Landwehr- drinks/pizza dip
Levonowich- spaghetti bake
Morack- drinks
Norman- cheese chicken casserole
Powell- dessert
Santulli- strawberry spinach salad
Sokol- drinks/taco dip
Stich- salad
Tuchalski- cookies/chips&dip
Wiesmueller- turkey/dessert

thanks for all the help with bringing this guys. if you have any questions or wanna switch what you're bringing...lemme know or just pick something in like the same area as what you were already bringing.

Lastly...if you have not gotten or given your secret santa present yet, lets try and figure that all out tomorrow. (i have alices and shelbys...yes alice yours is still alive) and for those that went bowling and still have not paid me please bring that tomorrow too.

that is all.
ps..keep sending emily holt your emails so we can set up a new group.
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