The recruiters question.

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Dave Patterson

Jun 4, 2007, 8:04:37 PM6/4/07
to bristol.jug
In the last couple of years I've had email from several recruitment
consultants who were eager to be "involved". Finding new work is an
obvious benefit of this kind of group so I don't want to send them
away but I don't want the forum to be swamped with job chatter at the
expense of other topics.

A possible solution is to set up a second group specifically for job
related posts. (One persons spam is another persons career-saving

What do people think about inviting recruiters if we have a formal
meeting? The feedback I've read from other groups sounds like it can
work if there are clear terms about how and when they pitch jobs.

There is also the issue of employers. They may take a dim view of a
group that openly tries to poach their staff. Is that a concern?

I throw this one open to the group again. More feedback please.

Dave Patterson

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