Intro / AndyS

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Jun 7, 2007, 3:55:55 PM6/7/07
to bristol.jug

I'm Andy Seaborne. I'm at HPlabs where I work in the Semantic Web research
group. The group uses Java in several open source projects that we have.

I started with Java back in Java 1.1 days and have used it for several
project areas since then. Mostly, this has been at the infrastructure level
of databases, parsers and core systems.

Thanks to DaveP for getting this off the ground.


Dave Patterson

Jun 7, 2007, 5:59:16 PM6/7/07
to bristol.jug
Hi Andy - welcome to the party!

Sounds like Bristol is a bit of a semantic web hub. I'd be interested
to hear more about it.

Feel free to pass on the group invitation to other HP guys.

Dave P.

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