How to display potentially very large file with brick?

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Михаил Доронин

Dec 9, 2018, 11:27:48 AM12/9/18
to Brick Users
I'm trying to build a substitute for


My current attempt is here.

Relevant lines.

TuiState = TuiState { lines :: V.Vector BC.ByteString , topLine :: Int } deriving (Show, Eq)

:: TuiState -> [Widget Name]
(TuiState lines topLine) = [viewport Viewport1 Vertical $ str $ BC.unpack $ BC.unlines $ V.toList $ V.drop topLine lines] handleTuiEvent :: TuiState -> BrickEvent Name e -> EventM Name (Next TuiState) handleTuiEvent s@(TuiState lines topLine) e = case e of VtyEvent vtye -> case vtye of EvKey (KChar 'q') [] -> halt s EvKey (KChar 'j') [] -> do let vp = viewportScroll Viewport1 vScrollBy vp 1 continue s EvKey (KChar 'k') [] -> do let vp = viewportScroll Viewport1 vScrollBy vp (-1) continue s EvKey (KChar 'g') [] -> do c <- getEnv "LINES" continue $ TuiState lines (topLine + (read c)) _ -> continue s _ -> continue s

I have troubles with how to show large file. Should I just use one str and a ViewPort? But I can't scroll ViewPort let's say to n'th line or half screen because I don't know how to know screen height.
I could use one str and implement scrolling by limiting by getting appropriate range of lines from all lines, but again I don't know to to get screen height.

Jonathan Daugherty

Dec 9, 2018, 1:52:25 PM12/9/18
to Михаил Доронин,

> I have troubles with how to show large file. Should I just use one str
> and a ViewPort? But I can't scroll ViewPort let's say to n'th line or
> half screen because I don't know how to know screen height. I could
> use one str and implement scrolling by limiting by getting appropriate
> range of lines from all lines, but again I don't know to to get screen
> height.

This section of the User Guide details how to get the rendering area

Jonathan Daugherty

Михаил Доронин

Dec 9, 2018, 2:21:35 PM12/9/18
to Brick Users
Thank you for your answer.

Yeah, I've read this, but where should I use it? I can't use it from event handler, but it's already in the event monad, so I can't use getContext from there. Maybe I need some monad transformer or something? Can you provide example?

Jonathan Daugherty

Dec 9, 2018, 2:50:32 PM12/9/18
> Yeah, I've read this, but where should I use it? I can't use it
> from event handler, but it's already in the event monad, so I can't
> use getContext from there. Maybe I need some monad transformer or
> something? Can you provide example?

The rendering context is available in the rendering monad that is used
in the 'render' field of 'Widget'. So the source for any built-in
combinator can provide insight about how to get and use the context. For
example, 'fill' uses the context's available height and width fields to
create a character fill to fill available space:

You might have something like

import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Vector as V

renderPager :: Int -> V.Vector T.Text -> Widget n
renderPager lineOffset textLines =
Widget Greedy Greedy $ do
ctx <- getContext
let visibleLines = -- Take slice of lines from the vector starting at lineOffset,
-- of size (ctx^.availHeightL - lineOffset)
render $ txt $ T.unlines $ F.toList visibleLines

Then it would be up to you to mutate the line offset in your event
handler on e.g. arrow key events.

Jonathan Daugherty
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Михаил Доронин

Dec 10, 2018, 4:01:34 PM12/10/18
to Brick Users
Yeah, I've already tried that actually. I think I wasn't clear enough.

Suppose I want to go half page down. In the event handler I don't know how much lines are 'half page'.
I can only know that inside the widget. Basically my next state depends on a widget state.
9 Dec

Jonathan Daugherty

Dec 10, 2018, 4:07:35 PM12/10/18
to Михаил Доронин, Brick Users
> Yeah, I've already tried that actually. I think I wasn't clear enough.
> Suppose I want to go half page down. In the event handler I don't
> know how much lines are 'half page'. I can only know that inside the
> widget. Basically my next state depends on a widget state.

You can get that information by looking up the viewport in EventM with

From that you'll have enough information to decide how much to scroll

or even

Jonathan Daugherty
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