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The study groups question.

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Dave Patterson

Jun 4, 2007, 4:20:23 PM6/4/07
to bristol.jug
I've set up study groups in the office before. We ran a patterns group
for a few months that was a bit heavy going but certainly made me
think differently about the work I was doing at the time.

I also organised some group sessions while studying for my SCJP. There
are plenty of java related certifications that can boost your ego and
add a bit of sparkle to your CV. The group aspect also gives you a bit
of motivation to crack open the books so you know what you're talking
about when you get together.

Is anyone studying for an exam at the moment?

Would you be interested in comparing notes with other people?

Do you need to brush up on your Java5 syntax?

Do you know about the various certification options available?

Did you know there is a Prometric test center in Stoke Gifford?

I'm not planning to take any exams in the near future so I'm not
volunteering on this one but I'm happy to facilitate if you need a

Again - feedback please.


Dave Patterson.

Ant Ireland

Jun 8, 2007, 5:02:21 PM6/8/07
to bristol.jug
Like I said in my intro, I've done the programmer's and web
certification, both of which were a bit pedantic and syntax-based for
my liking, but I did learn a lot from both. I also ran a couple of
study groups for these, so would be prepared to help out / give advice
if people are interested.

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